7 resultados para Defensive realism, nuclear cooperation, regional rivalry, Argentina, Brazil.
em Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital - Universidade Andina Simón Bolívar
El ensayo analiza críticamente la política multilateral del Brasil. La autora sostiene que Brasil se mueve en dos canales y con estrategias diferenciadas en su política multilateral. Por un lado, en el plano global se presenta como un líder regional emergente. Por otro, en el plano regional sudamericano y específicamente en MERCOSUR como una potencia media, que no necesariamente lidera procesos e iniciativas. La autora ofrece una interpretación de esta conducta del Brasil desde la perspectiva de la Argentina.
Este trabajo se enfoca en las luchas de las mujeres para convertirse en actores políticos en tres países latinoamericanos: Brasil, Argentina y Ecuador. Analiza la educación de las mujeres como un factor decisivo para obtener el derecho al voto e ingresar a la arena pública mediante la publicación de periódicos. Se estudia la manera como las mujeres crearon sus propias organizaciones políticas,muchas de las cuales fueron respaldadas por liberales, conservadores e incluso socialistas. A pesar de que la lucha para conquistar el voto femenino fue una combinación entre las organizaciones de derechos femeninos, el diálogo interamericano y el apoyo de figuras públicas masculinas, fueron los líderes populistas quienes aprobaron el derecho al voto femenino. Ellos usaron este derecho para atraer el voto femenino en sus reelecciones presidenciales.
La protesta social que Argentina vivió el pasado diciembre concentró el repudio de la nación hacia el modelo económico vigente, originado en el agudo proceso de degradación paulatina de los derechos sociales de la población. La sostenibilidad de la democracia reclama urgente atención sobre tres cuestiones: la violencia política, la fragilidad institucional y los derechos sociales, que guardan una estrecha relación entre sí. De como se encare su solución dependerá la vida democrática regional en los próximos años.
Ecuador’s total population numbers some 15,682,792 inhabitants, and includes 14 nationalities accounting for around 1,100,000 people, all joined together in a series of local, regional and national organisations. 60.3% of the Andean Kichwa live in six provinces in the Central-North Mountains; 24.1% live in the Amazon region and belong to ten nationalities; 7.3% live in the Southern Mountains; and the remaining 8.3% live in the Coastal region and the Galapagos Islands. 78.5% still live in rural areas and 21.5% in urban areas. The current Constitution of the Republic recognises the country as a “…constitutional state of law and social justice, democratic, sovereign, independent, unitary, intercultural, multinational and secular”. Over the last five years, the country has undergone a series of political and institutional reforms. At the same time, however, enforcing and guaranteeing the collective rights recognised in the Constitution has become a challenge to the process, and a permanent point of disagreement between the government, headed by the economist Rafael Correa, and the indigenous social organisations. The government’s economic action has been largely marked by an opening up of the extractive industries - oil, copper and gold - to foreign investment, either of Chinese or Belarussian origin, or from other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Chile or Argentina. This has resulted in risk to and impacts on the territorial and cultural integrity of various indigenous peoples, and an uncertainty created around the true validity of the broad collective rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Within the framework of post-liberal regionalist strategies that emerge and consolidate in the 21st century, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) represents one of the integrationist initiatives that attaches more importance to South-South Cooperation. The article argues, at the same time, that CELAC may become a future mechanism for regional governance due to its potential for integration, the advancement of political dialogue and diplomatic consensus as well as the promotion of development and international cooperation.
The text shows the heterogeneous views of various Latin American countries, like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, in terms of their analyses of and studies about foreign policy. This paper aims to make clear the different images that China generates as a rising power in the world economy, particularly as a major trade partner of these countries. The goal of this article is to provide elements for analysis about policy coordination vis-àvis China. The central argument states that there should be coordination between regional integration strategies and foreign policies in relation to China. However, these heterogeneous visions can work against that goal as well.
This article examines the conceptual framework and the institutional context of the Geographical Indications and Social Management in Spain on the European Union space. Then, providing a comparative study, Argentina’s and Brazils cases are analyzed. The emphasis is on identity and territorial development, where family farming has a central role. Thereafter, public policy drawings and implementation are projected in order to strength concrete agenda and measures elaboration based on Spanish and European experiences’. In both the Argentinean and Brazilian cases, the conclusions point to the need of an adjustment on public policies to better situate and implement actions and objectives. In Brazil the disclosure, financing and strengthening of the Geographical Indications should be bounded to the Programa Territórios da Cidadania, linked to the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, which is the place of the family farming strengthening policies. In Argentina, with the same logic, the actions should be situated on the Programa Nacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo de los Territórios.