5 resultados para Project of life

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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This article offers a theoretical interpretation of the dispositions on land restitution contained in the famous “Victims’ Bill”, which was debated in the Colombian Congress during the year 2008. The bill included specific mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing the restitution of land to victims of the Colombian armed conflict. At the time, the bill was endorsed by all the main political actors in the country –notably the government and the elites that support it, on the one hand, and victims’ and human rights organizations and other opposition groups, on the other–. The fact that the restitution of land to victims of the Colombian armed conflict was being considered as a serious possibility by all political actors in the country seemed to indicate the existence of a consensus among actors whose positions are ordinarily opposed, on an issue that has traditionally led to high levels of polarization. This consensus is quite puzzling, because it seems to be at odds with the interests and/or the conceptions of justice advocated by these political actors, and because the restitution of land faces enormous difficulties both from a factual and a normative point of view, which indicates that it may not necessarily be the best alternative for dealing with the issue of land distribution in Colombia. This article offers an interpretation of said consensus, arguing that it is only an apparent consensus in which the actors are actually misrepresenting their interests and conceptions of justice, while at the same time adopting divergent strategies of implementation aimed at fulfilling their true interests. Nevertheless, the article concludes that the common adherence by all actors to the principle of restorative justice might bring about its actual realization, and thus produce an outcome that, in spite (and perhaps even because) of being unintended, might substantively contribute to solving the problem of unequal land distribution in Colombia. Even though the article focuses in some detail on the specificities of the 2008 Bill, it attempts to make a general argument about the state of the discussion on how to deal with the issue of land distribution in the country. Consequently, it may still be relevant today, especially considering that a new Bill on land restitution is currently being discussed in Congress, which includes the same restitution goals as the Victims’ Bill and many of its procedural and substantive details, and which therefore seems to reflect a similar consensus to the one analyzed in the article.


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This study examines the notion of permanent object during the first year of life, taking into account the controversy of two approaches about the nature of change: developmental change and cognitive change. Using a longitudinal/cross-sectional design, tasks adapted of the subscale of permanent object and operative causality of the Uzgiris-Hunt Scale (Uzgiris and Hunt, 1975) (Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975) were presented to 110 infants of 0, 3, 6 and 9 months-old, which reside in three cities of Colombia. The results showed three types of strategies: (a) Not resolution; (b) Exploratory and (c) Resolution, which follow different trajectories in children’s performance. This allows affirming that adaptive conquests of the cognitive development stay together with the variety of strategies. Using strategies reveals adjustments and transformations of action programs that consolidate the notion of permanent object not necessarily with age, but with self-regulatory processes. Empirical evidence contributes to the understanding of the relations between the emergence of novelty in the development and performance variability


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The goal of this research was to identify predic- tive psychosocial factors of the subjective quality of life in a group of 60 people, with ages between 19 and 57, from both sexes, included in the program of demobilization and social inclusion of the Pro- grama de la Alta Consejería para la Reintegración Social y Económica de Personas y Grupos Alzados en Armas en Colombia. this research was a predic- tive correlational descriptive study. the Question- naire of optimism/Pessimism was used to assess the optimist or pessimist trend, and, for assess the quality of life, these strategies were combined: a home visit to value the objective quality of life, the Analogous scale of subjective Quality of Life to value satisfaction and well-being, and a general format to collect socio-demographic and juridical information. Results show that some variables as perceived health, optimism, educational level, re- ligious believes, objective quality of life, type of demobilization and years spent in the armed group operating outside the law, are associated to better levels of perceived quality of life. The findings and limitations of the study are discussed.  


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Aim: Examine the relationship between the functional capacity and the quality of life related to health in university workers. Methodology: Cross-sectional study in 146 subjects, divided in two groups: Low functional Capacity (< 9 METs) and High functional Capacity (> 9.1 METs). We evaluated quality of life related to health (HRQOL-Health Questionnaire SF-12) and functional capacity (Questionnaire PAR/PAF) as indicators of health status. Results: 47.3% (69 men) and 52.7% (78 women). The average age of the groups was 35.0 ± 9.7 years (range 19,0-60,0 years). For HRQOL, the average found in the population assessed was 45.2 ± 4.42 (range 33,0-58,1) and 43.8 ± 6.87 (range 19,8-43,8) in components Physical Component Summary (PCS-12) and Mental Component Summary (MCS-12), respectively p = NS. Significant differences were found when comparing functional ability and sex, p<0,001 in both groups. Similarly, sex and mental component MCS-12 (group of Lower Functional) p = 0,049 as well as women and the physical component PCS-12, p = 0,05 between groups. Finally, a better score in HRQL observed in the group of High Capacity and functional components in both sex OR 0.59 (0.25-1.38). Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate the relationship between High functional Capacity and a better HRQOL in this population.


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The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has a progressive and irreversible character and it’s associated to the triad of dyspnea, exercise limitation and the evident deterioration of quality of life. In the United States the prevalence of COPD in adult population is approximately of 6% in men, and 1 to 3% in women and it’s the fourth cause of mortality by no transmissible chronic diseases. In 1993, the National Health Interview Surgery considered that 12 millions of Americans suffer from chronic bronchitis and 2 million had emphysema. These two affections are responsible for more than 13% of the hospitalizations. As this affection progresses, patients experience a diminution in quality of life related to health (CVRS), their capacity to work get worse and their participation in physical and social activities reduces. Nevertheless, it has been confirmed that the isolated evaluation of COPD seriousness, defined by the reduction of the Forced Expiratory Volume in the First Second (FEV1), does not provide enough information to know the health state perceived by the patients. The fact that the CVRS is the result of the interaction of multiple physical, psychological and social factors, unique for each individual, can explain this finding. This paper is a general and updated approach to the integral handling of patients with COPD, and it discusses the concept of quality of life, related to health improvement.