3 resultados para Critical to Satisfaction
Grassland birds are highly imperiled because of historical habitat loss and ongoing conversion of grasslands to agricultural and urban land uses. Therefore, prioritizing and further justifying conservation action in remaining grasslands is critical to protecting what remains. Grassland bird conservation has focused on identifying and protecting large grassland complexes referred to as Grassland Bird Conservation Areas (GBCAs). We identified and classified GBCAs in a region highly impacted by both agricultural and urban land conversion using previously developed methods. Then, we extended the analysis to include estimated relative abundance of five grassland focal species in each GBCA. Models of relative abundance were built using eight years of monitoring data collected by citizen scientists. Finally, we quantified the value of ecosystem services provided by each GBCA. There were nearly 55,000 ha of grassland habitats in the Chicago Metropolitan Region that met GBCA criteria, 33% (18,415 ha) of which were protected. Proportion of abundance in protected versus unprotected areas was similar for Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus; 46%), Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum; 52%), and Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis; 48%), whereas, Henslow’s Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii; 75%) had a higher proportion of relative abundance in protected GBCAs and Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) had lower proportions (37%). GBCAs provisioned just under $900 million annually in ecosystem services, 73% of which is because of flood control. Outputs of this comprehensive approach will inform grassland bird conservation by providing detailed information about the value for birds and people of grassland habitats.
Small, at-risk populations are those for which accurate demographic information is most crucial to conservation and recovery, but also where data collection is constrained by logistical challenges and small sample sizes. Migratory animals in particular may experience a wide range of threats to survival and reproduction throughout each annual cycle, and identification of life stages most critical to persistence may be especially difficult for these populations. The endangered eastern Canadian breeding population of Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus melodus) was estimated at only 444 adults in 2005, and extensive effort has been invested in conservation activities, reproductive monitoring, and marking of individual birds, providing a comprehensive data set on population dynamics since 1998. We used these data to build a matrix projection model for two Piping Plover population segments that nest in eastern Canada in order to estimate both deterministic and stochastic rates of population growth (λd and λs, respectively). Annual population censuses suggested moderate growth in abundance between 1998–2003, but vital rate estimates indicated that this temporary growth may be replaced by declines in the long term, both in southern Nova Scotia (λd = 1.0043, λs = 0.9263) and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (λd = 0.9651, λs = 0.8214). Nonetheless, confidence intervals on λ estimates were relatively wide, highlighting remaining uncertainty in future population trajectories. Differences in projected growth between regions appear to be driven by low estimated juvenile post-fledging survival in the Gulf, but threats to juveniles of both population segments following departure from nesting beaches remain unidentified. Similarly, λ in both population segments was particularly sensitive to changes in adult survival as expected for most migratory birds, but very little is understood about the threats to Piping Plover survival during migration and overwintering. Consequently, we suggest that future recovery efforts for these and other vulnerable migrants should quantify and manage the largely unknown sources of both adult and juvenile mortality during non-breeding seasons while maintaining current levels of nesting habitat protection.
Increases in Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) populations and large-scale habitat changes in North America have contributed to the concentration of migratory waterfowl on fewer wetlands, reducing resource availability, and enhancing risks of disease transmission. Predicting wintering locations of migratory individuals is critical to guide wildlife population management and habitat restoration. We used stable carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and hydrogen (δ2H) isotope ratios in muscle tissue of wintering Snow Geese to discriminate four major wintering areas, the Playa Lake Region, Texas Gulf Coast, Louisiana Gulf Coast, and Arkansas, and infer the wintering locations of individuals collected later during the 2007 and 2008 spring migrations in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) of Nebraska. We predicted the wintering ground derivation of migrating Snow Geese using a likelihood-based approach. Our three-isotope analysis provided an efficient discrimination of the four wintering areas. The assignment model predicted that 53% [95% CI: 37-69] of our sample of Snow Geese from the RWB in 2007 had most likely originated in Louisiana, 38% [23-54] had wintered on Texas Gulf Coast, and 9% [0-20] in Arkansas; the assessment suggested that 89% [73-100] of our 2008 sample had most likely come from Texas Gulf Coast, 9% [0-27] from Louisiana Gulf Coast, and 2% [0-9] from Arkansas. Further segregation of wintering grounds and additional sampling of spring migrating Snow Geese would refine overall assignment and help explain interannual variations in migratory connectivity. The ability to distinguish origins of northbound geese can support the development of spatially-adaptive management strategies for the midcontinent Snow Goose population. Establishing migratory connectivity using isotope assignment techniques can be extended to other waterfowl species to determine critical habitat, evaluate population energy requirements, and inform waterfowl conservation and management strategies.