6 resultados para Parallel Corpus
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Explicaciones, interpretaciones y comentarios varios sobre el Evangelio de San Lucas, organizados por San Ambrosio en diez libros. Sermones y tratados breves sobre temas diversos, a partir del texto evangélico de Lucas
The inclusion of subnational entities in international politics, breaks with the exclusive privilege of handling external relations by the States. Regions and municipalities have developed international policies that strengthen local affairs in cultural, economic, politic, security and strategic cooperation aspects, through the so-called parallel diplomacy activities. The influence of regional institutions in global affairs is growing; however paradiplomacy practice is not institutionalized and received little attention in international relation studies.
El Hábeas Corpus como aquel principio que nuestra Carta consagra como fundamental para la preservación de garantías tan mínimas como la libertad y en la cual se prevén a la vez derechos que la misma constitución protege
We examine the long-run relationship between the parallel and the official exchange rate in Colombia over two regimes; a crawling peg period and a more flexible crawling band one. The short-run adjustment process of the parallel rate is examined both in a linear and a nonlinear context. We find that the change from the crawling peg to the crawling band regime did not affect the long-run relationship between the official and parallel exchange rates, but altered the short-run dynamics. Non-linear adjustment seems appropriate for the first period, mainly due to strict foreign controls that cause distortions in the transition back to equilibrium once disequilibrium occurs