17 resultados para OVULATION INDUCTION
Quiz on A-level chemistry used during induction
Questions regarding experiences asked of students during Induction
Video's from iSolutions introducing student related ICT services.
This presentation provides some basic information and orientation for the new cohort of Undergraduates entering the BSc (Hons) Programme in the School of Psychology, University of Southampton.
Materials from week 0 induction at Winchester School of Art and details on setting up your iSolutions university account
This lecture was given to new first year BSc Acoustic students in October 2010. It is an introduction to library resources including finding items from reading lists and online searching for journal articles.
Library induction given to the postgraduate audiology students in October 2010. Session covers an introduction to the Hartley library including Library of Congress classification, finding items from reading lists, print journals, e-journals, search strategies including boolean operators and truncation and using online databases, in particular Web of Science.
Library induction and information skills for MSc Sound and Vibration, given in October 2010. As well as an introduction to the hartley Library and the LoC classification scheme, it covers finding material from reading lists, e-journals, making up search strategies and searching online databases using boolean operators.
An intro to the course and its tutors.
Video of basic eSystems induction for Tom and Paul
Overview of the course including the structure, content and definition of post-graduate study
A recorded version of Adam Procter's show induction for students that due to legitimate reasons where unable to attend this compulsary setting - once viewed an email should be sent to adam.procter@soton.ac.uk to confirm you have watched, understand and will comply with the information presented.
Start of year induction welcome slide set