28 resultados para Anaerobic digestion


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies convert organic wastes and crops into methane-rich biogas for heating, electricity generation and vehicle fuel. Farm-based AD has proliferated in some EU countries, driven by favourable policies promoting sustainable energy generation and GHG mitigation. Despite increased state support there are still few AD plants on UK farms leading to a lack of normative data on viability of AD in the whole-farm context. Farmers and lenders are therefore reluctant to fund AD projects and policy makers are hampered in their attempts to design policies that adequately support the industry. Existing AD studies and modelling tools do not adequately capture the farm context within which AD interacts. This paper demonstrates a whole-farm, optimisation modelling approach to assess the viability of AD in a more holistic way, accounting for such issues as: AD scale, synergies and conflicts with other farm enterprises, choice of feedstocks, digestate use and impact on farm Net Margin. This modelling approach demonstrates, for example, that: AD is complementary to dairy enterprises, but competes with arable enterprises for farm resources. Reduced nutrient purchases significantly improve Net Margin on arable farms, but AD scale is constrained by the capacity of farmland to absorb nutrients in AD digestate.


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The effect of phase separation and batch duration on the trophic stages of anaerobic digestion was assessed for the first time in leach beds coupled to methanogenic reactors digesting maize (Zea mays). The system was operated for consecutive batches of 7, 14 and 28 days for ~120 days. Hydrolysis rate was higher the shorter the batch, reaching 8.5 gTSdestroyed d-1 in the 7-day system. Phase separation did not affect acidification but methanogenesis was enhanced in the short feed cycle leach beds. Phase separation was inefficient on the 7-day system, where ~89% of methane was produced in the leach bed. Methane production rate increased with shortening the feed cycle, reaching 3.523 l d-1 average in the 7-day system. Low strength leachate from the leach beds decreased methanogenic activity of methanogenic reactors’ sludges. Enumeration of cellulolytic and methanogenic microorganisms indicated a constant inoculation of leach beds and methanogenic reactors through leachate recirculation.


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Of the many sources of urban greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, solid waste is the only one for which management decisions are undertaken primarily by municipal governments themselves and is hence often the largest component of cities’ corporate inventories. It is essential that decision-makers select an appropriate quantification methodology and have an appreciation of methodological strengths and shortcomings. This work compares four different waste emissions quantification methods, including Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1996 guidelines, IPCC 2006 guidelines, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Waste Reduction Model (WARM), and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities- Partners for Climate Protection (FCM-PCP) quantification tool. Waste disposal data for the greater Toronto area (GTA) in 2005 are used for all methodologies; treatment options (including landfill, incineration, compost, and anaerobic digestion) are examined where available in methodologies. Landfill was shown to be the greatest source of GHG emissions, contributing more than three-quarters of total emissions associated with waste management. Results from the different landfill gas (LFG) quantification approaches ranged from an emissions source of 557 kt carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) (FCM-PCP) to a carbon sink of −53 kt CO2e (EPA WARM). Similar values were obtained between IPCC approaches. The IPCC 2006 method was found to be more appropriate for inventorying applications because it uses a waste-in-place (WIP) approach, rather than a methane commitment (MC) approach, despite perceived onerous data requirements for WIP. MC approaches were found to be useful from a planning standpoint; however, uncertainty associated with their projections of future parameter values limits their applicability for GHG inventorying. MC and WIP methods provided similar results in this case study; however, this is case specific because of similarity in assumptions of present and future landfill parameters and quantities of annual waste deposited in recent years being relatively consistent.


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Replacing grass silage with maize silage results in a fundamental change in the ratio of structural to non-structural carbohydrates with commensurate changes in rumen fermentation patterns and nutrient utilisation. This study investigated the effects of feeding four forage mixtures, namely grass silage (G); 67 g/100 g grass silage133 g/100 g maize silage (GGM); 67 g/100 g maize silage133/100 g grass silage (MMG); maize silage (M) to four ruminally and duodenally canulated Holstein Friesian steers. All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (22.4 g N/kg DM) using a concentrate mixture. Dietary dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility increased with ascending maize silage inclusion (P,0.1) whereas starch and neutral detergent fibre digestibility declined (P,0.05). Ratio of non-glucogenic to glucogenic precursors in the rumen fluid increased with maize silage inclusion (P,0.01) with a commensurate reduction in rumen pH (P,0.05). Mean circulating concentrations of insulin were greatest and similar in diets MMG and GGM, lower in diet M and lowest in diet G (P,0.01). There were no effects of diet on the mean circulating concentration of growth hormone (GH), or the frequency, amplitude and duration of GH pulses, or the mean circulating concentrations of IGF-1. Increasing levels of DM, OM and starch intakes with the substitution of grass silage with maize silage affected overall digestion, nutrient partitioning and subsequent circulating concentrations of insulin.


