43 resultados para Grapevine rust mite
Soil and Vitis vinifera L (coarse and fine roots, leaves, berries) concentration and geochemical partitioning of Cu, Pb and Zn were determined in a contaminated calcareous Champagne plot to assess their mobility and transfer. Accumulation ratios in roots remained low (0.1-0.4 for Cu and Zn, <0.05 for Pb). Differences between elements resulted from vegetation uptake strategy and soil partitioning. Copper, significantly associated with the oxidisable fraction (27.8%), and Zn with the acid soluble fraction (33.3%), could be mobilised by rhizosphere acidification and oxidisation, unlike Pb, essentially contained in the reducible fraction (72.4%). Roots should not be considered as a whole since the more reactive fine roots showed higher accumulation ratios than coarse ones. More sensitive response of fine roots, lack of correlation between chemical extraction results and vegetation concentrations, and very limited translocation to aerial parts showed that fine root concentrations should be used when assessing bioavailability. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Key weather factors determining the occurrence and severity of powdery mildew and yellow rust epidemics on winter wheat were identified. Empirical models were formulated to qualitatively predict a damaging epidemic (>5% severity) and quantitatively predict the disease severity given a damaging epidemic occurred. The disease data used was from field experiments at 12 locations in the UK covering the period from 1994 to 2002 with matching data from weather stations within a 5 km range. Wind in December to February was the most influential factor for a damaging epidemic of powdery mildew. Disease severity was best identified by a model with temperature, humidity, and rain in April to June. For yellow rust, the temperature in February to June was the most influential factor for a damaging epidemic as well as for disease severity. The qualitative models identified favorable circumstances for damaging epidemics, but damaging epidemics did not always occur in such circumstances, probably due to other factors such as the availability of initial inoculum and cultivar resistance.
Varroa destructor is a parasitic mite of the Eastern honeybee Apis cerana. Fifty years ago, two distinct evolutionary lineages (Korean and Japanese) invaded the Western honeybee Apis mellifera. This haplo-diploid parasite species reproduces mainly through brother sister matings, a system which largely favors the fixation of new mutations. In a worldwide sample of 225 individuals from 21 locations collected on Western honeybees and analyzed at 19 microsatellite loci, a series of de novo mutations was observed. Using historical data concerning the invasion, this original biological system has been exploited to compare three mutation models with allele size constraints for microsatellite markers: stepwise (SMM) and generalized (GSM) mutation models, and a model with mutation rate increasing exponentially with microsatellite length (ESM). Posterior probabilities of the three models have been estimated for each locus individually using reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The relative support of each model varies widely among loci, but the GSM is the only model that always receives at least 9% support, whatever the locus. The analysis also provides robust estimates of mutation parameters for each locus and of the divergence time of the two invasive lineages (67,000 generations with a 90% credibility interval of 35,000-174,000). With an average of 10 generations per year, this divergence time fits with the last post-glacial Korea Japan land separation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The purpose of life is its continuation: survival is the reason things live. Here we explore this 'basic' of biology, by reference to the extraordinary life-cycle of the aphid-like pest phylloxera, and the complexity of its relationship with its host the grapevine. The effort and ingenuity that phylloxera employs to continue itself leads to a doubt that survival alone is sufficient reason. It has frequently been suggested that the reduction of life to a catalogue of facts (by science) creates this doubt, because it robs existence of its essence (which is something other than its mechanics). The part that science is said to steal is what Robert Pirsig calls Quality-the harmonious balance of things. Pirsig seems to imply that this is something inherent in things-and independent from us. A more mundane explanation is that the difference between facts and the complete reality is us-the tendency of mind to connect freely between different kinds of information. This possibility is briefly illustrated here by a myth based on the facts of phylloxera.
Recent studies have demonstrated that essential oils, and in particular, pennyroyal, tea tree and anise, have potent insecticidal and acaricidal (mite-killing) activity. The individual components of essential oils are now being investigated in order to give a rational basis to discover which essential oils may prove to be the most effective all-round agents for killing headlice and their eggs, and treating scabies, and for eliminating house dust mites, a major cause of asthma.
A brief survey of the history of this most severe pathogen of wheat and our developing understanding of it.
‘Candidatus Cardinium’ is an intracellular endosymbiont or parasite frequently occurring in invertebrates including mites and ticks. In this work we report Cardinium bacteria in Astigmata mites and explore their incidence in synanthropic species. Amplification of a 776 bp bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment, using specific primers, enabled identification of closely related Cardinium sequences in 13 laboratory-reared populations of mites. In addition, Cardinium sequences were identified in three wild mite populations. Large scale screening of these populations showed 100% prevalence of Cardinium, representing the highest incidence compared to other major Chelicerate groups.
The impact of projected climate change on wine production was analysed for the Demarcated Region of Douro, Portugal. A statistical grapevine yield model (GYM) was developed using climate parameters as predictors. Statistically significant correlations were identified between annual yield and monthly mean temperatures and monthly precipitation totals during the growing cycle. These atmospheric factors control grapevine yield in the region, with the GYM explaining 50.4% of the total variance in the yield time series in recent decades. Anomalously high March rainfall (during budburst, shoot and inflorescence development) favours yield, as well as anomalously high temperatures and low precipitation amounts in May and June (May: flowering and June: berry development). The GYM was applied to a regional climate model output, which was shown to realistically reproduce the GYM predictors. Finally, using ensemble simulations under the A1B emission scenario, projections for GYM-derived yield in the Douro Region, and for the whole of the twenty-first century, were analysed. A slight upward trend in yield is projected to occur until about 2050, followed by a steep and continuous increase until the end of the twenty-first century, when yield is projected to be about 800 kg/ha above current values. While this estimate is based on meteorological parameters alone, changes due to elevated CO2 may further enhance this effect. In spite of the associated uncertainties, it can be stated that projected climate change may significantly benefit wine yield in the Douro Valley.
