4 resultados para larvas L3
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Diminutas, blancas, silenciosas, similares a los ‘gusanos’ que se encuentran en una guayaba, son las larvas esterilizadas de una mosca verde conocida científicamente como Lucilia sericata, capaces de sanar las heridas de una vaca y varios conejos. Así lo pudieron constatar los miembros del grupo de investigación en terapia larval de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, dirigidos por el profesor Felio Bello, biólogo y Ph.D en Entomología. Aunque las investigaciones, experimentos, mediciones y cura no se están aplicando en Colombia en humanos en esta primera fase del proyecto, la terapia larval, conocida en el mundo como terapia de gusano, terapia de desbridamiento larval o biocirugía, sí es una esperanza de cura para personas diabéticas, por ejemplo, que sufren de úlceras crónicas en la piel cuando sus heridas no responden a tratamientos convencionales.(1) La terapia larval, como alternativa de tratamiento para estas heridas que no cicatrizan, es un método más económico, de evolución más rápida y seguro. (1) Stoddard et al.1995, Mumcuoglu et al. 1998, 1999, Thomas et al. 1999, Tantawi et al. 2007.
La terapia larval es una técnica que permite aplicarlas larvas de algunas especies de dípteros sobre heridas crónicas o sobre focos de infección localizados, con la finalidad de restaurar el tejido afectado. La velocidad y la eficacia del tratamiento, sumadas a la casi nula pérdida de tejido sano durante el proceso de reparación tisular, han hecho de la terapia larval o biocirugía una alternativa viable para la curación de heridas asociadas con entidades como pie diabético, úlceras venosas, úlceras crónicas de la piel y quemaduras, así como de ciertos tipos de tumores benignos, abscesos y osteomielitis. Aunque la medicina moderna ha sido, en muchos casos, reticente a la aplicación de terapias de esta índole, eventos como la resistencia a los antibióticos y las alteraciones en el proceso de cicatrización en las heridas crónicas han permitido modificar la posición inicial de muchos médicos al respecto.
Introduction. During the last two decades the larval therapy has reemerged as a safe and reliable alternative for the healing of cutaneous ulcers that do not respond to the conventional treatments. Objective. To evaluate the use of the larvae of Lucilia sericata as a treatment for infected wounds with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an animal model. Materials and methods. Twelve rabbits were randomly distributed in 3 groups: the first group was treated with larval therapy; the second was treated with antibiotics therapy and to the third no treatment was applied, therefore was established as a control group. To each animal a wound was artificially induced, and then a suspension of P. aeruginosa was inoculated into the lesion. Finally, every rabbit was evaluated until the infection development was recognized and treatment was set up for the first two groups according with the protocols mentioned above. Macroscopic evaluation of the wounds was based on the presence of edema, exudates, bad odor, inflammation around the wound and the presence of granulation tissue. The healing process was evaluated by monitoring histological changes in the dermal tissue. Results. Differences in the time required for wound healing were observed between the first group treated with larval therapy (10 days) and the second group treated with conventional antibiotics therapy (20 days). Conclusion. The L. sericata larva is and efficient tool as a therapy for infected wounds with P. aeruginosa.
In the present work the toxic activity of extracts of Eupatorium microphyllum L.F. was evaluated on 4th instar larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linneaus), under laboratory conditions. Aqueous extracts were utilized in concentrations of 500 mg L-1, 1,500 mg L-1 and 2,500 mg L-1 and acetone in concentrations of 10 mg L-1, 20 mg L-1, 30 mg L-1, 40 mg L-1and 50 mg L-1. The bioassays were carried out for triplicate each one with 20 larvae, exposed for 24 hours to 150 mL of solution. In all the bioassays were employed control groups. In the evaluation of the acetone extracts, a negative control was employed to avoid that the mortality of the larvae to occur on account of the solvent. The Aqueous extracts showed low moderate action in the mortality of larvae, less than 20%. On the contrary, the action of the acetone extracts was observed to 10 and 20 mg L-1with 15% of mortality, while to 30 and 40 mg L-1 were registered 22 to 38% of mortality. However, to 50 mg L-1 the mortality was of 95.4% with highly significant statistical results. The concentrations of the acetone extracts showed to be the most efficient for the control of the mosquitoes selected. Both types of extracts showed toxic effect in larvae of A. aegypti, nevertheless, greater effect in the acetone extracts was observed relating to the aqueous extracts of E. microphyllum, which constitutes a viable alternative in the search of new larvicides from composed natural.