10 resultados para Motion rejecting the government’s program

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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Objective: To determine the change of behavior in physical activity and the characteristics associated with the use and benefits of Local Physical Activity Center (CLAF) in the population of the town of Santa Fe de Bogota. Materials and methods: We conducted a longitudinal study before and after, which was assessed at admission and 3 months in the intervention program CLAF physical activity, behavior change compared to the physical activity of users. Inclusion criteria: were being active user of CLAF, aged between 15 and 65 years and voluntarily express their participation in the study. Exclusion criteria: Fill incomplete measurement instruments used. The sampling frame of CLAF users, we selected n=55 subjects. To gather information, a questionnaire, which contained the behavioral stages of change, also conducted a survey which determined semistructured features about the benefits and use of CLAF. Results: The total study participants was n = 55, mean age was 40.4 ± 15.3 years, with a minimum 15 and maximum of 64 years, 83.6% were women. 78.2% do not know the purpose of the Local Centre for Physical Activity. The outreach strategy that most came to the group was 58.2 with a verbal type. The time for links to CLAF more frequently in the group evaluated was 1 to 6 months 36.4. The motivation to regularly attend the CLAF in the majority was to improve the physical and / or a 74.5% mental. 89.1% would be willing to recommend to others the use of CLAF. A 81.8% of the population physical activity performed by more than 150 min / wk at moderate intensity; Post CLAF intervention in the subjects showed positive changes in the level of physical activity (p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon) and behavioral state (p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon).


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A descriptive, case series intervention study was performed to identify changes in physical qualities, aerobic power, flexibility, strength and body composition amongst 20 elderly subjects belonging to the “Club Nueva Vida” in Tunja City, during the second period of 2005. A PRE and POST assessment of their physical qualities was applied after a 16 week physical exercise program.Results showed an increase in the average of the static muscle streneth from 0.27 to 0.30 Newtons. Standard deviation diminished in 0.1. The dynamic strength measure by the push up test improved in 10% a 35% improved in 10% a 35% improved their. Cardiovascular capability until to high levels of 80% there were not significant changes in the body weight between measures taken before and after the program application. The results obtained with the sit and reach test did not show statistically significant differences. Hower in other flexibility tests the results changed from bad ranges to middle and good ones. The enrolled population was stable during the development of the exercise program. This study concludes that elderly adults acquire changes in their physical quality features after exercise intervention. Physical exercise programs in elderly adults must involve strength activities for upper limbs, trunk and aerobic power activities. The “Beliefs Health Model” is a adherence to reach compliance and maintenance in physical exercise.


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El proyecto político del ex Presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez se presentó como una novedad histórica, articulada alrededor de la lucha contra el terrorismo y se creía que era la única salida eficaz a la situación de violencia que se venía generando en Colombia cincuenta años atrás. El estilo político de gobierno y la imagen personal de Álvaro Uribe Vélez marcó una ruptura significativa con relación a sus antecesores y a otros importantes dirigentes políticos de Colombia, ya que se tenía la concepción de que los anteriores gobiernos se caracterizaron por la incapacidad para enfrentar el conflicto armado. Esta novedad se vio reflejada no solamente en las medidas y políticas propuestas e implementadas desde comienzos de su administración, sino en toda una serie de estrategias tendientes a capturar la atención de los medios de comunicación y el respaldo de la ciudadanía al programa de gobierno en general y a la política de seguridad democrática en particular. Los consejos comunales de gobierno celebrados en los departamentos de Vichada y Chocó durante 2002 y 2006, incidieron en los resultados de las votaciones presidenciales del 2006 a favor de Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Esto es así dada la propaganda política que se hizo en ellos de la imagen del presidente y el uso de algunas reglas especiales que permitieron persuadir al electorado. Como se pudo observar, los consejos comunales hacían especial énfasis en las cualidades atrayentes del presidente: carácter, credibilidad, dinamismo, carisma y liderazgo. El uso de las 5 reglas explicadas: aprovechamiento de los deseos preexistentes de la audiencia, la apelación a las emociones, la simplificación de las emociones, la repetición de los temas principales y las afirmaciones declarativas directas, finalmente pretendían vender al presidente como un político sui generis, con unas cualidades excepcionales y como el único capaz de asumir los problemas de las regiones con autoridad y decisión. Esto sumado al vínculo emocional que siempre generaba con el público, catalizó su efecto propagandístico.


