7 resultados para Grellet, Stephen
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Reference List for UK Computing Law
Group Poster for UK Computing Law
Zip file containing source code and database dump for the resource
A slideshow and an accompanying audio podcast about DRM and piracy, and a poster advertising them
INFO2009 learning resource coursework. This is a board game that allows you to have fun learning about the facts of Green IT
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness By Team "Time Management": Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer Stephen Griffith - Website James Crickmere - Research Jack Kanani - Dictionary In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at http://web3.hackasoton.com
ITEM DESCRIPTION After producing reviews of A-level Chemistry content in 2007 and 2010, we have updated the document to reflect the changes which have been introduced for first teaching in September 2015. We will be working with our network of teachers locally to monitor the impacts of the changes on teaching and the student experience with a view to releasing an updated version in the summer of 2017. This will aim to provide insights for university staff regarding the experiences of incoming students who will have been in the first cohort to have studied the new specifications. We are grateful to the Royal Society of Chemistry for support for the final stages of compiling this report. If you spot any errors or omissions, please don't hesitate to contact us.