7 resultados para Directed Search
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
What are ways of searching in graphs? In this class, we will discuss basics of link analysis, including Google's PageRank algorithm as an example. Readings: The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web, L. Page and S. Brin and R. Motwani and T. Winograd (1998) Stanford Tecnical Report
Need help on a given topic? Topics Search tab can help narrow down the search.
A search planner to help structure a search (for journal articles in bibliographic databases). Also includes hints and tips on improving your search. This is a generic guide, useful for any subject.
Custom coded module for TikiWiki v4.2, allowing keyword search by Category. Auto-populates categories as new ones are created.
This 2-page planner will help students search databases more effectively using Boolean logic
Two articles outlining some early work on interdisciplinarity. Interesting as much for the style of the papers and the contents. You can download copies of the papers from this share. You can also access the full text via TDNET through the university library web site. Instructions provided.