108 resultados para Morse oscillator


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The J + 1 ← J transitions (J = 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) in the microwave spectrum of SiH3NCO have been assigned for the vibrational ground state and for the vibrational states v10 = 1, 2, and 3. The results for v10 = 0 confirm earlier work. The vibration-rotation constants show a remarkable variation with v10 and l10. To a large extent the anomalous behavior of these constants has been explained in terms of a strongly anharmonic potential function for the ν10 vibrational mode.


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Newly observed data on the rotational constants of carbon suboxide in excited vibrational states of the low-wavenumber bending vibration ν7 have been successfully interpreted in terms of the two-dimensional anharmonic oscillator wavefunctions associated with this vibration. By combining these results with published infrared and Raman spectra the vibrational assignment has been extended and a refined bending potential for ν7 has been derived: this has a minimum at a bending angle of about 24° at the central C atom, with an energy maximum at the linear configuration some 23 cm−1 above the minimum. From similar data on the combination and hot bands of ν7 with ν4 (1587 cm−1) and ν2 (786 cm−1) the effective ν7 bending potential has also been determined in the one-quantum excited states of ν4 and ν2. The effective ν7 potential shows significant changes from the ground vibrational state; the central hump in the ν7 potential surface is increased to about 50 cm−1 in the v4 = 1 state, and decreased to about 1 cm−1 in the v2 = 1 state. In the light of these results vibrational assignments are suggested for most of the observed bands in the infrared and Raman spectra of C3O2.


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The lowest-wavenumber vibration of HCNO and DCNO, ν5, is known to involve a largeamplitude low-frequency anharmonic bending of the CH bond against the CNO frame. In this paper the anomalous vibrational dependence of the observed rotational constants B(v5, l5), and of the observed l-doubling interactions, is interpreted according to a simple effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian in which the appropriate vibrational operators are averaged in an anharmonic potential surface over the normal coordinates (Q5x, Q5y). All of the data on both isotopes are interpreted according to a single potential surface having a minimum energy at a slightly bent configuration of the HCN angle ( 170°) with a maximum at the linear configuration about 2 cm−1 higher. The other coefficients in the Hamiltonian are also interpreted in terms of the structure and the harmonic and anharmonic force fields; the substitution structure at the “hypothetical linear configuration” determined in this way gives a CH bond length of 1.060 Å, in contrast to the value 1.027 Å determined from the ground-state rotational constants. We also discuss the difficulties in rationalizing our effective Hamiltonian in terms of more fundamental theory, as well as the success and limitations of its use in practice.


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A program has been developed to calculate the energy levels and corresponding wavefunctions for a two‐dimensional anharmonic potential surface of at least C2v symmetry. This program has been employed to explain the high resolution splittings observed in the far infrared spectrum of 2,5‐dihydrofuran. The magnitude of the cross term connecting the ring‐twisting and ring‐puckering modes of 2,5‐dihydrofuran is sufficiently large to be significant. The potential surface determined also suggests that the ring‐twisting mode may be slightly anharmonic.


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In 1997, the UK implemented the worlds first commercial digital terrestrial television system. Under the ETS 300 744 standard, the chosen modulation method, COFDM, is assumed to be multipath resilient. Previous work has shown that this is not necessarily the case. It has been shown that the local oscillator required for demodulation from intermediate-frequency to baseband must be very accurate. This paper shows that under multipath conditions, standard methods for obtaining local oscillator phase lock may not be adequate. This paper demonstrates a set of algorithms designed for use with a simple local oscillator circuit which will allow correction for local oscillator phase offset to maintain a low bit error rate with multipath present.


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Under multipath conditions, standard Video Intermediate Frequency (VIF) detectors generate a local oscillator phase error and consequently produce a dispersed non-ideal detected video signal due to the presence of additional IF carriers. The dispersed video causes problems when attempting to identify and remove the multipath interference, or ghosts, by the use of Digital Signal Processing and digital filtering. A digital phase lock system is presented which derives the correct phase for synchronous detection in the presence of multipath by using correlation information that has already been calculated as part of the deghosting process. As a result, the video deghoster system is made simpler, faster and more economical.


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We construct a two-variable model which describes the interaction between local baroclinicity and eddy heat flux in order to understand aspects of the variance in storm tracks. It is a heuristic model for diabatically forced baroclinic instability close to baroclinic neutrality. The two-variable model has the structure of a nonlinear oscillator. It exhibits some realistic properties of observed storm track variability, most notably the intermittent nature of eddy activity. This suggests that apparent threshold behaviour can be more accurately and succinctly described by a simple nonlinearity. An analogy is drawn with triggering of convective events.


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The prediction of climate variability and change requires the use of a range of simulation models. Multiple climate model simulations are needed to sample the inherent uncertainties in seasonal to centennial prediction. Because climate models are computationally expensive, there is a tradeoff between complexity, spatial resolution, simulation length, and ensemble size. The methods used to assess climate impacts are examined in the context of this trade-off. An emphasis on complexity allows simulation of coupled mechanisms, such as the carbon cycle and feedbacks between agricultural land management and climate. In addition to improving skill, greater spatial resolution increases relevance to regional planning. Greater ensemble size improves the sampling of probabilities. Research from major international projects is used to show the importance of synergistic research efforts. The primary climate impact examined is crop yield, although many of the issues discussed are relevant to hydrology and health modeling. Methods used to bridge the scale gap between climate and crop models are reviewed. Recent advances include large-area crop modeling, quantification of uncertainty in crop yield, and fully integrated crop–climate modeling. The implications of trends in computer power, including supercomputers, are also discussed.


