46 resultados para Differentiating Hostile


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The aim of this study was to examine interrelationships between functional biochemical and microbial indicators of soil quality, and their suitability to differentiate areas under contrasting agricultural management regimes. The study included five 0.8 ha areas on a sandy-loam soil which had received contrasting fertility and cropping regimes over a 5 year period. These were organically managed vegetable, vegetable -cereal and arable rotations, an organically managed grass clover ley, and a conventional cereal rotation. The organic areas had been converted from conventional cereal production 5 years prior to the start of the study. All of the biochemical analyses, including light fraction organic matter (LFOM) C and N, labile organic N (LON), dissolved organic N and water-soluble carbohydrates showed significant differences between the areas, although the nature of the relationships between the areas varied between the different parameters, and were not related to differences in total soil organic matter content. The clearest differences were seen in LFOM C and N and LON, which were higher in the organic arable area relative to the other areas. In the case of the biological parameters, there were differences between the areas for biomass-N, ATP, chitin content, and the ratios of ATP: biomass and basal respiration: biomass. For these parameters, the precise relationships between the areas varied. However, relative to the conventionally managed area, areas under organic management generally had lower biomass-N and higher ATP contents. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus colonization potential was extremely low in the conventional area relative to the organic areas. Further, metabolic diversity and microbial community level physiological profiles, determined by analysis of microbial community metabolism using Biolog GN plates and the activities of eight key nutrient cycling enzymes, grouped the organic areas together, but separated them from the conventional area. We conclude that microbial parameters are more effective and consistent indicators of management induced changes to soil quality than biochemical parameters, and that a variety of biochemical and microbial analyses should be used when considering the impact of management on soil quality. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The density (BSG) of bone increases, at the osteon scale, during lifetime aging within the bone. In addition, post-mortem diagenetic change due to microbial attack produces denser bioapatite. Thus, fractionation of finely powdered bone on the basis of density should not only enable younger and older populations of osteons to be separated but also make it possible to separate out a less diagenetically altered component. We show that the density fractionation method can be used as a tool to investigate the isotopic history within an individual's lifetime, both in recent and archaeological contexts, and we use the bomb C-14 atmospheric pulse for validating the method.


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Child externalising symptoms are associated with a bias towards attributing hostile intent to others. We examined the role of parental attributions in the development of this hostile attribution bias in children. The parents of 134 children aged 5-7 years responded to hypothetical social scenarios examining a) their general tendency to attribute hostile intent to the ambiguous behaviour of others, and b) hostile attributions made specifically to their child. Children's own attributions of hostile intent and levels of externalising symptomatology were assessed. The results indicated that child externalising symptoms were positively associated with both a generalised tendency towards the attribution of hostile intent and child-specific hostile attributions in parents. Child externalising symptoms were themselves associated with hostile attributions made by the child. However, no direct associations were observed between parental and child attributions of hostile intent. Thus, although the results suggest a role for parental social information processing biases in the development of child externalising symptoms, a direct transmission of such biases from parent to child was not supported.


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A bias towards attributing hostile intent to others has been linked to aggression. In an adolescent sample, we investigated whether peer group homophily exists in the tendency towards attributing hostile intent. We assessed hostile attribution tendencies and self-reported aggressive behaviours in a normative sample of 910 adolescents, and computed average peer group scores based on nominated friend scores. Results indicated that adolescents showed significant correlations between their own level of hostile attributions and that of their peer group. Further analyses indicated that this effect occurred specifically in reciprocal friendships, and was retained even once own and peer group level of aggression were controlled.


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Normally wind measurements from Doppler radars rely on the presence of rain. During fine weather, insects become a potential radar target for wind measurement. However, it is difficult to separate ground clutter and insect echoes when spectral or polarimetric methods are not available. Archived reflectivity and velocity data from repeated scans provide alternative methods. The probability of detection (POD) method, which maps areas with a persistent signal as ground clutter, is ineffective when most scans also contain persistent insect echoes. We developed a clutter detection method which maps the standard deviation of velocity (SDV) over a large number of scans, and can differentiate insects and ground clutter close to the radar. Beyond the range of persistent insect echoes, the POD method more thoroughly removes ground clutter. A new, pseudo-probability clutter map was created by combining the POD and SDV maps. The new map optimised ground clutter detection without removing insect echoes.