Proctolaelaps euserratus Karg, 1994 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Melicharidae), exclusivelly known from the Galápagos Islands till now, is newly reported from decaying matter of animal and human decomposition in various countries of Europe (Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom). In consequence of high levels of necrophilia, the species is considered to be ecologically unusual among the other melicharids, which are primary associated with other than necrophilic habitats, such as galleries of subcorticolous beetles, bumble bee nests, flowers, etc. Proctolaelaps euserratus is reviewed, morphologically re-described (with first diagnostic characters for males), and considered as a new potential marker for later stages of decomposition, namely butyric fermentation and dry decomposition as classified in modern concepts of forensic acarology.
In 1977 Grahame Clark suggested that the siting of megalithic tombs along the west coast of Scandinavia reflected the distribution of productive fishing grounds. Unlike the situation in other parts of Europe, these monuments were not associated with agriculture. Opinions have varied over the last quarter century, but enough is now known about changes of sea-level for his interpretation to be investigated on the ground. There seems to have been considerable diversity. On the large island of Örust some of the tombs located near to the sea appear to be associated with small natural enclosures defined by rock outcrops and may have been associated with grazing land. On the neighbouring island of Tjörn, however, the tombs were associated with small islands and important sea channels. During the Bronze Age the same areas included carvings of ships. Recent fieldwork in western Norway suggests that such locations were especially important in a maritime economy.
Genetic differentiation among plant populations and adaptation to local environmental conditions are well documented. However, few studies have examined the potential contribution of plant antagonists, such as insect herbivores and pathogens, to the pattern of local adaptation. Here, a reciprocal transplant experiment was set up at three sites across Europe using two common plant species, Holcus lanatus and Plantago lanceolata. The amount of damage by the main above-ground plant antagonists was measured: a rust fungus infecting Holcus and a specialist beetle feeding on Plantago, both in low-density monoculture plots and in competition with interspecific neighbours. Strong genetic differentiation among provenances in the amount of damage by antagonists in both species was found. Local provenances of Holcus had significantly higher amounts of rust infection than foreign provenances, whereas local provenances of Plantago were significantly less damaged by the specialist beetle than the foreign provenances. The presence of surrounding vegetation affected the amount of damage but had little influence on the ranking of plant provenances. The opposite pattern of population differentiation in resistance to local antagonists in the two species suggests that it will be difficult to predict the consequences of plant translocations for interactions with organisms of higher trophic levels.
Three successive field experiments (2000/01-2002/03) assessed the effect of wheat cultivar (Consort.. Hereward and Shamrock) and fungicide (epoxiconazole and azoxystrobin) applied at and after flag leaf emergence on the nitrogen in the above-ground crop (Total N) and grain (Grain N), net nitrogen remobilization from non-grain tissues (Remobilized N). grain dry matter (Grain Dill), and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE(g) = Grain DM/Total N). Ordinary logistic curves were fitted to the accumulation of Grain N, Grain DM and Remobilized N against thermal time after anthesis and used to simultaneously derive fits for Total N and NUtE(g). When disease was controlled, Consort achieved the greatest Grain DM, Total N, Grain N and NUtEg; in each case due mostly to longer durations, rather than quicker rates, of accumulation. Fungicide application increased final Grain Dill.. Grant N, Total N and Remobilized N, also mostly through effects on duration rather than rate of accumulation. Completely senesced leaf laminas retained less nitrogen when fungicide had been applied compared with leaf laminas previously infected severely with brown rust (Puccinia recondita) and Septoria tritici, or with just S. tritici. Late movement of nitrogen out of fungicide-treated laminas contributed to extended duration of both nitrogen remobilization and grain N filling, and meant that increases in NUtE(g) could occur without simultaneous reductions in grain N concentration.
Winter wheat was grown in three field experiments, each repeated over two or three seasons, to investigate effects of extending flag leaf life by fungicide application on the concentration, kg ha(-1) and mg grain(-1) of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) as well as N:S ratio and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volume. The experiments involved up to six cultivars and different application rates, timings and frequencies of azoxystrobin and epoxiconazole. For every day the duration to 37 % green flag leaf area (m) was extended, N yield was increased by 2.58 kg ha(-1), N per grain by 0.00957 mg, S yield by 0.186 kg ha(-1) and S per grain by 0.000718 mg. The N:S ratio decreased by 0.0135 per day. There was no evidence that these responses varied with cultivar. In contrast, the relationship between flag leaf life and N or S concentration interacted with cultivar. The N and S concentrations of Shamrock, the cultivar that suffered most from brown rust (Puccinia rccondita), increased with the extension of flag leaf life whereas the concentrations of N and S in Malacca, a cultivar more susceptible to Septoria tritici, decreased as flag leaf senescence was delayed. This was because the relationships between m and N and S yields were much better conserved over cultivars than those between m and thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain yield ha(-1). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mites are involved in the decomposition of animal carcases and human corpses at every stage. From initial decay at the fresh stage until dry decomposition at the skeletal stage, a huge diversity of Acari, including members of the Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata, Endeostigmata, Oribatida and Ixodida, are an integral part of the constantly changing food webs on, in and beneath the carrion. During the desiccation stage in wave 6 of M,gnin's system, mites can become the dominant fauna on the decomposing body. Under conditions unfavourable for the colonisation of insects, such as concealment, low temperature or mummification, mites might become the most important or even the only arthropods on a dead body. Some mite species will be represented by a few specimens, whereas others might build up in numbers to several million individuals. Astigmata are most prominent in numbers and Mesostigmata in diversity. More than 100 mite species and over 60 mite families were collected from animal carcases, and around 75 species and over 20 families from human corpses.