126 resultados para Adam Wibby
Poster and resource for group 18. Resource can be found hosted at http://adam-thomas.co.uk/info2009. Jakob Forst Aungiers: ja7g09@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Adam Thomas: ajt1g09@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Nathan Padoin: ncp1g09@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Antria Orfanidou: ao7g09@ecs.soton.ac.uk
This single page PowerPoint can be printed out and provides brief instructions on how to use zappers ina Windows 7 teaching space.
Staff only video on connecting to WSA Shared from a Mac. ***Note you must be on a secure connection - this means either a wired (ethernet) cable at work or connected to VPN for VPN support call Serviceline.
A slideshow and supporting handout used in a workshop that discusses how Blackboard can be used to effectively support student learning.
This 8-minute video shows you how to edit a recording made using the Panopto lecture capture system. You can access the recording via its Blackboard course, trim the start and end points, remove sections from the middle, and save the edit as a new (separate) version.
Slides on how to utilize the web to create an online portfolio using social network and tumblr. Also introduction to basic CMS's including indexhibit, for setting up a simple portfolio website.
This short 3-minute video show how you can make a recording available to anyone on the internet and how to restrict access again. It also shows how to disable and re-enable student access to a specific recording.
This 10-minute presentation introduces e-theses, outlines their benefits and the issues they raise and describes the process requird to create and submit them. It is available as an Adobe Presenter slideshow, as an MP4 video and as a YouTube video with optional captions for accessibility.
These three videos show how a Spirit hearing aid is fitted and calibrated.
This short 7-minute video outlines the main legal issues around lecture capture: copyright, student rights and lecturer rights. It includes detailed advice about the types of material that you should not record, as well as showing how to check whether material can be used.
This 6-minute video shows tutors how they can control access to recordings made using panopto. They can disable access completely, restrict access to specific individuals or make a recording available to anyone in the world.
This 4-minute video shows students how they can access and download the MP3 and MP4 podcasts produced by Panopto. It also shows tutors how to disable podcasts if they wish.
Just a quick-and-dirty video showing how to create questions on-the-fly in Turning Point
This 7-minute video shows you how to make a recording using Panopto in locations where you have no internet access, such as another institution or on a field trip. It also shows you how to upload the recording when you get back to your office.
This 11-minute video shows you how to create a participant list that will enable you to record the scores of individual students as they answer a series of questions in a Tuning Point presentation. It shows you how those students can register their handsets in-class, so that you can distribute the handsets quickly at the start of the session.