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em Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital - Universidade Andina Simón Bolívar
Para evitar una transformación formal y conducir un cambio constitucional sustancial se hace indispensable generar una construcción teórica en la que se sustenten los valores estructurales del constitucionalismo ecuatoriano como son el Sumak Kawsay y la justicia. Los nuevos saberes constitucionales son una motivación para transformar la práctica del derecho en el sistema de justicia ecuatoriano, porque no es suficiente el ejercicio tradicional del derecho para las exigencias del sistema constitucional actual. Es importante identificar que el cambio a lo nuevo ofrece resistencia en la práctica y exige creatividad para la transformación, circunstancia que se apega a la reparación integral que involucra el ejercicio de la justicia no como un ideal reservado para la teorización, sino que exige materialización.
The Sustainably Managing Environmental Health Risk in Ecuador project was launched in 2004 as a partnership linking a large Canadian university with leading Cuban and Mexican institutes to strengthen the capacities of four Ecuadorian universities for leading community-based learning and research in areas as diverse as pesticide poisoning, dengue control, water and sanitation, and disaster preparedness. By 2009, train-the-trainer project initiation involved 27 participatory action research Master’s theses in 15 communities where 1200 community learners participated in the implementation of associated interventions. This led to establishment of innovative Ecuadorian-led master’s and doctoral programs, and a Population Health Observatory on Collective Health, Environment and Society for the Andean region based at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar. Building on this network, numerous initiatives were begun, such as an internationally funded research project to strengthen dengue control in the coastal community of Machala, and establishment of a local community eco-health centre focusing on determinants of health near Cuenca. Alliances of academic and non-academic partners from the South and North provide a promising orientation for learning together about ways of addressing negative trends of development. Assessing the impacts and sustainability of such processes, however, requires longer term monitoring of results and related challenges.