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A radio program requires several creation and work stages before it can be aired on a radio station. It is very important to begin with a defined concept that can be presented to media. Breaking the Cycle will be a radio talk show designed to feature lifestyle subjects. This document will expose all the production phases of the program, including the complete presentation of the edition on obesity, which is the pilot program. Together with detailed format information, the reader will find all the elements necessary in order to produce this radio product, such as work team, budget, technical completion and more. The information gathered in this document can work as a program proposal, in order to sell the show to any radio media organization suitable for the format. In addition to this written presentation, this project includes a recorded audio pilot that features the final product of Breaking the Cycle¿s concept.


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The implementation of anti-drug policies that focus on illicit crops in the Andean countries faces many significant obstacles, one of which is the cultural clash it generates between the main stakeholders. On the one hand one finds the governments and agencies that attempt to implement crop substitution and eradication policies and on the other the peasant and natives communities that have traditionally grown and used coca or those peasants who have found in coca an instrument of power and political leverage that they never had before. The confrontation about coca eradication, alternative development and other anti-drug policies in coca growing areas transcends drug related issues and is part of a wider and deeper confrontation that reflects the long-term unsolved conflicts of the Andean societies. All Andean countries have stratified and fragmented societies in which peasants and Indians have been excluded from power. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru most peasants belong to native communities many of which have remained segregated from “white” society. The mixing of the races (mestizaje) in Colombia occurred early during the Conquest and Colony. Those of Indian descent became subservient to the Spanish and Creoles. The society that evolved was (and still is) highly hierarchical, authoritarian, and has subjacent racist values. The resulting political system has been exclusionary of large portions of the population. Among Indian communities coca has been used for millennia and its use has become an identity symbol of their resistance against what may be looked at as foreign invasion. “The Andean Indian chews coca because that way he affirms his identity as son and owner of the land that yesterday the Spaniard took away and today the landowner keeps away from him. To chew coca is to be Indian...and to quietly and obstinately challenge the contemporary lords that descend from the old encomenderos and the older conquistadors” (Vidart, 1991: 61, author’s translation). In Andean literature on illegal drugs as well as in seminars, colloquia and other meetings where drug policies are debated, complaints are frequently expressed about the treatment of coca in the same category as cocaine, heroin, morphine amphetamines and other “hard” drugs. The complainants assert that “coca is not cocaine” and that it is unfair to classify coca, a nature given plant which has been used for millennia in the Andes without significant negative effects on users, in the same category as man made psychotropic drugs. They also argue that coca has manifold social and religious meanings in indigenous cultures, that coca is sacred and that the requirement of the1961 Single Convention demanding that Bolivia and Peru completely eradicate coca within 25 years is limiting Indigenous communities in their freedom to practice their religions. In most debates about drug interdiction, the views of those who oppose that approach are not accepted as legitimate. Indeed, “prohibitionists” demonize drugs and those who oppose drug policies in Latin America frequently demonize the United States as the imperialist power that imposes them. This dual polarization is a main obstacle to establish a meaningful policy debate aimed at broadening the policy consensus necessary for successful policy implementation. This essay surveys the status of coca in the United Nations Conventions, explains why it is confusing, and how a few changes would eliminate some of the sources of conflict and help organize and control licit coca markets in the Andes. The current disorganized and weakly controlled legal coca market in Peru has been analyzed to demonstrate its deficiencies and to illustrate possible improvements in international drug control policies.


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El presente estudio se centra en una política pública que ha sido llevada a cabo en el marco de la implementación de las mejoras enfocadas a la recuperación del espacio público en el Distrito Capital: El Programa de Renovación, Recuperación y Revalorización de Espacios Públicos iniciado durante la administración del alcalde Luis Eduardo Garzón. Los gobiernos anteriores intervenían el espacio público con un enfoque básicamente estético y físico, sin permitir su uso por vendedores ambulantes, éste introdujo un cambio fundamental al instalar quioscos fijos en el espacio público y permitir su uso temporal por antiguos vendedores mientras adquirían las capacidades para desarrollar proyectos económicos autónomos. A pesar del cambio radical que introdujo esta política, su implementación fue imperfecta evidenciándose notoriamente sus limitaciones, ya que no se permitió a los vendedores formalizar su trabajo.


