58 resultados para accessibilità HCI georeferenziazione multimodale Open Trip Planner
An infographic for open source software licensing. This resource can serve as a simple introduction to open source software licensing, and as a reference for future use.
How the argument for Open Access hasd been made to government and the research industry over the last ten years.
Diverse attitudes to open data
A Seminar about the advantages of using open source licenses as a complimentary strategy to the academic publish process.
This is a talk on the new University Open Data Service, some of the applications it's already being put to, and some of the things we hope to do next.
Practising Open Education : Developing the Potential of Open Educational Resources in Art, Design and Media. A collection of materials uploaded as part of the OER project.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
Infographic providing a timeline of important events in the history of open source software since the fifties. Also includes stats for OSS licenses, usage in Business and reasons for participating in an OSS community.
This lecture introduces an array of data sources that can be used to create new applications and visualisations, many examples of which are given. Additionally, there are a number of slides on open data standards, freedom of information requests and how to affect the future of open data.
Overview of Linked Data in presentation to Royal Academy of Engineering
An (ex) student says what he thinks about the education systems and universities.