21 resultados para Butter Point
This video offers advice about problems that might be encountered when running a presentation that was developed in Turning Point 4.0 on a computer with version 4.2 installed. NOTE: With the upgrade to version 4.3, Turning Point now automatically fixes these issues when you load an older presentation. Hurrah!
This 2-minute video shows you how to pair a PresenterCard so you can remotely control your presentation.
This is a quick guide based on screenshots which shows you how get started with Turning Point 5 and Office 2013 in Common Learning Spaces.
One side of A4 which provides step-by-step instructions to help you use Tunring Point 5 in Common Learning Spaces. Includes advice about dealing with technical glitches.
The brief guide tells you how to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop to vote in a Turning Point quiz. (Updated for October 2014)
This brief guide explains how to get a ResponseWare account so you can enable your students to vote in Turning Point quizzes using their own devices. (Updated for October 2014)