7 resultados para Amazon herb
em Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital - Universidade Andina Simón Bolívar
Este artículo hace un análisis sobre los problemas y desafíos que la firma de tratados de libre comercio plantea a los pueblos indígenas, específicamente a los pueblos amazónicos. Tres ámbitos de análisis son utilizados por el autor para presentar la temática: la disputa por el control de la biodiversidad, los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y la construcción de una agenda de debate frente a la actual coyuntura. Ortiz plantea que si los tratados de libre comercio son parte de la política hegemónica de Estados Unidos, basada en el establecimiento de un orden global y en el control de las fuentes de energía del planeta, la cuenca amazónica se ubica como unas de las áreas de interés para los capitales multinacionales.
The point of departure for these reflections is life, since its protection is the central purpose encouraging the defense of human rights and of public health. Life in the Andes has an exceptional diversity. Particularly in Ecuador, my country, this diversity constitutes a characteristic sign that is expressed in two main forms: natural megadiversity and multiculturalism. Indeed, Ecuador’s small territory synthesizes practically all types of lifezones that exist on Earth, having received the gift of high average rates of solar energy and abundant nutritional sources, which have facilitated the natural reproduction of countless species that show their beautiful vitality in the variety of ecosystems that compose the Andean mountain range, the tropical plains, the Amazon humid forests, and the Galapagos Islands. But besides being a highly biodiverse country, it is also a plurinational and multi-cultural society, in which the activity of human beings, organized into social conglomerates of different historical and cultural backgrounds, have formed more than a dozen nations and peoples. Regrettably this natural and human wealth has not been able to bear its best fruits due to the violent operation of a deep social inequity – unfortunately also one of the highest in the Americas—which conspires against life and is reproduced in national and international inequitable relations. This structural inequity has changed its form throughout the centuries and currently has reached its highest and most perverse level of development.
Este artículo busca establecer cómo la Agenda Ambiental Andina 2006-2010, como primer esfuerzo por incorporar el tema de medio ambiente en la agenda comunitaria, estructura políticas y acciones favorables al desarrollo sustentable de la Cuenca Amazónica a través de una revisión de sus tres ejes temáticos: biodiversidad, cambio climático y recursos hídricos.
Ecuador’s total population numbers some 15,682,792 inhabitants, and includes 14 nationalities accounting for around 1,100,000 people, all joined together in a series of local, regional and national organisations. 60.3% of the Andean Kichwa live in six provinces in the Central-North Mountains; 24.1% live in the Amazon region and belong to ten nationalities; 7.3% live in the Southern Mountains; and the remaining 8.3% live in the Coastal region and the Galapagos Islands. 78.5% still live in rural areas and 21.5% in urban areas. The current Constitution of the Republic recognises the country as a “…constitutional state of law and social justice, democratic, sovereign, independent, unitary, intercultural, multinational and secular”. Over the last five years, the country has undergone a series of political and institutional reforms. At the same time, however, enforcing and guaranteeing the collective rights recognised in the Constitution has become a challenge to the process, and a permanent point of disagreement between the government, headed by the economist Rafael Correa, and the indigenous social organisations. The government’s economic action has been largely marked by an opening up of the extractive industries - oil, copper and gold - to foreign investment, either of Chinese or Belarussian origin, or from other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Chile or Argentina. This has resulted in risk to and impacts on the territorial and cultural integrity of various indigenous peoples, and an uncertainty created around the true validity of the broad collective rights enshrined in the Constitution.
En Ecuador. Journal de Voyage (1929) Henri Michaux quisiera ir más allá del vértigo del vacío y de la nada, dar con los significados que se le escapan, dar quizás con lo “transreal”. Con esa lente, y teniendo en cuenta el contexto histórico e ideológico, hay que entrar en la relación del autor belga-francés a lo largo del Atlántico, por la región andina ecuatoriana, y por la Amazonía. Por eso vale ilustrar, aunque sea tangencialmente, la práctica literaria que caracteriza esa obra para no hacer de ella un mero reportaje de viaje cuando, en efecto, se trata de un libro de exigente lectura, de un esfuerzo, por no decir de un tratado, de inspiración poética, teórica, que responde a una estética y a un diseño, a una estilizada y hasta sistemática cosmovisión. Las analogías y yuxtaposiciones de inspiración vanguardista entregan un mundo en que coinciden, estallan y contrastan lo exterior y lo interior, lo dinámico y lo estático, lo cotidiano y lo extraño, lo íntimo y lo vasto, lo sagrado y lo profano, lo limitado y lo infinito. Palabras clave: Henri Michaux, viaje, búsqueda, historia, Ecuador/ecuador, Europa, Atlántico, Andes, Amazonía, yuxtaposición, contraste, analogías, espacio, viviendas rústicas, música, remedos, límites, borroso, infinito.
This contribution addresses the implications of the boundary demarcation on basin of Orinoco and Amazon, during the second half of the 18th Century, beginning with the study of the expedition of the boundary between Spain and Portugal. This enterprise ended up in a surprise of games of omission, unfortunate and personal confrontations. The undesired task for the Spanish Guayana, however, marked a radically change in the geostrategic valuing and paved way to a latter colonial modernity thanks to the initiative of its commissioners. In this way, an important part of the territorial integrity was preserved against the geographical desires of lustanas and stopped the trafficking of indigenous salves towards the Amazon region.
In the colonial period, the Spanish politics towards the American frontiers was oriented not only to recognition and military protection of the borders, but also to control trade in the regions. During the demarcation of the boundaries in the 18th Century, the smuggling in the borders degenerated in various conflicts between the Spanish and Portuguese authorities. However, illegal trade played an important role en la satisfaction of the provisions in the zone, making possible the establishment of local alliances. This article addresses these questions taking as object the study the border Luso-Spanish in the Amazon Valley, between captaincy of Negro River and the province of Maynas, 1780-1820.