35 resultados para student movements
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Monday 12th May Building 34 Room 3001, 12.00-13.45 Su & Rikki Presenting: Groups: E, F, G, H Marking Groups: I, J, K, L Schedule and Topics 12.00-12.05: Introduction and protocol for the session 12.05-12.25 Group E: Creative commons, open source, open movements 12.25-12.45 Group F: Trolling, Banter, Cyber Hate, Online Bullying 12.45-13.05 Group G: Personal Privacy and Security 13.05-13.25 Group H: Crime online; cyber security 13.25-13.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
This video highlights aspects of the lives of international students at UG, PGT and PGR levels from all 3 faculties. It shows them responding to a range of authentic scenarios about the experiences and challenges of being an international student at the University of Southampton in the early 21st century from their perspective. The overall objective of this short film therefore is to capture experiences and viewpoints of international students currently at the University. By viewing this video, it is hoped that staff will be able to gain a better understanding and appreciation of what their international students are feeling and facing at various points along their student life cycle.
This is self playing Powerpoint with sound, which was made by researchers in Learning Technology, in 2001, suggesting what the life of a student in 2006 might look like. It is interesting to see how far we have come (or not come) in the time since.
These documents show the outcomes of surveys conducted by David Read in the School of Chemistry to find out about our students' expectations and perceptions of feedback, with a view to enhancing our provision and ensuring that student learning is maximised.
Selection of UAS student presentations from June 2009
SES UAS student briefing presentation
checklist for fast track review of student project by ECS ethics committee
Form to be completed and discussed with your tutor for submission to the ethics committee as appropriate
This is a group of items which can provide additional support to students with special requirements.
Archive of student surveys 2007-9