36 resultados para Hydrogen-peroxide


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The Holocene estuarine silts of the Severn Estuary Levels (southwest Britain) are representative of their kind in northwest Europe. They contain two broad types of plant material: particles codeposited with mineral grains from the estuarine water body, and extraneous debris (stems of indigenous prior plants; post depositional root matter) which is difficult to remove completely by physical means. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide before laser granulometry removes all plant material regardless of kind, drastically reduces values for the mean grain size and median size relative to untreated samples, but has little effect on the mode, except for a restricted group of bimodal-platykurtic, medium-coarse silts. It is concluded that, in the case of sediments of the general kind examined, no advantages acrue from the treatment of samples with hydrogen peroxide prior to analysis. Although a discrete rather than continuous variable, values of the mode obtained from untreated sediments are suggested to be acceptable for most purposes where a measure of central tendency is required.


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Recently. Carter and Handy [J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000) 987] have introduced the theory of the reaction path Hamiltonian (RPH) [J. Chem. Phys. 72 (1980) 99] into the variational scheme MULTIMODE, for the calculation of the J = 0 vibrational levels of polyatomic molecules, which have a single large-amplitude motion. In this theory the reaction path coordinate s becomes the fourth dimension of the moment-of-inertia tensor, and must be treated separately from the remaining 3N - 7 normal coordinates in the MULTIMODE program. In the modified program, complete integration is performed over s, and the M-mode MULTIMODE coupling approximation for the evaluation of the matrix elements applies only to the 3N - 7 normal coordinates. In this paper the new algorithm is extended to the calculation of rotational-vibration energy levels (i.e. J > 0) with the RPH, following from our analogous implementation for rigid molecules [Theoret. Chem. Acc. 100 (1998) 191]. The full theory is given, and all extra terms have been included to give the exact kinetic energy operator. In order to validate the new code, we report studies on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), where the reaction path is equivalent to torsional motion. H2O2 has previously been studied variationally using a valence coordinate Hamiltonian; complete agreement for calculated rovibrational levels is obtained between the previous results and those from the new code, using the identical potential surface. MULTIMODE is now able to calculate rovibrational levels for polyatomic molecules which have one large-amplitude motion. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two oxorhenium(V) complexes with bidentate phosphine ligands were synthesized and isolated as [ReOCl3(dppm)] 1 and [ReOCl3(dppp)] 2 [where dppm = 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino) methane and dppp = 1.3-bis(diphenylphosphino) propanel. Complex 2 was structurally characterized. Both the complexes were used as catalysts in the epoxidation of olefins using NaHCO3 as co-catalyst and H2O2 as terminal oxidant. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of activation of the lactoperoxidase (LPO) system by H2O2-NaSCN and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the accessibility of sulphydryl groups (SH) in skimmed milk, and on the dynamic rheological properties of the resulting yoghurt were investigated. Four different concentrations of each reagent (20-80 mg H2O2-NaSCN/kg milk and 100-400 mg H2O2/kg milk) were compared. Clear negative correlations were noted between the accessibility of SH groups and both LPO activation rate and H2O2 concentration. Also the native PAGE pattern of the heat-treated samples showed that with increase in the H2O2-NaSCN and H2O2 concentrations, the level of interaction between beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Ig) and kappa-casein (K-CN) decreased. The complex modulus (G*) of skimmed milk yoghurts declined gradually with the decrease in the concentration of accessible SH groups accordingly. Tan delta values of yoghurt samples were found to be different from the control, but close to each other, indicating that protein interaction forces taking place in the formation of gel networks of treated yoghurts were different from the control.


