8 resultados para women’s rights in the Inter-American System
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights provides that disputesbetween States and victims of human rights violations or their representatives can beresolved through a friendly settlement. In this arrangement, conducted before the regionalorgans of protection of human rights, the State accepts its international responsibility,commits itself to investigate and judge the responsible and makes commitmentson compensation to the offended, the victims, on his part, renounce to take the caseto the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Commissionmonitors the legal consistency of the agreement and holds the role of independentobserver. What are these agreements, what possibilities and limitations provide to theopposing parties and, above all, what kind of reparation offer to victims of humanrights violations are issues to resolve in this article.
The human right to water is nowadays more broadly recognised, mainly due to the essential societal function that this resource plays; likewise, because of the present water scarcity is generating conflicts between its different uses. Thus, this right aims at protecting human beings by guaranteeing access to clean water that is essential to satisfy vital human needs. Similarly, access to clean water is an important element to guarantee other rights including the right to life and health. The recognition of the right to water is mainly achieved in two ways: as a new and independent right and as a subordinate or derivative right. Concerning the latter, the right to water can emanate from civil and political rights, such as the right to life; or can be derived from economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to housing. This contribution explores the position of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding the right to water, and analyses whether the Court has recognised the right to water and, if so, in which manner.
Right to Audience and Right to a Lawful Judge are presumed to be two of the most important guaranties for the rule of law. Both liberties are established in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 as “fundamental rights”, and they are included as a part of a most generic right: the right to due process of law. Along this text, I will try to show its content and significance, according to the sentences of the Spanish “Tribunal Constitucional”, passed through more than 25 years.
La presente tesis, demuestra que la acción de grupo, consagrada en el Artículo 88 de la Constitución Política de Colombia y en la Ley 472 de 1998, es un mecanismo idóneo y efectivo de reparación en casos de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos v.gr. desplazamiento forzado. Para ello, en una primera parte, se presentan algunos antecedentes internacionales de esta acción, como lo son los International Mass Claims Processes y las Class Actions anglosajonas, que evidencian los casos de procedencia y los requisitos que se han establecido a nivel internacional para que una acción colectiva pueda proceder para indemnizar esta clase de violaciones. Posteriormente, en una segunda parte, se analizan los principales aspectos procesales de la acción de grupo, como lo son, por ejemplo, la conformación del grupo, la representatividad adecuada, el termino de caducidad de la acción, la notificación de la demanda, la publicación de la sentencia y el estimativo de perjuicios, entre otros aspectos, que a nivel sustancial y procedimental muestran que la acción de grupo es un mecanismo adecuado para indemnizar in integrum a las víctimas de las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos. Por último, se establece que el estándar internacional de reparación que es empleado en el sistema interamericano de protección de derechos humanos (Restitución, indemnización. rehabilitación, satisfacción, garantía de no repetición y proyecto de vida) puede ser aplicado de manera adecuada y efectiva a través del empleo de la acción de grupo.
This document is aimed first of all, make a small introductory reference on the three levels of protection of fundamental rights in Europe with the idea of helping to clarify and understand mainly to non-European systems that we are not talking. For that, based on this, going on to assess the impact generated in these systems suggest that the complaints alleged involvement of European countries in secret CIA flights to combat international terrorism, as well as investigate the responses that have given each protection of these areas to try to clarify them.
The themes of this paper are equality, reasonableness and gender rights in the dynamics of two sequential and convergent processes: the constitutionalization of judicial law, and the internationalization of constitutional law. The thesis of this paper is that in the face of non-compliance of the obligation to regulate, guarantee and protect gender rights, the best option has been to strengthen judicial law, which has enabled the development of rules for protection, the adoption of contemporary methods of interpretation and adjudication of the law, as well as the resolution of shortfalls in protection based on said processes of the constitutionalization and internationalization of local law.
Esta monografía busca explicar cómo han incidido el contexto internacional y las relaciones transnacionales en el movimiento feminista de Marruecos. De este modo, este estudio defiende que las Conferencias Mundiales sobre la Mujer de la ONU crearon una estructura de oportunidad política que favoreció el surgimiento y el desarrollo de este movimiento. Asimismo, dicho contexto construyó un espacio para que las activistas feministas marroquíes crearan y se insertaran en Redes de Defensa Transnacional, las cuales contribuyeron a cambiar la condición de la mujer en Marruecos, a través de reformas a los Códigos de Familia y Nacionalidad y el levantamiento de las reservas a la CEDAW. Para esto se hará un estudio interdisciplinario haciendo uso de la teoría de los movimientos sociales y del activismo transnacional. Igualmente, se utilizará una metodología cualitativa, principalmente a través de las herramientas del análisis de contenido y el trabajo de campo de la autora.
This thesis theoretically studies the relationship between the informal sector (both in the labor and the housing market) and the city structure.