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Aggression in young people has been associated with a bias towards attributing hostile intent to others; however, little is known about the origin of biased social information processing. The current study explored the potential role of peer contagion in the emergence of hostile attribution in adolescents. 134 adolescents were assigned to one of two manipulated ‘chat-room’ conditions, where they believed they were communicating with online peers (e-confederates) who endorsed either hostile or benign intent attributions. Adolescents showed increased hostile attributions following exposure to hostile e-confederates and reduced hostility in the benign condition. Further analyses demonstrated that social anxiety was associated with a reduced tendency to take on hostile peer attitudes. Neither gender nor levels of aggression influenced individual susceptibility to peer influence, but aggressive adolescents reported greater affinity with hostile e-confederates.


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The role of language in exact calculation is the subject of debate. Some behavioral and functional neuroimaging investigations of healthy participants suggest that calculation requires language resources. However, there are also reports of individuals with severe aphasic language impairment who retain calculation ability. One possibility in resolving these discordant findings is that the neural basis of calculation has undergone significant reorganization in aphasic calculators. Using fMRI, we examined brain activations associated with exact addition and subtraction in two patients with severe agrammatic aphasia and retained calculation ability. Behavior and brain activations during two-digit addition and subtraction were compared to those of a group of 11 healthy, age-matched controls. Behavioral results confirmed that both patients retained calculation ability. Imaging findings revealed individual differences in processing, but also a similar activation pattern across patients and controls in bilateral parietal cortices. Patients differed from controls in small areas of increased activation in peri-lesional regions, a shift from left fronto-temporal activation to the contralateral region, and increased activations in bilateral superior parietal regions. Our results suggest that bilateral parietal cortex represents the core of the calculation network and, while healthy controls may recruit language resources to support calculation, these mechanisms are not mandatory in adult cognition.


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Aggression in children is associated with an enhanced tendency to attribute hostile intentions to others. However, limited information is available regarding the factors that contribute to the development of such hostile attribution tendencies. We examined factors that contribute to individual differences in child hostile attributions and aggression, focusing on potential pathways from maternal hostile attributions via negative parenting behavior. We conducted a longitudinal study of 98 mothers and children (47 male, 51 female), recruited from groups experiencing high and low levels of psychosocial adversity. Maternal hostile attributions, observed parenting, and child behaviour were assessed at 18 months and 5 years child age, and child hostile attributions were also examined at 5 years. Independent assessments of maternal and child processes were utilized where possible. Analyses provided support for a direct influence of maternal hostile attributions on the development of child hostile attributions and aggressive behaviour. Maternal hostile attributions were also associated with negative parenting behaviour, which in turn influenced child adjustment. Even taking account of possible parenting influences and preexisting child difficulties, hostile attributions in the mother showed a direct link with child aggression at 5 years. Maternal hostile attributions were themselves related to psychosocial adversity. We conclude that maternal hostile attributions are prevalent in high-risk samples and are related to less optimal parenting behaviour, child hostile attributions, and child aggression. Targeting hostile maternal cognitions may be a useful adjunct to parenting programs


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NG2-glia are an abundant population of glial cells that have been considered by many to be oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). However, growing evidence suggests that NG2-glia may also be capable of differentiating into astrocytes and neurons under certain conditions. Here, we have examined NG2-glia in cerebellar slices, using transgenic mice in which the astroglial marker glial specific protein (GFAP) drives expression of the reporter gene enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Immunolabelling for NG2 shows that NG2-glia and GFAP-EGFP astroglia are separate populations in most areas of the brain, although a substantial population of NG2-glia in the pons also express the GFAP-EGFP reporter. In the cerebellum, NG2-glia did not express EGFP, either at postnatal day (P)12 or P29-30. We developed an organotypic culture of P12 cerebellar slices that maintain cytoarchitectural integrity of Purkinje neurons and Bergmann glia. In these cultures, BrdU labelling indicates that the majority of NG2-glia enter the cell cycle within 2 days in vitro (DIV), suggesting that NG2-glia undergo a [`]reactive' response in cerebellar cultures. After 2 DIV NG2-glia began to express the astroglial reporter EGFP and in some cases the respective GFAP protein. However, NG2-glia did not acquire phenotypic markers of neural stem cells or neurons. The results suggest that NG2-glia are not lineage restricted OPCs and are a potential source of astrocytes in the cerebellum.


