25 resultados para introductory
An introductory guide to writing technical reports (including citation and referencing) and giving presentations
An introductory lecture on Web Science, taking a kind of devils advocate position by suggesting that the Web is a piece of runaway technology that escaped from research labs prematurely.
An introductory 1 hour lecture given in wk2 to x50 year 1 Graphic Arts students at Winchester School of Art. The aims of the lecture are: 1. Explore how to use historical sources appropriately to inform design practice 2. Make connections between contemporary designs and the past
This is the introductory slides for Comp1209 Systems Design. In the first half we explain the structure of the course, and in the second we give a brief introduction to Systems (using Bloodhound SSC as a class exercise)
The University provides a template for the whole of a thesis but if you wish to construct a thesis by using separate files you can use this file for the introductory section. This file contains all of the sections required (Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents etc). It also has mirror margins for double sided printing and has different odd and even page headers. Support materials for using the template are referenced near the start of the file. You will want to use this in conjunction with the Chapter http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9403/ and End Matter templates http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/11998/
Introductory lecture for engineering foundation year Computer Applications module.
In this session we look at how to model flow of control and interactions between components using UML Activity and Sequence Diagrams. This is an introductory session and so for Activity Diagrams we only cover branching, forks and joins and swim lanes, and for Sequence we cover lifelines, messages and returns, and alt, par and opt frames.
These are the resources for an introductory lecture in JavaScript programming, intended to support use of node.js and divorced from browser programming.
Software Engineering Team project introductory lecture and project start up for 2014-2015. it covers team working, infrastructure tools, and an outline of the agile methods, practices and principles that will be used.
This is the introductory lecture to COMP3218. We introduce ourselves, cover the philosophy of the course, the structure and assessment process, and lead an initial game design exercise.