37 resultados para Matrix Transform Method


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Many applications, such as intermittent data assimilation, lead to a recursive application of Bayesian inference within a Monte Carlo context. Popular data assimilation algorithms include sequential Monte Carlo methods and ensemble Kalman filters (EnKFs). These methods differ in the way Bayesian inference is implemented. Sequential Monte Carlo methods rely on importance sampling combined with a resampling step, while EnKFs utilize a linear transformation of Monte Carlo samples based on the classic Kalman filter. While EnKFs have proven to be quite robust even for small ensemble sizes, they are not consistent since their derivation relies on a linear regression ansatz. In this paper, we propose another transform method, which does not rely on any a priori assumptions on the underlying prior and posterior distributions. The new method is based on solving an optimal transportation problem for discrete random variables. © 2013, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


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We describe some recent advances in the numerical solution of acoustic scattering problems. A major focus of the paper is the efficient solution of high frequency scattering problems via hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary element methods. We also make connections to the unified transform method due to A. S. Fokas and co-authors, analysing particular instances of this method, proposed by J. A. De-Santo and co-authors, for problems of acoustic scattering by diffraction gratings.


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This article presents an overview of a transform method for solving linear and integrable nonlinear partial differential equations. This new transform method, proposed by Fokas, yields a generalization and unification of various fundamental mathematical techniques and, in particular, it yields an extension of the Fourier transform method.


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We study certain boundary value problems for the one-dimensional wave equation posed in a time-dependent domain. The approach we propose is based on a general transform method for solving boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear PDE in two variables, that has been applied extensively to the study of linear parabolic and elliptic equations. Here we analyse the wave equation as a simple illustrative example to discuss the particular features of this method in the context of linear hyperbolic PDEs, which have not been studied before in this framework.


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We solve a Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Klein–Gordon equation posed in a time-dependent domain. Our approach is based on a general transform method for solving boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear PDE in two variables. Our results consist of the inversion formula for a generalized Fourier transform, and of the application of this generalized transform to the solution of the boundary value problem.


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We study initial-boundary value problems for linear evolution equations of arbitrary spatial order, subject to arbitrary linear boundary conditions and posed on a rectangular 1-space, 1-time domain. We give a new characterisation of the boundary conditions that specify well-posed problems using Fokas' transform method. We also give a sufficient condition guaranteeing that the solution can be represented using a series. The relevant condition, the analyticity at infinity of certain meromorphic functions within particular sectors, is significantly more concrete and easier to test than the previous criterion, based on the existence of admissible functions.


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We give a characterisation of the spectral properties of linear differential operators with constant coefficients, acting on functions defined on a bounded interval, and determined by general linear boundary conditions. The boundary conditions may be such that the resulting operator is not selfadjoint. We associate the spectral properties of such an operator $S$ with the properties of the solution of a corresponding boundary value problem for the partial differential equation $\partial_t q \pm iSq=0$. Namely, we are able to establish an explicit correspondence between the properties of the family of eigenfunctions of the operator, and in particular whether this family is a basis, and the existence and properties of the unique solution of the associated boundary value problem. When such a unique solution exists, we consider its representation as a complex contour integral that is obtained using a transform method recently proposed by Fokas and one of the authors. The analyticity properties of the integrand in this representation are crucial for studying the spectral theory of the associated operator.


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The usefulness of motor subtypes of delirium is unclear due to inconsistency in subtyping methods and a lack of validation with objective measures of activity. The activity of 40 patients was measured over 24 h with a discrete accelerometer-based activity monitor. The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) with various mother wavelets were applied to accelerometry data from three randomly selected patients with DSM-IV delirium that were readily divided into hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed motor subtypes. A classification tree used the periods of overall movement as measured by the discrete accelerometer-based monitor as determining factors for which to classify these delirious patients. This data used to create the classification tree were based upon the minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and number of coefficient values, generated over a range of scales by the CWT. The classification tree was subsequently used to define the remaining motoric subtypes. The use of a classification system shows how delirium subtypes can be categorized in relation to overall motoric behavior. The classification system was also implemented to successfully define other patient motoric subtypes. Motor subtypes of delirium defined by observed ward behavior differ in electronically measured activity levels.


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For certain observing types, such as those that are remotely sensed, the observation errors are correlated and these correlations are state- and time-dependent. In this work, we develop a method for diagnosing and incorporating spatially correlated and time-dependent observation error in an ensemble data assimilation system. The method combines an ensemble transform Kalman filter with a method that uses statistical averages of background and analysis innovations to provide an estimate of the observation error covariance matrix. To evaluate the performance of the method, we perform identical twin experiments using the Lorenz ’96 and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky models. Using our approach, a good approximation to the true observation error covariance can be recovered in cases where the initial estimate of the error covariance is incorrect. Spatial observation error covariances where the length scale of the true covariance changes slowly in time can also be captured. We find that using the estimated correlated observation error in the assimilation improves the analysis.