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Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent cancer types in Western societies and predominately occurs in the elderly male. The strong age-related increase of prostate cancer is associated with a progressive accumulation of oxidative DNA damage which is presumably supported by a decline of the cellular antioxidative defence during ageing. Risk of developing prostate cancer is much lower in many Asian countries where soy food is an integral part of diet. Therefore, isoflavones from soy were suggested to have chemopreventive activities in prostate cells. Here, we have investigated the hypothesis that the soy-isoflavone genistein could protect DNA of LAPC-4 prostate cells from oxidative stress-related damage by enhancing the expression of antioxidative genes and proteins. A 24 h preincubation with genistein (1-30 microM) protected cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay. Analysis of two cDNA macroarrays, each containing 96 genes of biotransformation and stress response, revealed a modulated expression of 3 genes at 1 microM and of 19 genes at 10 microM genistein. Real-time PCR confirmed the induction of three genes encoding products with antioxidant activities, namely glutathione reductase (2.7-fold), microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 (1.9-fold) and metallothionein 1X (6.3-fold), at 1-30 microM genistein. 17Beta-estradiol, in contrast, decreased the expression of metallothionein 1X at 0.3 microM (2.0-fold), possibly pointing to an estrogen receptor-mediated regulation of this gene. Immunocytochemical staining revealed an induction of metallothionein proteins at 30 microM genistein, while their intracellular localization was unaffected. Metallothioneins were previously found to protect cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. Hence, our findings indicate that genistein protects prostate cells from oxidative stress-related DNA damage presumably by inducing the expression of antioxidative products, such as metallothioneins. Genistein, therefore, might counteract the age-related decline of important antioxidative defence systems which in turn maintain DNA integrity.


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To establish its significance during commercial breadmaking, dityrosine formation was quantified in flours and doughs of six commercial wheat types at various stages of the Chorleywood Bread Process. Dityrosine was formed mainly during mixing and baking, at the levels of nmol/g dry weight. Good breadmaking flours tended to exhibit higher dityrosine content in the final bread than low quality ones, but no relationship was found for dityrosine as a proportion of flour protein content, indicating that the latter was still a dominant factor in the analysis. There was no correlation between gluten yield of the six wheat types and their typical dityrosine concentrations, suggesting that dityrosine crosslinks were not a determinant factor for gluten formation. Ascorbic acid was found to inhibit dityrosine formation during mixing and proving, and have no significant effect on dityrosine in the final bread. Hydrogen peroxide promoted dityrosine formation, which suggests a radical mechanism involving endogenous peroxidases might be the responsible for dityrosine formation during breadmaking.


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Germin is a hydrogen peroxide generating oxalate oxidase with extreme thermal stability; it is involved in the defense against biotic and abiotic stress in plants. The structure, determined at 1.6 A resolution, comprises beta-jellyroll monomers locked into a homohexamer (a trimer of dimers), with extensive surface burial accounting for its remarkable stability. The germin dimer is structurally equivalent to the monomer of the 7S seed storage proteins (vicilins), indicating evolution from a common ancestral protein. A single manganese ion is bound per germin monomer by ligands similar to those of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Germin is also shown to have SOD activity and we propose that the defense against extracellular superoxide radicals is an important additional role for germin and related proteins.


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Germin is a homopentameric glycoprotein, the synthesis of which coincides with the onset of growth in germinating wheat embryos. There have been detailed studies of germin structure, biosynthesis, homology with other proteins, and of its value as a marker of wheat development. Germin isoforms associated with the apoplast have been speculated to have a role in embryo hydration during maturation and germination. Antigenically related isoforms of germin are present during germination in all of the economically important cereals studied, and the amounts of germin-like proteins and coding elements have been found to undergo conspicuous change when salt-tolerant higher plants are subjected to salt stress. In this report, we describe how circumstantial evidence arising from unrelated studies of barley oxalate oxidase and its coding elements have led to definitive evidence that the germin isoform made during wheat germination is an oxalate oxidase. Establishment of links between oxalate degradation, cereal germination, and salt tolerance has significant implications for a broad range of studies related to development and adaptation in higher plants. Roles for germin in cell wall biochemistry and tissue remodeling are discussed, with special emphasis on the generation of hydrogen peroxide during germin-induced oxidation of oxalate.


