112 resultados para Antioxidant agents


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Tea polyphenols, especially the catechins, are potent antimicrobial and antioxidant agents, with positive effects on human health. White tea is one of the less studied teas but the flavour is more accepted than that of green tea in Europe. The concentrations of various catechins in 13 different kinds of infusion were determined by capillary electrophoresis. The total polyphenol content (Folin-Ciocalteu method), the trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC value determined with the 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation) and the inhibitory effects of infusions on the growth of some microorganisms were determined. Five different infusions (black, white, green and red teas and rooibos infusion) were added to a model food system, comprising a sunflower oil-in-water emulsion containing 0% or 0.2% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and the oxidative stability was studied during storage at 37 degrees C. Oxidation of the oil was monitored by determination of the peroxide value. The highest radical-scavenging activity observed was for the green and white teas. Emulsions containing these extracts from these teas were much more stable during storage when BSA was present than when it was not present, even though BSA itself did not provide an antioxidant effect (at 0.2% concentration). Rooibos infusion did not show the same synergy with BSA. Green tea and white tea showed similar inhibitions of several microorganisms and the magnitude of this was comparable to that of the commercial infusion 2 (C.I.2), "te de la belleza". This tea also had an antioxidant activity comparable to green tea. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Macrophage cells within inflammatory lesions are exposed to a wide range of degrading and cytotoxic molecules including reactive oxygen species. Unlike neutrophils, macrophages do not normally die in this environment but continue to generate oxidants, phagocytose cellular remains, and release a range of cytoactive agents which modulate the immune response. It is this potential of the macrophage cell to survive in an oxidative environment that allows the growth and complexity of advanced atherosclerotic plaques. This review will examine the oxidants encountered by macrophages within an atherosclerotic plaque and describe some of the potential antioxidant mechanisms which enable macrophages to function within inflammatory lesions. Ascorbate, alpha-tocopherol, and glutathione appear to be central to the protection of macrophages yet additional antioxidant mechanisms appear to be involved. gamma-Interferon causes macrophages to generate 7,8dihydroneopterin/neopterin and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid both of which have antioxidant properties. Manganese superoxide dismutase is also upregulated in macrophages. The evidence that these antioxidants provide further protection, so allowing the macrophage cells to survive within sites of chronic inflammation such as atherosclerotic plaques, will be described.


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Would a research assistant - who can search for ideas related to those you are working on, network with others (but only share the things you have chosen to share), doesn’t need coffee and who might even, one day, appear to be conscious - help you get your work done? Would it help your students learn? There is a body of work showing that digital learning assistants can be a benefit to learners. It has been suggested that adaptive, caring, agents are more beneficial. Would a conscious agent be more caring, more adaptive, and better able to deal with changes in its learning partner’s life? Allow the system to try to dynamically model the user, so that it can make predictions about what is needed next, and how effective a particular intervention will be. Now, given that the system is essentially doing the same things as the user, why don’t we design the system so that it can try to model itself in the same way? This should mimic a primitive self-awareness. People develop their personalities, their identities, through interacting with others. It takes years for a human to develop a full sense of self. Nobody should expect a prototypical conscious computer system to be able to develop any faster than that. How can we provide a computer system with enough social contact to enable it to learn about itself and others? We can make it part of a network. Not just chatting with other computers about computer ‘stuff’, but involved in real human activity. Exposed to ‘raw meaning’ – the developing folksonomies coming out of the learning activities of humans, whether they are traditional students or lifelong learners (a term which should encompass everyone). Humans have complex psyches, comprised of multiple strands of identity which reflect as different roles in the communities of which they are part – so why not design our system the same way? With multiple internal modes of operation, each capable of being reflected onto the outside world in the form of roles – as a mentor, a research assistant, maybe even as a friend. But in order to be able to work with a human for long enough to be able to have a chance of developing the sort of rich behaviours we associate with people, the system needs to be able to function in a practical and helpful role. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get a free ride from many people (other than its developer!) – so it needs to be able to perform a useful role, and do so securely, respecting the privacy of its partner. Can we create a system which learns to be more human whilst helping people learn?


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An isolate of Gliocladium virens from disease affected soil in a commercial tomato greenhouse proved highly antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, used together with an isolate of the nematophagus fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium. Significant disease control was obtained when young mycelial preparation (on a food-base culture) of the G. virens together with V. chlamydosporium was applied in potting medium. Similar results were observed when a Trichoderma harzianum isolate was treated in combination with the V. chlamydosporium isolate. Most promising, in terms of minimizing the Fusarium wilt of tomato incidence, was also the effect of the bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernema spp.), Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus nematophilus.


