66 resultados para Vaughn, Michael T.: Introduction to mathematical physics
Behaviour Analysis is a distinct philospophy of science. Individuals new to the approach often find difficulty in understanding the basic principles involved. This presentation, aimed at Final Year undergraduates, is designed to provide an introduction to the principles of operant conditioning (e.g., reinforcement, punishment, and extinction), making clear that these words describe functional, rather than structural, relations.
Skinner's approach to verbal behaviour (language) is central to behaviour analysis, as a philosophy of science, and, increasingly in application, including interventions for autism and challenging behaviour. This PowerPoint show provides an advanced undergraduate level introduction to the basic concepts of Skinner's functional approach to understanding verbal behaviour.
Introduction to Network Mathematics provides college students with basic graph theory to better understand the Internet
These are the resources for an introductory lecture in JavaScript programming. Exercises are provided to practice simple JavaScript programming, including a template for a DHTML implementation of Conway's Game of Life (with encrypted solution).
Matlab is a high level language that is very easy to use and very powerful. It comes with a wealth of libraries and toolboxes, that you can use directly, so that you don't need to program low level functions. It enables you to display results very easily on graphs and images. To get started with it, you need to understand how to manipulate and represent data, and how to find information about the available functions. During this self-study tutorial, you will learn: 1- How to start Matlab. 2- How you can find out all the information you need. 3- How to create simple vectors and matrices. 4- What functions are available and how to find them. 5- How to plot graphs of functions. 6- How to write a script. After this (should take about an hour), you will know most of what you need to know about Matlab and should definitely know how to go on learning about it on your own…
Exam questions and solutions for a second year group theory course.
A resource which answers the question "Why bother to study estuaries?" for SOES 6018. This module aims to ensure that MSc Oceanography, MSc Marine Science, Policy & Law and MSc Marine Resource Management students are equipped with the skills they need to function as professional marine scientists, in addition to / in conjuction with the skills training in other MSc modules. The module covers training in fieldwork techniques, communication & research skills, IT & data analysis and professional development.
'Surfer' is a computer package used to produce contour plots. Its marine applications therefore include production of bathymetric maps from measurements of depth, as well as contour plots of how oceanographic parameters vary in space and time in the water column.
This 7-minute video shows you how to create a web-conferenced meeting using Adobe Connect, welcome the participants, communicate using sound and video, and share resources.
Week 0 induction for all new WSA students. Includes Details on iSolutions, WSA Technical Services, Workshop and Studio Professional practice and some basic Health and Safety guidance.
Describes course objectives and looks at what it takes to be successful in learning at University
Discusses the services that the Careers service provides for ECS students - and some that ECS provides too. The importance of developing a CV over time.
This PowerPoint slideshow covers the educational uses of video podcasts, describes how RSS feeds work and shows how they can be created using Blackboard.
This short PowerPoint presentation shows how the Echo360 lecture capture systems works
What is the user experience of hypermedia? Common hypertext structures plus Ryman's hypertext novel "253"