5 resultados para Exercise-related Social Supports
em Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital - Universidade Andina Simón Bolívar
La autora analiza tres textos latinoamericanos que muestran construcciones del imaginario andino, extendidas a ciertos estereotipos sobre la corporalidad andina: frágil, dolorida, para la cual la esperanza de liberación radica en un azar. En «Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas», César Dávila presenta una versión del cuerpo indio «exclusivamente centrada en la vejación de lo anatómico» (de su cabeza y genitales, de órganos tan profundos como el corazón y el esqueleto), con lo que el cuerpo desnudo y forzado se convierte en ajeno. En «El sueño del Pongo», de José María Arguedas, el cuerpo del indio oprimido es diminuto, y porta una «gestualidad comprimida que se pone en juego a partir de posturas humilladas». Pese al final aparentemente optimista de ambos textos, se trata de productos culturales que cumplen un rol en el ejercicio de control social. En «Barraquera», de José de la Cuadra, el cuerpo de esta mujer es fundado a partir de violaciones, muertes y migraciones forzadas: habituado a sufrir y callar, para este cuerpo el dolor se convierte en la única vía posible de acceso al placer. Se remarca que el tiempo cronológico de los tres relatos es el de la espera, el tiempo del destino. Para estos cuerpos-lugares siempre vulnerables y violentados, burlados o invisibilizados, lo fatal fundamentaría un cierre de lo histórico.
La autora pasa revista a las causas que dieron origen a la realización del Foro Social Mundial y a los que han sido los principales objetivos de este evento en sus cinco ediciones. Igualmente, analiza algunas de las problemáticas que enfrenta tanto la organización como el desarrollo del Foro, haciendo énfasis en los fuertes cuestionamientos que han venido surgiendo en cuanto a los resultados concretos del mismo. De Souza finaliza planteando la necesidad de un cambio radical en cuanto a las alternativas antiimperialistas y antineoliberales.
Focus on “social determinants of health” provides a welcome alternative to the bio-medical illness paradigm. However, the tendency to concentrate on the influence of “risk factors” related to living and working conditions of individuals, rather than to more broadly examine dynamics of the social processes that affect population health, has triggered critical reaction not only from the Global North but especially from voices the Global South where there is a long history of addressing questions of health equity. In this article, we elaborate on how focusing instead on the language of “social determination of health” has prompted us to attempt to apply a more equity-sensitive approaches to research and related policy and praxis.
The mineral sector has an extreme strategic relevance for the social and economic development of any country. Therefore, proper management of existing mineral resources in a given area is closely linked to the full exercise of sovereignty. Thus, in pretending to guarantee efficient control of resources, the majority of the countries classify mineral resources as state property; however, because of the high cost and the risk involved, the economic exploitation of these resources is more efficient when driven by private initiative. Hence, the basic resource exploitation model is a modern legal concept in which the control over resources belongs to the State, but the direct economic exploitation of this heritage belongs to some individuals according to law and by offering the necessary social and economic counterparts.
The emergence of social action amid governance is relatively new, but has been cases and situations even in earlier centuries than the 20th century. The presence, however, of a permanent social action in the State as a regular form of action public institutions, further established in republican constitutions in Latin America, is a significant novelty in the exercise of public administration. This research deals with the analysis of this reality, still incipient, and the implications of the permanent presence of the society in the state function. A reference framework for treating relationship between society and State involvement in a deep dimension is no stranger to the analysis of ideologies, agencies, interests and policy management dimension. This study analyzes the current situation of this participation in the State, in the case of Ecuador, with some references with other countries in the region. The study concludes that this participation is still incipient, amid a complex dialectic of stakeholders. Finally research makes some proposals to operationalize such participation and make it real, deep and continuous.