9 resultados para convívio com a diferença

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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This study assessed visual working memory through Memonum computerized test in schoolchildren. The effects of three exposure times (1, 4 and 8 seconds) have been evaluated, and the presentation of a distractor on the mnemonic performance in the test Memonum in 72 children from a college in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, aged between 8 and 11 in grades third, fourth and fifth grade. It has been found significant difference regarding the exposure time in the variables number of hits and successes accumulated, showing a better mnemonic performance in participants who took the test during 8 seconds compared to children who took the test during 1 second; in addition, the presence of a distractor showed a significant difference regarding the strengths and successes accumulated. Such distractor is considered a stimulus generator interference that disrupts the storage capacity of working memory in children. Additionally, a significant difference was found with respect to the use of mental rehearsal strategy, indicating that participants who took the test in 4 and 8 seconds, respectively, assigned higher scores than children who took the test in 1 second. A long exposure time to stimuli during Memonum test increases the holding capacity. Also, the use of a distractor affects the storage capacity and this, at the same time, increases the school progression due to the use of mnemonic strategies that children use to ensure the memory of the numerical series


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No transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) é comum a ocorrência de sintomas associados a imagens mentais que remetem ao evento traumático. Estas imagens tem um impacto emocional bastante intenso, uma vez que podem se manifestar de maneira intrusiva e gerar sensação de revivência do trauma. Assim, tem sido estudadas técnicas de terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) que utilizam as imagens mentais como intervenção terapêutica. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar de forma sistemática os efeitos do uso de imagens mentais como um recurso da TCC para o TEPT. Foram identificados 8 artigos publicados entre os anos de 2001 a 2012 por meio das bases de dados PubMed, PsycNet e Web of Science. As intervenções dos grupos experimentais apresentaram diferença estatística significativa em cinco dos oito estudos selecionados. Contudo, ainda se faz necessário a realização de mais pesquisas sobre seus efeitos em virtude do restrito número de estudos encontrados nesta revisão.


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A clinical psychotherapy needs to turn its gaze to the current demands, and update its practice in empirical studies. The objective of this research is to ascertain the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of children treated in psychotherapy by learning problems. We conducted a retrospective documentary study with records of 2106 children treated between 1979 and 2007 in two outpatient psychological care of the city of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. The results showed that demand for Learning Problems is the fourth largest cause of psychotherapeutic care. There was no statistically significant difference regarding gender. Children with learning problems come to psychotherapy more frequently in the early stages of elementary school, around 7 years old. Increased demand for psychotherapy of children with learning problems takes place in May. Perhaps, learning difficulties can be understood simultaneously as a symptom global, in which other aspects, besides the uniqueness of the subject are involved. We conclude that individual and social aspects involved in Learning Problems may be useful in the clinical management of these children by professionals who are dedicated to meeting this particular clientele. One must be aware of ongoing partnership which should be placed between psychologist and pedagogue. Both professionals, education and health, account for components of the child to know


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The aim of this study was to compare the contrast visual processing of concentric sinusoidal gratings stimuli between adolescents and adults. The study included 20 volunteers divided into two groups: 10 adolescents aged 13-19 years (M=16.5, SD=1.65) and 10 adults aged 20-26 years (M=21.8, SD=2.04). In order to measure the contrast sensitivity at spatial frequencies of 0.6, 2.5, 5 and 20 degrees of visual angle (cpd), it was used the psychophysical method of two alternative forced choice (2AFC). A One Way ANOVA performance showed a significant difference in the comparison between groups: F [(4, 237)=3.74, p<.05]. The post-hoc Tukey HSD showed a significant difference between the frequencies of 0.6 (p <.05) and 20 cpd (p<.05). Thus, the results showed that the visual perception behaves differently with regard to the sensory mechanisms that render the contrast towards adolescents and adults. These results are useful to better characterize and comprehend human vision development.


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Objetivo: este estudio compara el desempeño de dos grupos de participantes con y sin afasia anómica en tareas de decisión léxica (TDL) y de deletreo en relación con el efecto de las variables de frecuencia léxica y silábica. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo con un diseño 2x2x2, donde se administraron la TDL, en la cual cada participante debía decidir si el estímulo presentado correspondía a palabra o pseudopalabra y la tarea de deletreo, donde los participantesdebían deletrear de forma oral cada una de las palabras presentadas auditivamente. Resultados: para la TDL, el grupo experimental presentó mayor porcentaje de error en los estímulos de alta frecuencia silábica, mientras que el control tuvo más errores en aquellos de baja frecuencia silábica. En cuanto a los tiempos de reacción, el grupo experimental tardó más que los controles en resolver la tarea. La tarea de deletreo no mostró diferencia de ejecución por grupos ni condiciones(frecuencia léxica y silábica). Conclusiones: los resultados del presente estudio demuestran el efecto de facilitación de la frecuencia léxica y la inhibición que genera la frecuencia silábica alta, ampliamente soportada por la investigación en población normatizada mediante diferentes lenguajes.


