5 resultados para Common cocklebur
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
This resource is now obsolete and has been replaced by http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/5920/ This PowerPoint is an animated step-by-step guide that shows tutors how to use zappers in a teaching session. It covers starting the PC, distributing the zappers, plugging in the receiver, starting the software, running the presentation and managing voting, saving data at the end and collecting the handsets. It takes around 5 minutes to view.
Common craft make short videos which explain in simple terms some common concepts and technologies used in learning and teaching. These are available through The Common Craft Store, which offers versions of videos that are: Downloadable files Presentation-quality Licensed for workplace use You can find the free, online versions of the videos on The Common Craft Show. Topics include phishing, RSS, wikis, Twitter, social networking, social bookmarking, web search strategies, social media, podcasting, sharing photos online and many more.
This narrated slideshow provides a step-by-step guide to recording a lecture in a CLS room using Panopto.
This 8 minute video provides a step-by-step guide for tutors wishing to use zappers (Turning Point) in a Common Learning Space with Windows 7 and Office 2010.
This is a quick guide based on screenshots which shows you how get started with Turning Point 5 and Office 2013 in Common Learning Spaces.