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The in vitro antioxidant activity and the protective effect against human low density lipoprotein oxidation of coffees prepared using different degrees of roasting was evaluated. Coffees with the highest amount of brown pigments (dark coffee) showed the highest peroxyl radical scavenging activity. These coffees also protected human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) against oxidation, although green coffee extracts showed more protection. In a different experiment, coffee extracts were incubated with human plasma prior to isolation of LDL particles. This showed, for the first time, that incubation of plasma with dark, but not green coffee extracts protected the LDL against oxidation by copper or by the thermolabile azo compound AAPH. Antioxidants in the dark coffee extracts must therefore have become associated with the LDL particles. Brown compounds, especially those derived from the Maillard reaction, are the compounds most likely to be responsible for this activity.


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Red leaf lettuce (Lollo Rosso) was grown under three types of plastic films that varied in transparency to UV radiation (designated as UV block, UV low, and UV window). Flavonoid composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), total phenolics by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxiclant capacity by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Exposure to increased levels of UV radiation during cultivation caused the leaves to redden and increased concentrations of total phenols and the main flavonoids, quercetin and cyanidin glycosides, as well as luteolin conjugates and phenolic acids. The total phenol content increased from 1.6 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of fresh weight (FW) for lettuce grown under UV block film to 2.9 and 3.5 mg of GAE/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV low and UV window films. The antioxiclant activity was also higher in lettuce exposed to higher levels of UV radiation with ORAC values of 25.4 and 55.1 mu mol of Trolox equivalents/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV block and UV window films, respectively. The content of phenolic acids, quantified as caffeic acid, was also different, ranging from 6.2 to 11.1 mu mol/g of FW for lettuce cultivated under the lowest and highest UV exposure plastic films, respectively. Higher concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides were observed with increased exposure to UV radiation, as demonstrated by the concentrations of aglycones after hydrolysis, which were cyanidin (ranging from 165 to 793 mu g/g), quercetin (ranging from 196 to 880,mu g/g), and luteolin (ranging from 19 to 152 mu g/g). The results demonstrate the potential of the use of UV-transparent plastic as a means of increasing beneficial flavonoid content of red leaf lettuce when the crop is grown in polytunnels.


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Red leaf lettuce (Lollo Rosso) was grown under three types of plastic films that varied in transparency to UV radiation (designated as UV block, UV low, and UV window). Flavonoid composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), total phenolics by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxiclant capacity by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Exposure to increased levels of UV radiation during cultivation caused the leaves to redden and increased concentrations of total phenols and the main flavonoids, quercetin and cyanidin glycosides, as well as luteolin conjugates and phenolic acids. The total phenol content increased from 1.6 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of fresh weight (FW) for lettuce grown under UV block film to 2.9 and 3.5 mg of GAE/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV low and UV window films. The antioxiclant activity was also higher in lettuce exposed to higher levels of UV radiation with ORAC values of 25.4 and 55.1 mu mol of Trolox equivalents/g of FW for lettuce grown under the UV block and UV window films, respectively. The content of phenolic acids, quantified as caffeic acid, was also different, ranging from 6.2 to 11.1 mu mol/g of FW for lettuce cultivated under the lowest and highest UV exposure plastic films, respectively. Higher concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides were observed with increased exposure to UV radiation, as demonstrated by the concentrations of aglycones after hydrolysis, which were cyanidin (ranging from 165 to 793 mu g/g), quercetin (ranging from 196 to 880,mu g/g), and luteolin (ranging from 19 to 152 mu g/g). The results demonstrate the potential of the use of UV-transparent plastic as a means of increasing beneficial flavonoid content of red leaf lettuce when the crop is grown in polytunnels.


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In this paper we report the antioxidant activity of different compounds which are present in coffee or are produced as a result of the metabolism of this beverage. In vitro methods such as the ABTS(center dot+) [ABTS = 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] decolorization assay and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) were used to assess the capacity of coffee compounds to scavenge free radicals. The importance of caffeine metabolites and colonic metabolites in the overall antioxidant activity associated with coffee consumption is shown. Colonic metabolites such as m-coumaric acid and dihydroferulic acid showed high antioxidant activity. The ability of these compounds to protect human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by copper and 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride was also explored. 1-Methyluric acid was particularly effective at inhibiting LDL oxidative modification. Different experiments showed that this caffeine metabolite is not incorporated into LDL particles. However, at physiologically relevant concentrations, it was able to delay for more than 13 h LDL oxidation by copper.