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Germin and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are encoded by a family of genes found in all plants. They are part of the cupin superfamily of biochemically diverse proteins, a superfamily that has a conserved tertiary structure, though with limited similarity in primary sequence. The subgroups of GLPs have different enzyme functions that include the two hydrogen peroxide-generating enzymes, oxalate oxidase (OxO) and superoxide dismutase. This review summarizes the sequence and structural details of GLPs and also discusses their evolutionary progression, particularly their amplification in gene number during the evolution of the land plants. In terms of function, the GLPs are known to be differentially expressed during specific periods of plant growth and development, a pattern of evolutionary subfunctionalization. They are also implicated in the response of plants to biotic (viruses, bacteria, mycorrhizae, fungi, insects, nematodes, and parasitic plants) and abiotic (salt, heat/cold, drought, nutrient, and metal) stress. Most detailed data come from studies of fungal pathogenesis in cereals. This involvement with the protection of plants from environmental stress of various types has led to numerous plant breeding studies that have found links between GLPs and QTLs for disease and stress resistance. In addition the OxO enzyme has considerable commercial significance, based principally on its use in the medical diagnosis of oxalate concentration in plasma and urine. Finally, this review provides information on the nutritional importance of these proteins in the human diet, as several members are known to be allergenic, a feature related to their thermal stability and evolutionary connection to the seed storage proteins, also members of the cupin superfamily.


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The ascidian Ciona intestinalis, a marine invertebrate chordate, is an emerging model system for developmental and evolutionary studies. The endostyle, one of the characteristic organs of ascidians, is a pharyngeal structure with iodine-concentrating and peroxidase activities and is therefore considered to be homologous to the follicular thyroid of higher vertebrates. We have previously reported that a limited part of the endostyle (zone VII) is marked by the expression of orthologs of the thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroid transcription factor-2 (TTF-2/FoxE) genes. In this study, we have identified the Ciona homolog of NADPH oxidase/peroxidase (Duox), which provides hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for iodine metabolism by TPO in the vertebrate thyroid. Expression patterns assessed by in situ hybridization have revealed that Ciona Duox (Ci-Duox) is predominantly expressed in the dorsal part of zone VII of the endostyle. Furthermore, two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization with Ci-Duox and Ciona TPO (CiTPO) has revealed that the ventral boundary of the Ci-Duox domain of expression is more dorsal than that of CiTPO. We have also characterized several genes, such as Ci-Fgf8/17/18, 5HT7, and Ci-NK4, which are predominantly expressed in the ventral part of zone VII, in a region complementary to the Ci-Duox expression domain. These observations suggest that, at the molecular level, zone VII has a complex organization that might have some impact on the specification of cell types and functions in this thyroid-equivalent element of the ascidian endostyle.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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Theoretical calculations have been carried out on the interactions of several endoperoxides which are potential antimalarials, including the clinically useful artemisinin, with two possible sources of iron in the parasite, namely the hexa-aquo ferrous ion [Fe(H2O)(6)](2+) and haeme. DFT calculations show that the reactions of all endoperoxides considered, with both sources of iron, initially generate a Fe-O bond followed by cleavage of the O-O bond to oxygen radical species. Subsequently, they can be transformed into carbon-centred radicals of greater stability. However, with [Fe(H2O)(6)](2+) as the iron source, the oxygen-centred radical species are more likely to react further akin to Fenton's reagent, whereby iron salts encourage hydrogen peroxide to act as an oxidizing agent, and that solvent plays a major role. In contrast, when reacting with haeme, the oxygen-centred radicals interconvert to more stable carbon-centred radicals, which can then alkylate haeme. Subsequent cleavage of the Fe-O bond leads to stable and inactive antimalarial products. These results indicate that the reactivity of the endoperoxides as antimalarials is greater with iron hexahydrates for radical-mediated damage as opposed to haeme, which leads to unreactive species. Since only nanomolar quantities of hydrated metal ions could catalyse the reactions leading to damage to the parasites, this could be an alternative or competitive reaction responsible for the antimalarial activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of multicarboxylic acid appended imidazolium ionic liquids ( McaILs) with chloride [ Cl](-) or bromide [ Br](-) as anions have been synthesized and characterized. Deprotonation of these ionic acids gives the corresponding zwitterions. Re-protonation of the zwitterions with strong Bronsted acids gives a series of new ionic acid-adducts, many of which remained as room-temperature ionic liquids. A new catalytic system, McaIL/PdCl2 for the selective catalytic oxidation of styrene to acetophenone with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant has been attempted. In the presence of McaILs, it is found that the quantity of palladium chloride PdCl2 used can be greatly reduced while the activity ( TOF) and selectivity towards acetophenone are enhanced sharply. It is also shown that the catalytic properties of this system could be finely tuned through the molecular design of the McaILs. The best TOF value obtained so far is 146 h(-1) with 100% conversion of styrene at 93% selectivity to acetophenone. In addition, the catalytic activity has been maintained for at least ten catalytic cycles.


