4 resultados para Islamic Thought
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
El islam puede concebir una forma de gobierno democrático, bajo el termino de democracia de Norberto Bobbio, con valores musulmanes implícitos, también se evidencia el rechazo a la intervención de Occidente en presencia y en pensamiento. Resaltando así durante el proceso democrático Irán, su cultura y así exponer una nueva versión de lo que entiende por democracia, versión diferente a la libertad entendida por Occidente.
In 1950, the English mathematician Alan Mathison Turing proposed the basis of what some authors consider the test that a machine must pass to establish that it can think. This test is basically a game; nevertheless, it has had great infl uence in the development of the theories of the mind performance. The game specifications and some of its repercussions in the conception of thinking, the consciousness and the human will, will be ramifications of the path that will take us through the beginning of the artificial intelligence, passing along some of its singular manifestations, to culminate in the posing of certain restrictions of its fundaments.
The modern citieshave been born of the processes of industrialization, urbanization, which have been characterized by violence, resulting in social inequality, spatial segregation, the struggle for survival, the authoritarianism of the government and the establishment of exclusive orders genre, which has prevented the enjoyment of the rights differential. In order to understand these complexities and transform power relations that develop and reproduce it, this article analyzes the main theoretical contributions and methodological approaches that feminist and gender studies have been conducted on the city, urban space and the right to city, which are valuable contributions to the definition of the right to the city of women as a collective right to universal construction
Hablar de un Occidente bárbaro cuando la civilización occidental se erige en madre del pensamiento mundial, suena contradictorio. Es precisamente el objetivo de este artículo: sacudir la conciencia eurocéntrica.Hace unos años una “amplia encuesta” realizada por la academia Nobel para determinar los “100 libros que todo hombre debe leer en su vida” seleccionó varias obras, inclusive mexicanas como Pedro Páramo, pero ninguna árabe o islámica o africana o china. ¿Debemos inferir que estas culturas no han aportado ninguna obra “relevante” para el mundo? O ¿debemos inferir que el mundo occidental desconoce los aportes de otras culturas? En esto reside la barbarie: “el otro es bárbaro porque no lo entiendo”.-----Talking about the barbarian west when the western civilization arises as the world thought parent sounds contradictory. That is precisely the purpose of this article: to shake the euro-centric conscience.A few years ago, a “wide survey” carried out by the Nobel academy with the aim of determining the “100 books every man should read in his life” selected several works, including Mexican books such as Pedro Páramo, but not a single Arabian, Islamic, African, or Chinese work... Should we conclude that these cultures have not contributed any work of “relevance” to the world? Alternatively, should we conclude that the Western World ignores other cultures’ contributions? This is where the barbarism resides: “The other one is a barbarian because I do not understand him.”