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Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We have therefore investigated the mechanisms underlying the antioxidant/pro-oxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate, the oxidation product of ascorbic acid, toward LDL incubated With Cu2+ ions. By monitoring lipid peroxidation through the formation of conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, we show that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate is critically dependent on the presence of lipid hydroperoxides, which accumulate during the early stages of oxidation. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we show that dehydroascorbate amplifies the generation of alkoxyl radicals during the interaction of copper ions with the model alkyl hydroperoxide, tert-butylhydroperoxide. Under continuous-flow conditions, a prominent doublet signal was detected, which we attribute to both the erythroascorbate and ascorbate free radicals. On this basis, we propose that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate toward LDL is due to its known spontaneous interconversion to erythroascorbate and ascorbate, which reduce Cu2+ to Cu+ and thereby promote the decomposition of lipid hydroperoxides. Various mechanisms, including copper chelation and Cu+ oxidation, are suggested to underlie the antioxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate in LDL that is essentially free of lipid hydroperoxides. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible benefits to human health. Genistein, the major isoflavone aglycone, has received most attention; however, it undergoes extensive metabolism (e.g. conjugation with sulfuric acid) in the gut and liver, which may affect its biological proper-ties. This study investigated the antioxidant activity and free radical-scavenging properties of genistein, genistein-4'-sulfate and genistein-4'-7-disulfate as well as their effect on platelet aggregation and monocyte and endothelial function. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) and spin trapping data and other standard antioxidant assays indicated that genistein is a relatively weak antioxidant compared to quercetin and that its sulfated metabolites are even less effective. Furthermore, genistein-4'-sulfate was less potent than genistem, and genistein-4'-7-disulfate even less potent, at inhibiting collagen-induced platelet aggregation, nitric oxide (NO) production by macrophages, and secretion by primary human endothelial cells of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). The current data suggest that sulfation of genistein, with the associated loss of hydroxyl groups, decreases its antioxidant activity and its effect on platelet aggregation, inflammation, cell adhesion and chemotaxis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Oxidized LDL is present within atherosclerotic lesions, demonstrating a failure of antioxidant protection. A normal human serum ultrafiltrate of M-r below 500 was prepared as a model for the low M-r components of interstitial fluid, and its effects on LDL oxidation were investigated. The ultrafiltrate (0.3%, v/v) was a potent antioxidant for native LDL, but was a strong prooxidant for mildly oxidized LDL when copper, but not a water-soluble azo initiator, was used to oxidize LDL. Adding a lipid hydroperoxide to native LDL induced the antioxidant to prooxidant switch of the ultrafiltrate. Uric acid was identified, using uricase and add-back experiments, as both the major antioxidant and prooxidant within the ultrafiltrate for LDL. The ultrafiltrate or uric acid rapidly reduced Cu2+ to Cu+. The reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ may help to explain both the antioxidant and prooxidant effects observed. The decreased concentration of Cu2+ would inhibit tocopherol-mediated peroxidation in native LDL, and the generation of Cu+ would promote the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in mildly oxidized LDL into lipid radicals. The net effect of the low M-r serum components would therefore depend on the preexisting levels of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL.jlr These findings may help to explain why LDL oxidation occurs in atherosclerotic lesions in the presence of compounds that are usually considered to be antioxidants.


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1. Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible health-promoting effects. Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavone aglycones, have received most attention; however, they undergo extensive metabolism in the gut and liver, which might affect their biological properties. 2. The antioxidant activity, free radical-scavenging properties and selected cellular effects of the isoflavone metabolites equol, 8-hydroxydaidzein, O-desmethylangiolensin, and 1,3,5 trihydroxybenzene were investigated in comparison with their parent aglycones, genistein and daidzein. 3. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy indicated that 8-hydroxydaidzein was the most potent scavenger of hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Isoflavone metabolites also exhibited higher antioxidant activity than parent compounds in standard antioxidant (FRAP and TEAC) assays. However, for the suppression of nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, genistein showed the highest potency, followed by equol and daidzein. 4. The metabolism of isoflavones affects their free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, and their cellular activity, but the effects are complex.