39 resultados para Open Data, Bologna
A project to identify metrics for assessing the quality of open data based on the needs of small voluntary sector organisations in the UK and India. For this project we assumed the purpose of open data metrics is to determine the value of a group of open datasets to a defined community of users. We adopted a much more user-centred approach than most open data research using small structured workshops to identify users’ key problems and then working from those problems to understand how open data can help address them and the key attributes of the data if it is to be successful. We then piloted different metrics that might be used to measure the presence of those attributes. The result was six metrics that we assessed for validity, reliability, discrimination, transferability and comparability. This user-centred approach to open data research highlighted some fundamental issues with expanding the use of open data from its enthusiast base.
Abstract: Decision support systems have been widely used for years in companies to gain insights from internal data, thus making successful decisions. Lately, thanks to the increasing availability of open data, these systems are also integrating open data to enrich decision making process with external data. On the other hand, within an open-data scenario, decision support systems can be also useful to decide which data should be opened, not only by considering technical or legal constraints, but other requirements, such as "reusing potential" of data. In this talk, we focus on both issues: (i) open data for decision making, and (ii) decision making for opening data. We will first briefly comment some research problems regarding using open data for decision making. Then, we will give an outline of a novel decision-making approach (based on how open data is being actually used in open-source projects hosted in Github) for supporting open data publication. Bio of the speaker: Jose-Norberto Mazón holds a PhD from the University of Alicante (Spain). He is head of the "Cátedra Telefónica" on Big Data and coordinator of the Computing degree at the University of Alicante. He is also member of the WaKe research group at the University of Alicante. His research work focuses on open data management, data integration and business intelligence within "big data" scenarios, and their application to the tourism domain (smart tourism destinations). He has published his research in international journals, such as Decision Support Systems, Information Sciences, Data & Knowledge Engineering or ACM Transaction on the Web. Finally, he is involved in the open data project in the University of Alicante, including its open data portal at http://datos.ua.es
Slides for my talk at the CHEAD Membership & Networking Meeting
Linked Open data – a platform for modern science, engineering, education and business. In the more recent talk, Sir Nigel Shadbolt speaks about "The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open Data" during the Natural History Museum of London Informatics Horizons event.
Presentation about the University Linked Open Data Service to Insitutional Web Managers Workshop 2011.
A panel presentation at Repository Fringe 2015
Info2009 Coursework by Team EJZ
Resource for INFO2009 Coursework 2 - Team Helios. The video covers the topic of open government data and the benefits and drawbacks to producing and using it.
Introduction to jQuery and using objects with JSON.