56 resultados para Propellerhead Reason (Computer file)
This video shows you how to create a single PDF file combining the contents of several files. The steps relate to using Adobe Pro X. For best viewing Download the file.
4 examples of student reflections
The 'raw' design file available for remix, detournemnet, culture jamming and pal(y)giarism.
The collection of Computer Applications course materials. Lectures, labs, additional resources, the lot!
This file is used to create the examples described in the lectures. It should be used by "sqlite3 < student-3.sql"
This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult. It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH. The code is as follows: @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java @FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /B "%JAVA_HOME%\JDK*"') DO @SET JDK_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\%%G @SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% @javac -version @echo. @echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH @echo. @echo Now type 'javac'. @echo. @echo. @echo. @CMD
This video shows you how to create a single PDF file combining the contents of several files. The steps relate to using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro which can be accessed in any of the University's workstation rooms or can be installed from the Additional Software folder on a staff desktop. For best viewing Download the file.
Creates a simple SQLite database. Note how referential integrity is enforced.
Wednesday 9th April 2014 Speaker(s): Guus Schreiber Time: 09/04/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 546Mb Abstract In this talk I will discuss linked data for museums, archives and libraries. This area is known for its knowledge-rich and heterogeneous data landscape. The objects in this field range from old manuscripts to recent TV programs. Challenges in this field include common metadata schema's, inter-linking of the omnipresent vocabularies, cross-collection search strategies, user-generated annotations and object-centric versus event-centric views of data. This work can be seen as part of the rapidly evolving field of digital humanities. Speaker Biography Guus Schreiber Guus is a professor of Intelligent Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science at VU University Amsterdam. Guus’ research interests are mainly in knowledge and ontology engineering with a special interest for applications in the field of cultural heritage. He was one of the key developers of the CommonKADS methodology. Guus acts as chair of W3C groups for Semantic Web standards such as RDF, OWL, SKOS and REFa. His research group is involved in a wide range of national and international research projects. He is now project coordinator of the EU Integrated project No Tube concerned with integration of Web and TV data with the help of semantics and was previously Scientific Director of the EU Network of Excellence “Knowledge Web”.
Abstract: As one of the newest art forms available to young people, gaming has become an increasing influence on young people’s education, even if not used in a classroom environment. This talk aims to explore examples of how video games have changed how young people understand and learn about certain subjects, with particular focus on how the indie title Minecraft allows them to learn about the world of Computer Science and how groups are looking to forward the cause of education though games.
Abstract Passwords are the most common form of authentication, and most of us will have to log in to several accounts every day which require passwords. Unfortunately, passwords often do not do a good job of proving who we are, and come with a host of usability problems. Probably the only reason that passwords still exist is that there often isn't a better alternative, so we are likely to be stuck with them for the foreseeable future. Password cracking has been a problem for years, and becomes more problematic as computer become more powerful and attackers get a better idea of the sort of passwords people use. This presentation will look at two free password cracking tools: Hashcat and John the Ripper, and how even a non-expert on a laptop (i.e. me) can use them effectively. An introduction to some of the research surrounding the economics and usability of passwords will also be discussed. Note that the speaker is not an expert in this area, so it will be a fairly informal since I'm sure you're all tired after a long term.