38 resultados para Digital redesign
Materials related to the session titled Digital Collector as part of the Research and Communication Skills
Slides from Lecture on making PDF's - the de facto standard for printing and setting up your own publishing and distribution channel via a Blog!
discussion of digital futures and how it might impact on business practice
This webpage provides links to image banks and sources of photos which are usable for educational purposes.
This resource contains an interactive tutorial slide, a set of multiple choice questions and a poster that Group 11 composed for INFO2009 Assignment 2. The topic area for the resource is Digital Rights Management.
Only a Digital Britain can unlock the imagination and creativity that will secure for us and our children the highly skilled jobs of the future. Only a Digital Britain will secure the wonders of an information revolution that could transform every part of our lives. Only a Digital Britain will enable us to demonstrate the vision and dynamism that we have to shape the future.
Your Digital Identity is everything you create on the Web, but also what other people might say about you there. Photographs on social networking sites, logs of chatroom conversations, newspaper articles about your role in a play, or your sporting victory. Even if you don't post material to the Web yourself, there is a good chance somebody else does, and we believe it is worth knowing about some of the issues. This workbook is designed to help you raise your level of awareness and to think about some of the ways your DI might be affected. There are two workbooks linked here; one for students generally and one for students studying for the health professions.
This is a talk on the new University Open Data Service, some of the applications it's already being put to, and some of the things we hope to do next.
Accessible etexts from curriculum materials for those with print impairments - strategies for conversion and reading using assistive technologies.
This vessel contains the poster and artefact link for The Digital Dream Teams' project
Unpicking and understanding if and how the web is linked to inequality means: Recognising that the access divide is not over, Thinking beyond hardware, Thinking beyond demographic variables, Developing a conceptual and theoretical toolkit, Beyond technological determinism, Co-constitution, Intersectionality, Technical capital
This is a version of a seminar/keynote talk I have given a few times. It argues that VLEs are no longer fit for purpose and that students should learn to take responsibility for their own toolsets.
Institutional Personal Learning Environments – Paradise or Paradox? A Digital Literacies Perspective
This was my keynote presentation at Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2012, in Porto. It looks at the importance of digital literacies and how VLEs do not support their developmeng and looks at iPLEs as an alternative.
This document details the legal agreement that conference participants will need to sign so that the University can video, stream and store recordinsg of the sessions.