5 resultados para estimulação do nervo vago

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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Introducción: Las autoras presentan una propuesta de evaluación fisioterapéutica con el fin de contribuir al diagnóstico diferencial en los desórdenes de movimiento de origen ocupacional en la mano, para lo cual se seleccionaron dos desórdenes del movimiento relacionados con mecanismos de repetición: distonía del escritor y síndrome de túnel del carpo. Materiales y métodos: A través de una revisión de artículos científicos se establecieron las características clínicas y etiológicas de cada entidad, así como los parámetros evaluativos que se incluirían en el instrumento. Resultados: De acuerdo con la diferencia etiológica y clínica de este tipo de desórdenes, pruebas como la tensión neural para el nervio mediano, el test de provocación, el test de sensibilidad superficial y cortical, y la dinamometría permiten determinar diferencias clínicas específicas para cada condición de salud. Conclusiones: La propuesta de evaluación clínica fisioterapéutica a través de este instrumento se convierte en la primera aproximación en fisioterapia que contribuye al diagnóstico diferencial en los desórdenes de movimiento ocupacional entre el síndrome de túnel del carpo y las distonías ocupacionales de la mano.


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At the end of the last century, a model to explain clinical observations related to the mandibular growth was developed. According to it, the lateral pterigoid muscle (LPM) was one of the main modulators of the differentiation of mesenquimal cells inside the condyle to condroblasts or osteoblasts, and therefore of the growth of the mandibular condilar cartilage (CCM). The main components of the model were the humoral and the mechanical. Nowadays, the humoral would include growth factors such as IGF-I, FGF-2 and VEGF, which seem to be involved in mandibular growth. Since skeletal muscle can secrete these growth factors, there is a possibility that LPM modulates the growth of CCM by a paracrine or endocrine mechanism. The mechanical component derived from the observations that both the blood flow inside the temporomandibular joint (ATM) and the action of the retrodiscal pad on the growth of the CCM, depend, in part, on the contractile activity of the LPM. Despite the fact that there are some results suggesting  hat LPM is activated under conditions of mandibular protrusion, there is no full agreement on whether this can stimulate the growth of CCM. In this review, the contributions and limitations of the works related to mandibular growth are discussed and a model which integrates the available information to explain the role of the LPM in the growth of the CCM is proposed.


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Primary dysmenorrhea is pelvic pain during the menstrual cycle. The A delta and C fibers aresensitized by the increased release of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, thus causing pain. TransElectric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigatespain sensation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present six cases of women in childbearingage who were diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and received transcutaneous electricnerve stimulation. Materials and methods: A type of study, case report, was conducted with sixwomen between 15 and 25 years of age with medical diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea. Weassessed pain intensity utilizing the visual analogue pain scale and located the pain by usinga pain test map. Results: Pain intensity decreased in all treated women. Conclusion: Transcutaneouselectric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigates painsensation. We conclude that high frequency TENSis a safe noninvasive modality to achievereduction of pain in primary dysmenorrhea.


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Objective: To determine the effect of ankle joint mobilization on the H reflex amplitude of thesoleus muscle in people with spasticity. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study withcrossover design and simple masking was conducted in 24 randomized subjects to initiate thecontrol or experimental group. Traction and rhythmic oscillation were applied for five minutesto the ankle joint. H wave amplitude changes of Hoffmann reflex (electrical equivalent of themonosynaptic spinal reflex) was assessed, stimulating the tibial nerve at the level of the poplitealfossa and recording in the soleus muscle. In each subject 12 measurements were taken: basalrate, during and after mobilization. Changes in H reflex amplitude were calculated in relationto basal measurement. For each measurement a hypothesis test was performed (Student t test).Results: In groups of patients with brain injury and incomplete spinal cord injury, a significantdifference was found between measurements of both studies, concerning variation in H reflexamplitude during the application of joint mobilization techniques, with a decrease in the experimentalgroup and an increase in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences werefound after mobilization therapy. Patients with complete spinal cord injury showed no significantdifferences in any measurements. Conclusion: We demonstrate the effectiveness of jointmobilization in the decrease of H reflex amplitude in patients with brain injury or incompletespinal cord injury during the mobilization maneuver, but no residual effect after completion ofthe trial. This research showed no evidence regarding excitability reduction in complete spinalcord injury. We suggest that therapeutic interventions to decrease muscle tone based on the jointmobilization should be reconsidered.


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Este estudio de caso analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de seguridad en Argentina entre 2001 y 2013. En contraste con otros estudios, se considera que la relación de estos dos fenómenos debe recoger aspectos fundamentales de un enfoque de seguridad integral y multidimensional. En el caso de Argentina, durante 2001 el Crimen Organizado Transnacional ocupó el primer lugar en la agenda pública, lo cual derivó en una serie de acciones públicas llevadas a cabo por los distintos gobiernos. Sin embargo, los casos de Santa Fe en 2012 y Córdoba en 2013 demostraron la debilidad institucional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de este país. Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende demostrar con los casos anteriormente mencionados que debilidades estatales como la corrupción estatal y la indiferencia ciudadana son obstáculos para la formulación de políticas públicas.