18 resultados para conservación patrimonio
When it comes to human rights, the first thoughts that come to mind are the rights to life, liberty or equality, among others, which possess the concept of being fundamental. Commonly, culture and heritage are not usually considered as rights; however, as well as there is the right to own legal identity, there is also the right to enjoy a cultural identity. This paper deals precisely with the study of culture and cultural heritage as a human right. Cultural heritage’s meaning concept is analyzed, its enclosure between fundamental rights and the way that it should be protected, essentially by the State. The Ecuadorian case is also analyzed around their legislation and cultural management, in order to assess the treatment that this right has been received in the country.
The aim is to discuss the main legal criteria developed in Argentina in regard to cultural and architectural heritage protection through the analysis of five court decisions and their main protection techniques. The goal is to raise awareness about the critical role of civil society in the protection and promotion of heritage and cultural values. The attempt is to highlight the importance of judge’s active role as a major figure in the field.
El proceso de reconocimiento de la cultura de las comunidades záparas de Ecuador y Perú como parte del patrimonio oral e inmaterial de la humanidad es el tema de reflexión de este libro. La autora analiza dos hechos significativos: el fortalecimiento organizativo e identitario del movimiento indígena ecuatoriano, dentro del cual se constituyó política y socialmente la nacionalidad zápara; y la noción tradicional de patrimonio cultural, enfocada desde una visión monumentalista, a raíz de la instauración de una nueva categoría de patrimonio intangible por parte de la UNESCO. Las visiones, percepciones y vivencias de las instancias nacionales e internacionales involucradas en la candidatura del pueblo zápara como patrimonio oral e inmaterial de la humanidad, constituyen un escenario único para la reflexión de este proceso.