5 resultados para Location-Based Content

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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Objetivo. Determinar si la cantidad de sangre y su localización es el espacio subaracnoideo, medible con la escala de Fisher en las primeras 24 horas de ocurrido el ictus hemorrágico, es un factor predictor para el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en pacientes con diagnóstico de hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA) espontánea, vistos en el Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael (HUCSR) con seguimiento de 12 meses. Métodos. 251 pacientes fueron incluidos en una cohorte retrospectiva. La asociación entre la escala de Fisher y el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en pacientes con HSA espontánea fue analizada a través de un análisis bivariado y multivariado. Resultados. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 55,5 ± 15 años; con predominancia en el sexo femenino 65,7%. La prevalencia de hidrocefalia fue de 27,1% en la cohorte y la etiología de la HSA fue en su mayoría por ruptura de aneurismas de arterias cerebrales; 78,5%. La sobrevida a 12 meses fue de 65,7%. Tanto el grado 4 en la escala de Fisher como Hunt-Hess III se asocian con el desarrollo de hidrocefalia: ORA; 2.93 IC 95%: 1.51-5.65, P <0.001, ORA 2.83 IC 95%: 1.31-6.17 P=0.008 respectivamente. Conclusión. La presencia de sangrado Intraventricular o intraparenquimatoso ( Fisher 4) en las primeras 24 horas, asociado a un deterioro neurológico al ingreso Hunt-Hess III están asociados con el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en los 251 pacientes evaluados con diagnóstico de HSA espontánea; hallazgos consistentes con lo reportado en la literatura mundial.


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Gender stereotypes are sets of characteristics that people believe to be typically true of a man or woman. We report an agent-based model (ABM) that simulates how stereotypes disseminate in a group through associative mechanisms. The model consists of agents that carry one of several different versions of a stereotype, which share part of their conceptual content. When an agent acts according to his/her stereotype, and that stereotype is shared by an observer, then the latter’s stereotype strengthens. Contrarily, if the agent does not act according to his/ her stereotype, then the observer’s stereotype weakens. In successive interactions, agents develop preferences, such that there will be a higher probability of interaction with agents that confirm their stereotypes. Depending on the proportion of shared conceptual content in the stereotype’s different versions, three dynamics emerge: all stereotypes in the population strengthen, all weaken, or a bifurcation occurs, i.e., some strengthen and some weaken. Additionally, we discuss the use of agent-based modeling to study social phenomena and the practical consequences that the model’s results might have on stereotype research and their effects on a community


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Smoking-related pictures and matched controls are useful tools in experimental tasks of attentional bias. Noteworthy the procedures used to produce and validate these pairs of pictures are poorly reported. This study aimed to describe the production and evidence of validity of a set of smoking-related pictures and their matched controls. Two studies were conducted to assess validity. An online internet-based survey was used to assess face validity of 12 pictures related to smoking behavior and 12 matched controls. All pictures were colored and were 95mm length x 130mm width. Participants were asked if the pictures were related or not to the smoking behavior and also rated how much each picture was related to smoking behavior. The second study investigated attentional bias in smokers (n = 47) and non-smokers (n = 50), and examined how they assessed all pictures in terms of pleasantness and the 12 smoking-related pictures in terms of relevance to their own smoking behavior. Craving was assessed before and after the experiment. Results indicate that this set of pictures are valid since smoking-related pictures were considered more related to smoking behavior compared to their matched controls. Moreover, smokers showed greater attentional bias for smoking-related pictures than non-smokers. Craving and relevance of the smoking-related pictures were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Smokers considered smoking-related pictures them less unpleasant than non-smokers. These findings provide evidence of face and content validity of this set of pictures, which will be available to researchers, contributing to maximize the standardization of future investigations.


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A través de la elaboración de un análisis de mercado, de la situación actual del producto a exportar a nivel mundial y del sector agrícola tanto Colombiano como Japonés, y tomando como referente las diversas teorías de comercio internacional, se logra establecer un plan de negocio viable, en donde se define la forma correcta y factible de llevar a cabo el proceso de exportación, y de esta manera lograr el posicionamiento de un fruto exótico colombiano en el exterior. A partir del análisis realizado al sector agrícola Colombiano y Japonés, y teniendo en cuenta la situación actual de la pitahaya amarilla a nivel mundial, se logró identificar el comportamiento de la oferta y la demanda de este fruto, y la frecuencia con la que se realizan las exportaciones, con el fin de establecer las necesidades del mercado de Japón y aprovechar la ventaja comparativa que Colombia tiene frente a este país para poder suplir el mercado. Ante la indiscutible escasez de frutos exóticos como lo es la pitahaya amarilla en un país como Japón, dadas las condiciones geográficas con las que cuenta, y al ser este uno de los productos más apetecidos en esta sociedad, fue el motivo por el cual este país se escogió como destino para realizar el proceso de exportación. Adicional a esto, la ubicación geográfica de ambos países, y sus regulaciones y normas internacionales, hacen posible y viable la ejecución del presente estudio.


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May cartoons be considered as a viable and credible source for the study of economics? There is hardly any research on the subject, even though there is a quite significant amount of cartoons with economic content. This suggests that economics (and economists) have not paid enough attention and do not incorporate in their analysis a relevant primary source. The present paper aims to explore the value of using cartoons as a complementary primary source in economic analysis. We present a way of analyzing economic history through cartoons; first, reviewing cartoons which describe particular historical circumstances and second, examining cartoons that represent generic economic situations and are not necessarily linked to a historical period. We choose 17 cartoons, from different cartoonist, especially Colombian cartoonists that may give us an idea of economic matters and economic history.