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This article is about the politics of conservation in postcolonial Southern Africa. It focuses on the process and consequences of redefining the Nile crocodile as an endangered species and explores the linked local and international, commercial and conservationist interests that allowed the animal to re-establish itself in state-protected waterways in colonial and postcolonial contexts. It investigates the effects of the animal's successful re-accommodation by examining conflicts between crocodiles and the fishing communities sharing space on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Fishermen's hostile representations of the animal emphasize competition for fish, harassment, fear, loss of assets and loss of life. Their fear of crocodiles is heightened by the animal's entanglement in local social life, through its association with witchcraft. The article emphasizes the importance of considering both hegemonic and marginalized ideas about animals in the light of the material interactions, relations of power and historical contexts that shape them. Understanding the attitudes and circumstances of the local communities who bear the physical and economic costs of living with dangerous animals is important-it threatens the future of conservation programmes and reveals the potential for significant abuses to accompany the conservation of wildlife in postcolonial contexts. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although it is well known that Lucan’s Libya is a wild and threatening place, its threat is not restricted to indigenous people, places and things, such as Hannibal, Cleopatra, the Syrtes, or the desert with its catalogue of horrifying snakes. He also associates Libya with anti-Republican Romans, above all Julius Caesar, who endangers the Republic with his excessive, animalistic energy and resembles the continent where he is trapped in the final book. Although the gods as characters are removed from the world of the Bellum Civile, Lucan allows supernatural traces to linger in particular locations such as the Gallic grove in Book 3 or Thessaly in Book 6. Libya is by far the greatest of these reservoirs of frightening myth and fantasy, which do violence to the historical credibility of the narrative, just as Libya itself is presented as the origin or conduit of a number of historical characters who assault Italy and Europe. Lucan’s two mythic narratives (Antaeus in Book 4 and Medusa in Book 9) are essential parts of the hostile Libyan landscape, but in very different ways. The male Antaeus, associated with lions, is connected with a region of solid rock where he was destroyed. The female Medusa, associated with snakes, is connected with a region of shifting sands where she left a deadly, everlasting legacy. To complicate matters further, even though Medusa’s snakes represent the annihilation of the Republican self, the logic of the narrative is undermined and there is even a sympathetic subtext. As part of Libya’s historical and mythical legacy, these stories reveal that for Lucan, historical epic is linked with Republicanism, but mythical epic is in the service of dictatorship.


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Analytical potential energy functions which are valid at all dissociation limits have been derived for the ground states of SO2 and O3. The procedure involves minimizing the errors between the observed vibrational spectra and spectra calculated by a variational procedure. Good agreement is obtained between the observed and calculated spectra for both molecules. Comparisons are made between anharmonic force fields, previously determined from the spectral data, and the force fields obtained by differentiating the derived analytical functions at the equilibrium configurations.


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A mathematical model describing the uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles by a single hepatocyte cell is formulated and solved. The model includes a description of the dynamic change in receptor density on the surface of the cell due to the binding and dissociation of the lipoprotein particles, the subsequent internalisation of bound particles, receptors and unbound receptors, the recycling of receptors to the cell surface, cholesterol dependent de novo receptor formation by the cell and the effect that particle uptake has on the cell's overall cholesterol content. The effect that blocking access to LDL receptors by VLDL, or internalisation of VLDL particles containing different amounts of apolipoprotein E (we will refer to these particles as VLDL-2 and VLDL-3) has on LDL uptake is explored. By comparison with experimental data we find that measures of cell cholesterol content are important in differentiating between the mechanisms by which VLDL is thought to inhibit LDL uptake. We extend our work to show that in the presence of both types of VLDL particle (VLDL-2 and VLDL-3), measuring relative LDL uptake does not allow differentiation between the results of blocking and internalisation of each VLDL particle to be made. Instead by considering the intracellular cholesterol content it is found that internalisation of VLDL-2 and VLDL-3 leads to the highest intracellular cholesterol concentration. A sensitivity analysis of the model reveals that binding, unbinding and internalisation rates, the fraction of receptors recycled and the rate at which the cholesterol dependent free receptors are created by the cell have important implications for the overall uptake dynamics of either VLDL or LDL particles and subsequent intracellular cholesterol concentration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.