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A highly efficient process for oxidative degradation of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids in hydrogen peroxide/acetic acid aqueous medium assisted by ultrasonic chemical irradiation is, for the first time, described. It is shown that more than 93% of the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cation with the corresponding Cl-, Br-, BF4- and PF6- counter-anions at a concentration of 2.5 mM can be degraded at 50 degrees C within 12 h while at 72 h the conversions approach 99%. A tentative mechanism for the degradation of these ILs is for the first time proposed through a detailed kinetic analysis of several characteristic transients and/or immediate products, which are identified during the ILs degradation using GC-MS. The results clearly indicate that three hydrogen atoms in the imidazolium ring are the first sites preferably oxidized, followed by cleavage of the alkyl groups attached to the N atoms from the ring. The nature of the alkyl chain length on the imidazolium ring and the type of counter anion do not seem to affect the degradation process. Further, selective fragmentations of C-N bonds of the imidazolium or derived ring lead to ring opening, forming degraded intermediates. It is also shown that acetoxyacetic acid and biurea are the final kinetically stable degraded products from the ILs under the degradation conditions.


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oxovanadium(V) salicylhydroximate complexes, [VO(SHA)(H2O)]center dot 1.58H(2)O (1) and [V3O3(CSHA)(3) (H2O)(3)]center dot 3CH(3)COCH(3) (2) have been synthesized by reaction of VO43- with N-salicyl hydroxamic acid (SHAHS) and N-(5-chlorosalicyl) hydroxamic acid (CSHAH(3)), respectively, in methanol medium. Compound 1 on reaction with pyridine 2,6-dicarboxylic acid (PyDCH2) yields mononuclear complex [VO(SHAH(2))(PyDC)] (3). Treatment of compound 3 with hydrogen peroxide at low pH (2-3) and low temperature (0-5 degrees C) yields a stable oxoperoxovanadium(V) complex H[VO(O-2)(PyDC)(H2O)]center dot 2.5H(2)O (4). All four complexes (1-4) have been characterized by spectroscopic (IR, UV-Vis, V-51 NMR) and single crystal X-ray analyses. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds link complex 1 into hexanuclear clusters consisting of six {VNO5} octahedra surrounded by twelve {VNO5} octahedra to form an annular ring. While the molecular packing in 2 generates a two-dimensional framework hydrogen bonds involving the solvent acetone molecules, the mononuclear complexes 3 and 4 exhibit three-dimensional supramolecular architecture. The compounds 1 and 2 behave as good catalysts for oxygenation of benzylic, aromatic, carbocyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons to their corresponding hydroxylated and oxygenated products using H2O2 as terminal oxidant; the process affords very good yield and turnover number. The catalysis work shows that cyclohexane is a very easily oxidizable substrate giving the highest turnover number (TON) while n-hexane and n-heptane show limited yield, longer time involvement and lesser TON than other hydrocarbons. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.