49 resultados para Portfolio, e-portfolio, CPD
This was the original presentation I gave as part of the consultation process for the ePortfolio application developed by Alex Furr, Richard Dudley and David Davies
slides, notes, and background information covered in first week of this six week set of classes
Lecture notes for skills module Routes to Success: Sustaining Success Lecture 2. Portfolio building
skills module, developing student skills by creating portfolio.
slidses, portfolio template, portfolio summary, example feedback, video link
skills module, developing student skills by creating portfolio.
Handout: Lecture 4 Feedback and reflection on previous portfolios provides generic feedback to students on portfolio task, used as example in subsequent years
materials to accompany module focussed around creation and examination of a personal portfolio reflecting on learning
slides to take students through part of task of preparing portfolio - also addresses skills development (embedded in tasks)this week - self knowledge and using feedback
VADS is the online resource for visual arts. It has provided services to the academic community for 12 years and has built up a considerable portfolio of visual art collections comprising over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in learning, teaching and research in the UK.
Slides on how to utilize the web to create an online portfolio using social network and tumblr. Also introduction to basic CMS's including indexhibit, for setting up a simple portfolio website.
Students taking the 20 credit version of the course (COMP6052) will work in groups of 6 to develop and design a new social networking tool/application/website. The teams will work on their design throughout the semester, and keep a design and development blog that will act as a digital portfolio of their work. At the end of the semester they will also be asked to submit an individual reflective summary that will outline their teams objectives and progress, their part in its progress, and a critical analysis of whether or not they were successful. At the end of the course teams will be asked to pitch their ideas to an interdisciplinary Dragon's Den style panel who will expect them to not only have created something that is technical viable, but will also want to see other economic, social, legal and ethical factors taken into consideration. In this presentation we explain the structure of the group project, what is expected in the blog, and explore some potential ideas to help students understand the scope of the work required. The outcome of the group project does not have to be a fully working piece of software, instead we are looking for a well developed idea that contains enough detail to be convincing to the panel.
decription of Descriptor 4 Portfolio requirements
Part 3 Routes to Success Slides Week 1
reading for private study during week 2, to be used in conjunction with week 1 collection