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Samples of whole crop wheat (WCW, n = 134) and whole crop barley (WCB, n = 16) were collected from commercial farms in the UK over a 2-year period (2003/2004 and 2004/2005). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was compared with laboratory and in vitro digestibility measures to predict digestible organic matter in the dry matter (DOMD) and metabolisable energy (ME) contents measured in vivo using sheep. Spectral models using the mean spectra of two scans were compared with those using individual spectra (duplicate spectra). Overall NIRS accurately predicted the concentration of chemical components in whole crop cereals apart from crude protein. ammonia-nitrogen, water-soluble carbohydrates, fermentation acids and solubility values. In addition. the spectral models had higher prediction power for in vivo DOMD and ME than chemical components or in vitro digestion methods. Overall there Was a benefit from the use of duplicate spectra rather than mean spectra and this was especially so for predicting in vivo DOMD and ME where the sample population size was smaller. The spectral models derived deal equally well with WCW and WCB and Would he of considerable practical value allowing rapid determination of nutritive value of these forages before their use in diets of productive animals. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Advancing maturity of forage maize is associated with increases in the proportion of dry matter (DM) and starch and decreases in the proportions of structural carbohydrates in the ensiled crop. Three maize silages (286 (low, L), 329 (medium, M) and 379 (high, H) g DM per kg fresh weight) plus a concentrate formulated to give isonitrogenous intakes were offered to Holstein-Friesian steers fitted with a cannula in the dorsal sac of the rumen and a 'T' piece cannula in the proximal duodenum in an experiment with a cross-over design that allowed four collection periods. Nutrient flow to the duodenum was estimated using chromium-EDTA. Steers consumed approximately 0(.)6 kg DM per day less of diet L compared with the other two diets (P=0(.)026), resulting in less DM being digested (P=0(.)005) but digestibility did not differ between diets. Similar results were obtained for organic matter. There were no differences between diets in the intake or digestibility of neutral-detergent fibre. Intake, duodenal flow and faecal output of starch were greater for steers offered diets M and H compared with those given diet L (P < 0(.)05). In all diets rumen digestion contributed to over 90% of total digestion of starch, although rumen digestibility declined significantly with advancing maize maturity (P=0(.)002). Molar proportions of acetic acid were higher in diet H (P < 0(.)05) whilst proportions of propionic acid and n-butyric acid were higher in diets M and L. There were no significant differences between diets in mean rumen pH or ammonia concentrations. Mean circulating concentrations of insulin were higher (P=0(.)009) in cattle given diets L and M compared with diet H. There were no differences between diets in the mean circulating concentration of growth hormone, or the frequency, amplitude and duration of growth hormone pulses, or the mean circulating concentrations of IGF-1. Changes in forage composition that accompany advancing maize maturity affect overall silage digestion and circulating concentrations of insulin.


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Milk solids yield in modern dairy cows has increased linearly over the last 50 years, stressing the need for maximal dietary energy intake to allow genetic potential for milk energy yield to be realized with minimal negative effects on health and reproduction. Feeding supplemental starch is a common approach for increasing the energy density of the ration and supplying carbon for meeting the substantial glucose requirement of the higher yielding cow. In this regard, it is a long held belief that feeding starch in forms that increase digestion in the small intestine and glucose absorption will benefit the cow in terms of energetic efficiency and production response, but data supporting this dogma are equivocal. This review will consider the impact of supplemental starch and site of starch digestion on metabolic and production responses of lactating dairy cows, including effects on feed intake, milk yield and composition, nutrient partitioning, the capacity of the small intestine for starch digestion, and nutrient absorption and metabolism by the splanchnic tissues (the portal-drained viscera and liver). Whilst there appears to be considerable capacity for starch digestion and glucose absorption in the lactating dairy cow, numerous strategic studies implementing postruminal starch or glucose infusions have observed increases in milk yield, but decreased milk fat concentration such that there is little effect on milk energy yield, even in early lactation. Measurements of energy balance confirm that the majority of the supplemental energy arising from postruminal starch digestion is used with high efficiency to support body adipose and protein retention, even in early lactation. These responses may be mediated by changes in insulin status, and be beneficial to the cow in terms of reproductive success and well-being. However, shifting starch digestion from the rumen impacts the nitrogen economy of the cow as well by shifting the microbial protein gained from starch digestion from potentially absorbable protein to endogenous faecal loss.


