67 resultados para Sendero Luminoso (Guerrilla group)
Our website is a resource that describes equality and shows examples of bad Web accessibility. The website is hosted at: http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/wjvh1g10/index.html
This website has been created to raise awareness of potential issues surrounding file sharing and the penalties than can be imposed if you are caught sharing copyrighted content.
This video contains an overall description of DRM as an introduction, and a discussion about the controversy around DRM techniques.
A short video about DRM & Copyright (with chins).
A Website on GREEN ICT by the Go Green Group as a part of the resource set made for the Info2009 2011-12 coursework
This is the folder for 2011/2012 group 9 for INFO2009 (CWK2). The resource is an interactive website. Users: cre1g10, rjt2g10, gl10g10, jb23g10, jdr1g10
Informative website about Anonymous/LulzSec and Denial of Service attacks