3 resultados para Territórios da Cidadania

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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La siguiente reflexión sobre el disfrute del derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y de todos sus derechos humanos en los contextos urbanos se realiza a partir de las dimensiones propuestas por el enfoque de seguridad humana, en las cuales se establecen los mínimos que requieren las mujeres para gozar de una vida urbana renovada y superar las limitaciones existentes en la ciudad como espacio no neutral, que produce y reproduce inequidades entre hombres y mujeres, donde se feminiza la pobreza y se exterioriza la violencia basada en género. En este sentido, este artículo de reflexión, en el cual se presentan los resultados de la investigación “El derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres: una mirada a su goce y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias”, retoma algunas ideas propuestas por el movimiento feminista y plasmadas en las Cartas del Derecho a la Ciudad, las cuales son leídas desde la definición hecha sobre derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y las dimensiones de la seguridad humana, resaltando en ambas su carácter integrador, indivisible y necesario, para dejar a un lado las estructuras androcéntricas y patriarcales sobre la seguridad, la democracia y la ciudadanía.


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Law is often the source of social discriminations, but, at the same time, it can be thekey to delete these social discriminations. The authors try to give an example of thisphenomenon, by analyzing the impact of the Italian citizenship’s rules over the descendantsof the Italian citizens emigrated abroad and, especially, in South America.Indeed, according to the former Italian law, only fathers could transmit iure sanguinisthe citizenship to their children: moreover, women automatically lost theItalian citizenship if they get a foreign citizenship by concluding a marriage witha foreign husband.These rules hardly discriminate the Italian women emigrated abroad and, especially,their descendants who were prevented to get the Italian’s citizenship.These discriminatory rules were finally deleted by the Italian Constitutional Courtin the Seventies and in the Eighties: however, the effects of those rules still persisted,since the decision of the Constitutional Court could not overcome the temporal limit of the entry into force of the Constitution (01.01.1948) and, therefore, could not“cover” the discriminatory facts occurred before that date.Finally in 2009, the Italian Supreme Court, by extending the effects ratione temporisof the decisions of the Constitutional Court, “reopened the doors” of the Italiancitizenship to a huge number of Italian citizenship born from Italian women beforethe 01.01.1948.Therefore, the authors focus on the social impact of this decision for all the potentialItalian citizens living in South America and try to assess its juridical effects overthe Italian law.


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Different studies has aimed the understanding of the causes that lead some cities, regions or territories to develop themselves, whereas others remain stagnant or get back. One starts from the presupposed that the development results from the standard of social territorial organization, this one capable to provoke collective territorial innovations, as a result of the institucional density, that is, from the local capacity to constitute relations in chain. The present análisis is centered in the municipality of Sarandi/RS/ Brasil, that from the nineties has enterprised a trajectory of uncomum development. From a serious situation of social economical crisis in the previous decades, its social economical and institutional actors, in a way of chain, were capable to reason a collection of initiatives that resulted in the structure of a microcluster in the department of clothes industry, counting today around 50 companies and the institutions of support minimally necessaries.