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The practical application of systemic sustainability analysis (SSA; Bell and Morse, 1999) as applied in-a project instigated and managed by 'Blue Plan', one of the regional activity centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan, is set out and explained in this paper. The context in which SSA was applied and adapted to SPSA (systemic and prospective sustainability analysis). is described in the Mediterranean, primarily in Malta. The SSA process is summarized, its extension and linkage to the prospective approach is described and the comments of stakeholders in the context are added. Some preliminary outcomes are suggested. The pauticular focus of the paper is on the lessons learned from doing SSA/SPSA within a classic blueprint project framework. It is-not assumed that SSA/SPSA is 'finished' or 'definitive'. Rather, we suggest that it is a developing and changing approach that practitioners can adapt and change to meet the specific needs of the circumstances that confront them. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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In work undertaken in both Malta and Lebanon we have been reflecting on the current means by which the international community apply concepts intended to achieve what is called "sustainable development." In an attempt to make means and ends conform to each other we have developed a holistic approach to what is essentially a timeless need for understanding, systemic planning, and compassionate stewardship. This essay indicates that we may be closer to holistic means with which to realize these goals than we know. It describes how some planning and analysis methods have their origins in ancient traditions. However, the milieu in which sustainability occurs is often unsympathetic to and sometimes incompatible with the ideals of holism. The essay assesses the current understanding of sustainability and points to the need for a wider and more inclusive base to contemporary sustainability as practiced in the community.


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This paper explores the apparent contradiction between the 'linearity' of most Sustainable Development projects, with time-bound and defined outputs achieved at a fixed cost, and an implied 'circularity' of the theory whereby there is no 'end'. Projects usually have clear parameters within which they are implemented, and the inclusion of elements such as the need for accountability, measurable impact and,value for money' have grown in importance. It could be argued that we live in a 'projectified' and therefore linear world. The paper explores the potential contradiction between 'linearity' and 'circularity', and suggests that one way around this is to frame the project within a form of the Kolb Learning Cycle heuristic. This will facilitate a rationalisation from those implementing the sustainable development project as to why decisions are being made and for whom. If these questions are opened up to the project stakeholders, including beneficiaries, then the Kolb cycle could encourage learning and understanding by all involved. It could also provide Sustainability Therapy to those trapped in processes, which they find orthogonal to their own perceptions. It is suggested that such learning, therapy and reflective practice should be a valid output of the sustainable development project, although typically the focus is only upon the final outputs and how they feed into policy. Ironically funders would be well advised to take a broader perspective in order to achieve true 'value for money' within such projects, even if learning is not an easily measurable or tangible outcome. These points are explored within the context of the wider literature and experience with a sustainable development project undertaken in Malta. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper constitutes an attempt to find a means to represent multiple stories in the strong narrative of conventional sustainable development (SD) projects. The authors' experience of such projects in various parts of the world indicates that they have a tendency to arise from and reflect a dominant mindset, placing the SD project in what can be a working environment that is inimical to the very ideals that SD is supposed to represent. Short-termism and value for money drive project formats and objectives, whilst counter-narratives and alternative stories arising from stakeholders in such projects are often ignored. Yet these alternative threads often contain strong SD messages of their own and could, if effectively utilized, enhance the SD project process. This paper sets out the case for a new field - 'project ethnography' - allied with the growing use of meta-analysis to compare project 'stories'. The analytical model applied to compare projects is based on the Kolb learning cycle and involves a (3 X 4)-fold questioning of project conceptual ization and roll-out. Copyright @ 2oo6 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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Problem structuring methods or PSMs are widely applied across a range of variable but generally small-scale organizational contexts. However, it has been argued that they are seen and experienced less often in areas of wide ranging and highly complex human activity-specifically those relating to sustainability, environment, democracy and conflict (or SEDC). In an attempt to plan, track and influence human activity in SEDC contexts, the authors in this paper make the theoretical case for a PSM, derived from various existing approaches. They show how it could make a contribution in a specific practical context-within sustainable coastal development projects around the Mediterranean which have utilized systemic and prospective sustainability analysis or, as it is now known, Imagine. The latter is itself a PSM but one which is 'bounded' within the limits of the project to help deliver the required 'deliverables' set out in the project blueprint. The authors argue that sustainable development projects would benefit from a deconstruction of process by those engaged in the project and suggest one approach that could be taken-a breakout from a project-bounded PSM to an analysis that embraces the project itself. The paper begins with an introduction to the sustainable development context and literature and then goes on to illustrate the issues by grounding the debate within a set of projects facilitated by Blue Plan for Mediterranean coastal zones. The paper goes on to show how the analytical framework could be applied and what insights might be generated.