92 resultados para Levav, Jonathan
This is the poster about the resource set we have produced for the INFO2009 Assignment 2 Group Poster.
INFO 2009 Peanut Butter Jelly Website
A full list of references used to gather the information on DRM.
Poster for the INFO2009 Group Peanut Butter Jelly
INFO2009 Group 8 Censorship
Poster to promote the resource
The Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design and Media highlights historical, contemporary and future roles for art, design and media within globalization. Its members build sustained collaborations with international partners in public service, the creative industries and civil society. Critically concerned with art and design practices of making, thinking and representation, the Winchester Centre actively engages in education and enterprise, exploring the contribution of media, materials and technologies to the improvement of human societies globally. Led by professors Jonathan Harris, Sean Cubitt, and Ryan Bishop, the Winchester Centre will make a decisive contribution to the work of the School and the University in future years. The Centre's inaugural professors would like to invite you now to suggest future research themes and activities. In the coming weeks details regarding the programme and prospective membership of the Winchester Centre will be made available.
Informative website about Anonymous/LulzSec and Denial of Service attacks
A compiled JAR of the OpenImaj WebTools module. You can download this and run it straight away. See http://www.openimaj.org/ and http://blogs.ecs.soton.ac.uk/oneshare/2012/04/03/audio-proceedings/ for further details
Keeping formatting consistent is made easy by using Styles and they allow you to change the look of the text formatting throughout your file with a few clicks. This video shows how to apply styles in a MS Word 2010 file. Using Heading styles also allow you to make the most out of Word’s Navigation Pane and Table of Contents features – watch our videos on those too! For best viewing Download the video.
Knowing the number of words in a Word 2010 document or in a text selection within a file can be very useful. See how to use Word’s word count features. For best viewing Download the video.
Finding and replacing text in an MS Word 2010 document can save time when you need to make corrections to a word or phrase throughout your file. For best viewing Download the video.
If scrolling through your Word file is a bit slow due to there being a lot of images in the file, then temporarily turn off the images and show placeholders in their stead. For best viewing Download the video.