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Objective: To establish a prediction model of the degree of disability in adults with Spinal CordInjury (SCI ) based on the use of the WHO-DAS II . Methods: The disability degree was correlatedwith three variable groups: clinical, sociodemographic and those related with rehabilitation services.A model of multiple linear regression was built to predict disability. 45 people with sci exhibitingdiverse etiology, neurological level and completeness participated. Patients were older than 18 andthey had more than a six-month post-injury. The WHO-DAS II and the ASIA impairment scale(AIS ) were used. Results: Variables that evidenced a significant relationship with disability were thefollowing: occupational situation, type of affiliation to the public health care system, injury evolutiontime, neurological level, partial preservation zone, ais motor and sensory scores and number ofclinical complications during the last year. Complications significantly associated to disability werejoint pain, urinary infections, intestinal problems and autonomic disreflexia. None of the variablesrelated to rehabilitation services showed significant association with disability. The disability degreeexhibited significant differences in favor of the groups that received the following services: assistivedevices supply and vocational, job or educational counseling. Conclusions: The best predictiondisability model in adults with sci with more than six months post-injury was built with variablesof injury evolution time, AIS sensory score and injury-related unemployment.


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Introducción: Las autoras presentan una propuesta de evaluación fisioterapéutica con el fin de contribuir al diagnóstico diferencial en los desórdenes de movimiento de origen ocupacional en la mano, para lo cual se seleccionaron dos desórdenes del movimiento relacionados con mecanismos de repetición: distonía del escritor y síndrome de túnel del carpo. Materiales y métodos: A través de una revisión de artículos científicos se establecieron las características clínicas y etiológicas de cada entidad, así como los parámetros evaluativos que se incluirían en el instrumento. Resultados: De acuerdo con la diferencia etiológica y clínica de este tipo de desórdenes, pruebas como la tensión neural para el nervio mediano, el test de provocación, el test de sensibilidad superficial y cortical, y la dinamometría permiten determinar diferencias clínicas específicas para cada condición de salud. Conclusiones: La propuesta de evaluación clínica fisioterapéutica a través de este instrumento se convierte en la primera aproximación en fisioterapia que contribuye al diagnóstico diferencial en los desórdenes de movimiento ocupacional entre el síndrome de túnel del carpo y las distonías ocupacionales de la mano.


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Objective: To determine the effect of ankle joint mobilization on the H reflex amplitude of thesoleus muscle in people with spasticity. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study withcrossover design and simple masking was conducted in 24 randomized subjects to initiate thecontrol or experimental group. Traction and rhythmic oscillation were applied for five minutesto the ankle joint. H wave amplitude changes of Hoffmann reflex (electrical equivalent of themonosynaptic spinal reflex) was assessed, stimulating the tibial nerve at the level of the poplitealfossa and recording in the soleus muscle. In each subject 12 measurements were taken: basalrate, during and after mobilization. Changes in H reflex amplitude were calculated in relationto basal measurement. For each measurement a hypothesis test was performed (Student t test).Results: In groups of patients with brain injury and incomplete spinal cord injury, a significantdifference was found between measurements of both studies, concerning variation in H reflexamplitude during the application of joint mobilization techniques, with a decrease in the experimentalgroup and an increase in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences werefound after mobilization therapy. Patients with complete spinal cord injury showed no significantdifferences in any measurements. Conclusion: We demonstrate the effectiveness of jointmobilization in the decrease of H reflex amplitude in patients with brain injury or incompletespinal cord injury during the mobilization maneuver, but no residual effect after completion ofthe trial. This research showed no evidence regarding excitability reduction in complete spinalcord injury. We suggest that therapeutic interventions to decrease muscle tone based on the jointmobilization should be reconsidered.


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The objective of the investigation who gave as result this work was to investigate the effectiveness of kinaesthetic motor imagery in the activation of the hemiplegic hand muscles following stroke. The experiment consisted of two random groups. Movements were measured after treatment. The participants were ten patients with hemiplegic hands (men who mean age was 74.4 years; mean time since stroke 3.05 months). All patients received three sessions of physical treatment based on an identical treatment protocol. Five patients were randomly assigned to an experimental group practising kinaesthetic motor imagery of a grasp using the 'lumbrical action' (experimental group). The others five (control group) followed a relaxation script. All the patients were then asked to grasp an object using the 'lumbrical action'. The grasps were recorded using an optoelectronic motion capture system. The magnitude of the extension of the index finger and the correlation of the angular displacement of the proximal phalangeal joints and the metacarpophalangeal joints were calculated. The movement time for the whole grip was calculated. The experimental group demonstrated higher extension in the index finger (p = < 0.01) and they had a higher correlation coefficient (0.99) than the control group (0.77) for the displacement of the proximal interphalangeal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joints. The movement time for the experimental group was faster, although the difference was not significant.