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Imagery registration is a fundamental step, which greatly affects later processes in image mosaic, multi-spectral image fusion, digital surface modelling, etc., where the final solution needs blending of pixel information from more than one images. It is highly desired to find a way to identify registration regions among input stereo image pairs with high accuracy, particularly in remote sensing applications in which ground control points (GCPs) are not always available, such as in selecting a landing zone on an outer space planet. In this paper, a framework for localization in image registration is developed. It strengthened the local registration accuracy from two aspects: less reprojection error and better feature point distribution. Affine scale-invariant feature transform (ASIFT) was used for acquiring feature points and correspondences on the input images. Then, a homography matrix was estimated as the transformation model by an improved random sample consensus (IM-RANSAC) algorithm. In order to identify a registration region with a better spatial distribution of feature points, the Euclidean distance between the feature points is applied (named the S criterion). Finally, the parameters of the homography matrix were optimized by the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm with selective feature points from the chosen registration region. In the experiment section, the Chang’E-2 satellite remote sensing imagery was used for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. The experiment result demonstrates that the proposed method can automatically locate a specific region with high registration accuracy between input images by achieving lower root mean square error (RMSE) and better distribution of feature points.


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A numerical algorithm for the biharmonic equation in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries is presented. It is intended for problems describing the Stokes flow in the situations where one has corners or cusps formed by parts of the domain boundary and, due to the nature of the boundary conditions on these parts of the boundary, these regions have a global effect on the shape of the whole domain and hence have to be resolved with sufficient accuracy. The algorithm combines the boundary integral equation method for the main part of the flow domain and the finite-element method which is used to resolve the corner/cusp regions. Two parts of the solution are matched along a numerical ‘internal interface’ or, as a variant, two interfaces, and they are determined simultaneously by inverting a combined matrix in the course of iterations. The algorithm is illustrated by considering the flow configuration of ‘curtain coating’, a flow where a sheet of liquid impinges onto a moving solid substrate, which is particularly sensitive to what happens in the corner region formed, physically, by the free surface and the solid boundary. The ‘moving contact line problem’ is addressed in the framework of an earlier developed interface formation model which treats the dynamic contact angle as part of the solution, as opposed to it being a prescribed function of the contact line speed, as in the so-called ‘slip models’. Keywords: Dynamic contact angle; finite elements; free surface flows; hybrid numerical technique; Stokes equations.


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Many recent inverse scattering techniques have been designed for single frequency scattered fields in the frequency domain. In practice, however, the data is collected in the time domain. Frequency domain inverse scattering algorithms obviously apply to time-harmonic scattering, or nearly time-harmonic scattering, through application of the Fourier transform. Fourier transform techniques can also be applied to non-time-harmonic scattering from pulses. Our goal here is twofold: first, to establish conditions on the time-dependent waves that provide a correspondence between time domain and frequency domain inverse scattering via Fourier transforms without recourse to the conventional limiting amplitude principle; secondly, we apply the analysis in the first part of this work toward the extension of a particular scattering technique, namely the point source method, to scattering from the requisite pulses. Numerical examples illustrate the method and suggest that reconstructions from admissible pulses deliver superior reconstructions compared to straight averaging of multi-frequency data. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Techniques for obtaining quantitative values of the temperatures and concentrations of remote hot gaseous effluents from their measured passive emission spectra have been examined in laboratory experiments. The high sensitivity of the spectrometer in the vicinity of the 2397 cm-1 band head region of CO2 has allowed the gas temperature to be calculated from the relative intensity of the observed rotational lines. The spatial distribution of the CO2 in a methane flame has been reconstructed tomographically using a matrix inversion technique. The spectrometer has been calibrated against a black body source at different temperatures and a self absorption correction has been applied to the data avoiding the need to measure the transmission directly. Reconstruction artifacts have been reduced by applying a smoothing routine to the inversion matrix.


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The influence matrix is used in ordinary least-squares applications for monitoring statistical multiple-regression analyses. Concepts related to the influence matrix provide diagnostics on the influence of individual data on the analysis - the analysis change that would occur by leaving one observation out, and the effective information content (degrees of freedom for signal) in any sub-set of the analysed data. In this paper, the corresponding concepts have been derived in the context of linear statistical data assimilation in numerical weather prediction. An approximate method to compute the diagonal elements of the influence matrix (the self-sensitivities) has been developed for a large-dimension variational data assimilation system (the four-dimensional variational system of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Results show that, in the boreal spring 2003 operational system, 15% of the global influence is due to the assimilated observations in any one analysis, and the complementary 85% is the influence of the prior (background) information, a short-range forecast containing information from earlier assimilated observations. About 25% of the observational information is currently provided by surface-based observing systems, and 75% by satellite systems. Low-influence data points usually occur in data-rich areas, while high-influence data points are in data-sparse areas or in dynamically active regions. Background-error correlations also play an important role: high correlation diminishes the observation influence and amplifies the importance of the surrounding real and pseudo observations (prior information in observation space). Incorrect specifications of background and observation-error covariance matrices can be identified, interpreted and better understood by the use of influence-matrix diagnostics for the variety of observation types and observed variables used in the data assimilation system. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society