18 resultados para task manager
This is a handout to describe how to use Reference Manager v12. It is focused on the BioMedical area and covers linking to PubMed, Web of Knowledge, other biblographic providers (OVID and EBSCO) and searching for book information. The notes include how to use Word 2003 and Word 2007/2010 . You must be running v12.0.3 or later for Reference Manager to work with Word 2010.
This user guide outlines the functionality of the new Share Manager.
This video shows you how to use the new File Manager function in Blackboard 9, including its use with multi-file Learning Objects.
This is based on a training session last delivered in summer 2013.
Task overview, requirements, format and protocols plus guidance and mark sheet
A set of questions to be used with the RSA animate video of the talk given by Dan Pink on motivation. The questions are designed to help you address some of the sections in the portfolio
An introduction to a method of reflection. This task looks at the process of writing a short piece of reflection and provides a framework for that activity
In addition to handing in the portfolio your are requested to submit one further piece of evidence of your engagement with the course. You can choose from a selection of activities, all of which are relevant to the broader objectives of the module. This document provides a summary list of those activities and links to the more detailed resources. You can find a quick link to all those resources at http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/12372/
A reflection exercise to help you understand the reflection process better
link to the documents which describe the personal reflection task. One of the tasks you may choose to submit
Description of student resource recommendation task which you can choose to submit
Description of student generated content which you can choose to submit
Description of how to conduct a peer review, and guidance on how to submit it as a task. Download and edit this document if you decide to hand in information relating to your peer review exercise.