5 resultados para Sustainable coffe

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un marco organizacional en profundidad de las operaciones de Juan Valdez y sus posibilidades de incursionar en el mercado Francés. El Análisis se presenta en base a una investigación de mercados que tiene como referencia las tendencias de consumo, más exactamente hacía bebidas con alto contenido de cafeína, (Bebidas energizantes, deportivas, café etc.). Igualmente se analizan los socios estratégicos con más fuerza de realizar alianzas con la empresa colombiana, sus posibilidades financieras, así como su experiencia y conocimiento de su mercado local, y la similitud de procesos o cultura organizacional. La investigación de la propuesta nos lleva a generar una aplicación y conocimiento más a fondo de aspectos teóricos relacionados con el estudio del consumidor, la diversidad cultural y su influencia en el momento de realizar estrategias de mercadeo, el concepto de red y complejidad, así como aspectos teóricos relacionados con la organización y desafíos de una empresa al optar el camino de la internacionalización.


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Water, considered as an environmental resource and as an economic and social good, should be part of the Colombian public agenda, not only not only in terms of the use and preservation of hydro resources, but also in terms of the social implications of its possession and use. The world wide preoccupation with the diminution of natural resources, species extinction and water shortage has its origins in the seventies. One of the results was the establishment of international conventions and agreements to achieve responsible management of natural resources. Regarding water as a resource, it is intrinsically bound to the Earth’s natural processes and ecosystems. As regards the Colombian case, the “right to water in Colombia” is analyzed taking into account: water as an integral part of sustainable development, the right to water as a global debate and, finally, the right to water in the Colombian context within the explanatory framework of the Water Referendum.


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The study of the growth of large cities, in the urban periphery or the peri-urban areas specifically, it relates to environmental degradation due to urbanization, if it is estimated that since 2008 more than half of the world population living in urban areas, this sector is affected as it presents overcrowding, segregation and deterioration of physical conditions, which will impact on the social aspects within localities. This great urban growth has usually developed with the lack of environmental planning.So it is necessary to include urban development, guidelines towards environmental conservation and rehabilitation of the territory. The future of cities will depend largely on the actions taken now. As urban development inevitably requires planning urban settlements through sustainable development so as to provide alternative technologies, based on the reality of Latin American countries.In the peripheral area of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, is taken as a case study of the town of La Venta del Astillero, which by its nature allows access and functionality to develop a set of criteria and indicators to urban sustainability, which can take as a model for other communities in the urban periphery.