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This study focused on effects of structure, content and biological activity of condensed tannins (CT) in leaves, stems and whole plant of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on its in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Sainfoin was studied as fresh forage during the first vegetation cycle at two phenological stages (i.e., end of flowering and green seeds) and during the second vegetation cycle (i.e., start of flowering). The feeding experiment used 12 sheep; with six dosed, through the rumen cannula, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to neutralise CT effects. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), total tract N disappearance and N balance were measured in sheep fed the whole plant. The residues of dry matter (DM) and N from nylon bags suspended in the rumen were determined on leaves and stems. Intestinal digestibility was measured using other, intestinally fistulated sheep. PEG addition and vegetation cycle increased total tract N digestibility (P<0.001) but PEG affected OMD only at the end of flowering. PEG inactivated the CT and increased urinary N excretion (P<0.05) but this was offset by lower faecal N excretion (P<0.001). Feeding sainfoin can be used to alter the form of excreted N (i.e., urine vs faeces) and thus potentially reduce environmental N pollution without affecting body N retention. Kinetic studies of total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen fluid were made before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. Sainfoin CT decreased rumen fluid soluble N (P<0.05) and NH3-N (P<0.01). Ruminal N disappearance (DisN) of leaves or stems was lower in the presence of active CT compared to PEG-inactivated CT (P<0.001) for both vegetation cycles. PEG also increased intestinal digestibility (P<0.05) of leaves and stems. Leaves had lower ruminal DisN, but higher N disappearing from intestine than stems. The biological activity and content of CT in the whole plant decreased as phenological stage increased. Prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) ratios of leaves varied with vegetation cycle and phenological stage. The molecular size of CT in the whole plant, as indicated by their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP), was lowest at the start of flowering and coincided with the higher biological activity and content of CT.


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It is now apparent that there is a strong link between health and nutrition and this can be seen clearly when we talk of obesity. The food industry is trying to capitalise on this by adapting high sugar/fat foods to become healthier alternatives. In confectionery food ingredients can be used for a range of purposes including sucrose replacement. Many of these ingredients may also evade digestion in the upper gut and be fermented by the gut microbiota upon entering the colon. This study was designed to screen a range of ingredients and their activities on the gut microbiota. In this study we screened a range of these ingredients in triplicate batch culture fermentations with known prebiotics as controls. Changes in bacteriology were monitored using FISH. SCFA were measured by GC and gas production was assessed during anaerobic batch fermentations. Bacterial enumeration showed significant increases (P ≤ 0.05) in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli with polydextrose and most polyols with no significant increases in Clostridium histolyticum/perfringens. SCFA and gas formation indicated that the substrates added to the fermenters were being utilised by the gut microbiota. It therefore appears these ingredients exert some prebiotic activity in vitro. Further studies, particularly in human volunteers, are necessary.


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A study was conducted to investigate the effects of wheat straw ammonisation and supplementation with a rumen undegradable protein (UDP) source on nutrient digestion and nitrogen balance by lambs while diets were supplemented with kibbled carob pods as energy source. Ammonisation increased the crude protein content of wheat straw by nearly 100% and decreased the contents of neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre by 7% and 1.7% respectively. Treating the straw with ammonia resulted in significant (P<0.01) increase in nitrogen (N) intake and intakes of organic matter (OM) and dry matter (DM) tended toward significance (P<0.1). The UDP source had no effect (P>0.05) on DM and OM intakes but resulted in an increase (P<0.05) of N intakes. Both, ammonization and UDP supplementation increased (P<0.01) the DM, OM and N digestibility. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that ammonisation and UDP supplementation is a practical dietary manipulation option to improve the nutritional status of ruminants fed on roughage-based diets.


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Population studies have shown a positive correlation between diets rich in whole grains and a reduced risk of developing metabolic diseases, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. However, little is known about the mechanisms of action, particularly the impact different fermentable components of whole grains have on the human intestinal microbiota. The modulation of microbial populations by whole grain wheat flakes and the effects of toasting on digestion and subsequent fermentation profile were evaluated. Raw, partially toasted, and toasted wheat flakes were digested using simulated gastric and small intestinal conditions and then fermented using 24-hour, pH-controlled, anaerobic batch cultures inoculated with human feces. Major bacterial groups and production of short-chain fatty acids were compared with those for the prebiotic oligofructose and weakly fermented cellulose. Within treatments, a significant increase (P<.05) in bifidobacteria numbers was observed upon fermentation of all test carbohydrates, with the exception of cellulose. Toasting appeared to have an effect on growth of lactobacilli as only fermentation of raw wheat flakes resulted in a significant increase in levels of this group.


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A two-phase system composed by a leach bed and a methanogenic reactor was modified for the first time to improve volumetric substrate degradation and methane yields from a complex substrate (maize; Zea mays). The system, which was operated for consecutive feed cycles of different durations for 120 days, was highly flexible and its performance improved by altering operational conditions. Daily substrate degradation was higher the shorter the feed cycle, reaching 8.5 g TSdestroyed d�1 (7-day feed cycle) but the overall substrate degradation was higher by up to 55% when longer feed cycles (14 and 28 days) were applied. The same occurred with volumetric methane yields, reaching 0.839 m3 (m3)�1 d�1. The system performed better than others on specific methane yields, reaching 0.434 m3 kg�1 TSadded, in the 14-day and 28-day systems. The UASB and AF designs performed similarly as second stage reactors on methane yields, SCOD and VFA removal efficiencies.