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Evaluation processes in clinical practice have not been well, being their study focused on the technical issues concerning these processes. This study tried an approach to the evaluation processes through the analysis of perceptions from teachers and students about the methodology of evaluation considering the teachinglearning processes performed in a clinical practice of the Medicine Program –Universidad El Bosque from Bogota. With this purpose we conducted interviews with teachers and students searching the manner in which the evaluative, learning and teaching processes are done; then we analyzed the perception from both agents concerning the way these processes are related. The interviews were categorized bath deductively and inductively, and then contrasted with some current theories of learning, teaching and evaluation in medicine. The study showed that nowadays the evaluation and, in general, the educative processes are affected by several factors which are associated to the manner the professional practice is developed, and the educative process of the current teachers. We concluded there is no congrency between the approach of the evaluation, mainly conductivist, and the learning and teaching strategies mainly constructivist. This fact cause dissent in teachers and students.


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Objective: To evaluate the flexible program implemented for the medical internship at School of Medicine, Universidad del Rosario during the period 1997-2002. Methodology: A descriptive study was performed to summarize the choices of medical clerkships made by the interns during the whole studied period. The coincidence with the further choice of a determined medical specialty was assessed. Conclusions: Most of the last year’s students remain preferring a conservative approach to their career, by choosing clerkships in a basic area, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics or general surgery. The coincidence between the type of internship or clerkships a student performs and the future election of a specialty is high.


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Introducción: El programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario, en su responsabilidad social de generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad y en su propósito de formar profesionales, cuenta con los Programas Académicos de Campo (PAC) que se consideran una fuerte estrategia de extensión de la Universidad. Los PAC contribuyen a la adquisición de competencias para el desarrollo de procesos de acción-actuación-creación en los estudiantes para que resuelvan problemas en un espacio real de ejercicio profesional. Bajo esta perspectiva los PAC del programa de Fisioterapia muestran su comportamiento a través de la medición de indicadores de proceso y resultados propuestos desde el Programa con el fin de proveer información útil para la reorientación y permanente actualización de los contenidos programáticos en las asignaturas y en los mismos PAC. Materiales y métodos: En el siguiente artículo se presenta un análisis de los indicadores de demanda por género, régimen de Seguridad Social en Salud, procedimiento y morbilidad de los Programas Académicos de Campo Integral Pediátrico, Integral de Adultos y Rehabilitación cardíaca y/o pulmonar, con el fin de establecer las características de la población objeto de la prestación de los servicios y procurar información verificable que dé soporte para la construcción de procesos de cambio dentro de la dinámica de mejoramiento continuo que debe tener cualquier institución. Este seguimiento es útil para la toma de decisiones de planeación académica que contribuye a mejorar los procesos de planeación y a facilitar el cumplimiento de los propósitos de formación para cada práctica, y de esta manera ayuda a ser elemento de análisis para directivas, instructores y estudiantes en la orientación del proceso de gestión académico-administrativo, y a retroalimentar los procesos de planeación y programación académica. Resultados: Los resultados arrojados en el análisis de los datos de la morbilidad en los programas académicos de campo muestran el siguiente comportamiento durante los años 2004, 2005, 2006 y 2007. Conclusiones: En el PAC pediátrico la mayor incidencia es de asma con un 37,2% y la más baja incidencia es para luxación congénita de cadera y enfermedad mental de origen central con un 0,1%. El 58% de los usuarios es de género masculino, y el 81% del total pertenece al régimen contributivo. En la morbilidad del PAC de adultos la mayor incidencia es de EPOC, con un 23,2%, y la menor incidencia es de lumbalgia, con un 2,4%. La mayoría de usuarios atendidos (58%) son hombres, y el 58% de los usuarios pertenece al régimen contributivo. En el PAC de rehabilitación cardíaca y/o pulmonar la mayor incidencia fue de EPOC, con un 40%; seguido de neumonía, con 17%; y con una menor incidencia para asma, con un 2%. El 54% de los usuarios son hombres y el 91% del total pertenece al régimen subsidiado.


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Las relaciones políticas y económicas entre Corea del Sur y Japón pasaban por su mejor momento en los primeros años del siglo XXI, cuando la disputa territorial por las islas Dokdo, un grupo de islotes ubicados en el mar de Japón y que por décadas han simbolizado el fin de la ocupación del país nipón en territorio coreano, causara nuevas y significativas tensionen entre los dos países. Dicho fenómeno, se sugiere fundamental en la comprensión de las nuevas relaciones bilaterales entre los dos actores y se presenta como foco de análisis en la presente monografía. El documento, presenta un análisis descriptivo de la disputa territorial por las Islas y de sus efectos en las relaciones entre los dos países, tanto en los ámbitos político, social y económico.