7 resultados para Methodological proposal
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
This paper develops some theoretical and methodological considerations for the development of a critical competence model (CCM). The model is defined as a set of skills and knowledge functionally organized allowing measurable results with positive consequences for the strategic business objectives. The theoretical approaches of classical model of competences, the contemporary model of competencies and human competencies model were revised for the proposal development. implementation of the model includes 5 steps: 1) conducting a job analysis considering which dimensions or facets are subject to revision, 2) identify people with the opposite performance (the higher performance and lower performance); 3) identify critical incidents most relevant to the job position, 4) develop behavioral expectation scales (bes) and 5) validate BES obtained for experts in the field. As a final consideration, is determined that the competence models require accurate measurement. Approaches considering excessive theoreticism may cause the issue of competence become a fashion business with low or minimal impact, affecting its validity, reliability and deployment in organizations.
La razón de esta investigación es plantear una alternativa viable, que apoyada en estudios previos, permita identificar los factores que causan la muerte de las empresas y proponer la gestión de riesgo como medida de tratamiento para lograr la perdurabilidad empresarial. Mediante un recorrido sistemático por diferentes estudios y fuentes bibliográficas se identificarán posibles factores causantes de la muerte de las empresas. Esta actividad nos conducirá a determinar una lista de factores generadores de mortalidad empresarial, los cuales una vez identificados y clasificados serán analizados bajo la perspectiva de la gestión de riesgos empresarial con el fin de proponer esta última como medida de tratamiento que contribuya a la perdurabilidad empresarial. El resultado final del proyecto será la propuesta de una herramienta metodológica que contribuya a minimizar el riesgo de mortalidad empresarial, tratando los factores que la generan con la herramienta propuesta como resultado de esta investigación.
El objetivo general de esta investigación es plantear una alternativa metodológica para la formación de estudiantes con espíritu emprendedor como resultado de identificar las competencias necesarias que todo emprendedor debe desarrollar, e indagar cómo es el emprendimiento en Colombia. Como base teórica se realizó una conceptualización sobre Emprendimiento, Competencias de un Emprendedor y Regulación del Emprendimiento en Colombia. Este proyecto pretende hacer una propuesta de formación para los estudiantes orientados al emprendimiento a partir de dos caminos: enseñar emprendimiento a través de la clase magistral o el desarrollo de metodologías activas que permitan el auto cuestionamiento en cada estudiante, construcción de conocimientos y así mismo el descubrimiento de su potencial emprendedor. Se utilizó la metodología de investigación a través fuentes de información secundaria como base para la elaboración de la propuesta.
El objetivo principal de este documento es establecer una propuesta de lo que sería una caracterización de las áreas académicas de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario de Colombia para el ámbito de cursos de pregrado, con las tres carreras que se ofrecen. Primero, se realiza una discusión sobre aspectos metodológicos; segundo, se argumenta en cuanto a los objetos materiales y formales propios del estudio de la Administración; tercero, se caracterizan, de manera resumida, las áreas de conocimiento que se proponen para la Facultad. Finalmente, se anexa una síntesis de las características principales de la Enseñanza Social de la Iglesia.
The implementation of anti-drug policies that focus on illicit crops in the Andean countries faces many significant obstacles, one of which is the cultural clash it generates between the main stakeholders. On the one hand one finds the governments and agencies that attempt to implement crop substitution and eradication policies and on the other the peasant and natives communities that have traditionally grown and used coca or those peasants who have found in coca an instrument of power and political leverage that they never had before. The confrontation about coca eradication, alternative development and other anti-drug policies in coca growing areas transcends drug related issues and is part of a wider and deeper confrontation that reflects the long-term unsolved conflicts of the Andean societies. All Andean countries have stratified and fragmented societies in which peasants and Indians have been excluded from power. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru most peasants belong to native communities many of which have remained segregated from “white” society. The mixing of the races (mestizaje) in Colombia occurred early during the Conquest and Colony. Those of Indian descent became subservient to the Spanish and Creoles. The society that evolved was (and still is) highly hierarchical, authoritarian, and has subjacent racist values. The resulting political system has been exclusionary of large portions of the population. Among Indian communities coca has been used for millennia and its use has become an identity symbol of their resistance against what may be looked at as foreign invasion. “The Andean Indian chews coca because that way he affirms his identity as son and owner of the land that yesterday the Spaniard took away and today the landowner keeps away from him. To chew coca is to be Indian...and to quietly and obstinately challenge the contemporary lords that descend from the old encomenderos and the older conquistadors” (Vidart, 1991: 61, author’s translation). In Andean literature on illegal drugs as well as in seminars, colloquia and other meetings where drug policies are debated, complaints are frequently expressed about the treatment of coca in the same category as cocaine, heroin, morphine amphetamines and other “hard” drugs. The complainants assert that “coca is not cocaine” and that it is unfair to classify coca, a nature given plant which has been used for millennia in the Andes without significant negative effects on users, in the same category as man made psychotropic drugs. They also argue that coca has manifold social and religious meanings in indigenous cultures, that coca is sacred and that the requirement of the1961 Single Convention demanding that Bolivia and Peru completely eradicate coca within 25 years is limiting Indigenous communities in their freedom to practice their religions. In most debates about drug interdiction, the views of those who oppose that approach are not accepted as legitimate. Indeed, “prohibitionists” demonize drugs and those who oppose drug policies in Latin America frequently demonize the United States as the imperialist power that imposes them. This dual polarization is a main obstacle to establish a meaningful policy debate aimed at broadening the policy consensus necessary for successful policy implementation. This essay surveys the status of coca in the United Nations Conventions, explains why it is confusing, and how a few changes would eliminate some of the sources of conflict and help organize and control licit coca markets in the Andes. The current disorganized and weakly controlled legal coca market in Peru has been analyzed to demonstrate its deficiencies and to illustrate possible improvements in international drug control policies.
This article focuses on innate concepts: their definition, according to the linguistic work of Noam Chomsky, and the outline of a method for their study. As an introduction to the subject some academic conceptions of the concept acquisition are pointed out, and it is claimed that there is a lack of an empirical method for the study of innate concepts. Next, the article presents the definition that Chomsky has defended over time about such concepts. Finally, in a theoretical way, it presents the conditions for an empirical procedure for the study of innate concepts, called semantic analysis of corpus
In the education field, the question for the holistic formation is continuous and controversial. Moreover, with the obvious changes in the global knowledge production, apprehension and transmission, is crucial asking for the role of the education in the changes of the individual toward autonomy and take decisions in relationship with the educational process and the responsibility like a person sharing with knowledge like an issue of social development. In this context, this paper, presents results of an investigation made on 1995, about the recognition value like a methodology proposal of learning quality, for consider their propositions to be in force into an educational structure.