4 resultados para Historic conscience. Country of Mossoró . Memory. Spatiality.
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Semantic memory has been studied from various fields. The first models emerged from cognitive psychology from the hand of the division proposed by Tulving between semantic and episodic memory. Over the past thirty years there have been parallel developments in the fields of psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology. The present work is to review the contributions that have emerged within the neuropsychology to the study of semantic memory and to present an updated overview of the points of consensus. First, it is defined the term "semantics" conceptually within the field of neuropsychology. Then, there is a dichotomy that passes through both psychological and neuropsychological models on semantic memory: the existence of modals versus amodal representations. Third, there are developed the main theoretical models in neuropsychology that emerged in an attempt to explain categoryspecific semantic deficits. Finally, more robust contributions and points that still generate some discussion are reviewed.
This study assessed visual working memory through Memonum computerized test in schoolchildren. The effects of three exposure times (1, 4 and 8 seconds) have been evaluated, and the presentation of a distractor on the mnemonic performance in the test Memonum in 72 children from a college in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, aged between 8 and 11 in grades third, fourth and fifth grade. It has been found significant difference regarding the exposure time in the variables number of hits and successes accumulated, showing a better mnemonic performance in participants who took the test during 8 seconds compared to children who took the test during 1 second; in addition, the presence of a distractor showed a significant difference regarding the strengths and successes accumulated. Such distractor is considered a stimulus generator interference that disrupts the storage capacity of working memory in children. Additionally, a significant difference was found with respect to the use of mental rehearsal strategy, indicating that participants who took the test in 4 and 8 seconds, respectively, assigned higher scores than children who took the test in 1 second. A long exposure time to stimuli during Memonum test increases the holding capacity. Also, the use of a distractor affects the storage capacity and this, at the same time, increases the school progression due to the use of mnemonic strategies that children use to ensure the memory of the numerical series
En este artculo se analizan y ponderan algunos de los alcances que genera uno de los ejercicios polticos y sociales ms complejos de realizar en Colombia: la reconstruccin de la memoria histrica del conflicto armado. En este sentido, se destaca el trabajo que desarrolla actualmente el rea de Memoria Histrica (MH) de la Comisin Nacional de Reparacin y Reconciliacin (CNRR) en el marco del actual proceso de Justicia y Paz que tiene lugar en el pas desde el ao 2005. Se sostiene en el artculo que existen avances significativos, desafos y preguntas en la labor adelantada por este grupo en cuanto a las formas y los sentidos involucrados en la recuperacin y comprensin de nuestro pasado reciente.---The reconstruction of historical memory of the Colombian conflict in the current Justicia y Paz process. Scopes, challenges and questionsIn this paper we analyzed the scope that generates one of the political and social exercises more difficult to achieve in Colombia: the reconstruction of historical memory of the armed conflict. In this sense, it highlights the work that is developing the Historical Memory Area (MH) of the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR) under the current Justice and Peace process that takes place in the country since 2005. It is argued in the article that there are significant advances, challenges and questions in the work undertaken by this group in terms of the forms and meanings involved in the recovery and understanding of our recent past.Key words: Justice and Pace, Colombia, historical memory, armed conflict,victims, recent past.---A reconstruo da memria histrica do conflito colombiano no atual processo de Justicia y Paz. Alcances, desafios e perguntasNeste artigo se analisam e ponderam alguns dos alcances que gera um dos exerccios polticos e sociais mais complexos de realizar na Colmbia: a reconstruo da memria histrica do conflito armado. Neste sentido, se destaca o trabalho que desenvolve atualmente o Grupo de Memria Histrica (GMH) da Comisso Nacional de Reparao e Reconciliao (Comisin Nacional de Reparacin y Reconciliacin - CNRR) no marco do atual processo de Justia e Paz que tem lugar no pas desde o ano 2005. Sustenta-se no artigo que existem avanos significativos, desafios e perguntas no trabalho adiantado por este grupo em quanto s formas e os sentidos envolvidos na recuperao e compreenso de nosso passado recente.Palavras chave: Justia e paz, Colmbia, memria histrica, conflito armado, vtimas, passado recente.
Colombia ha sido escenario de disputas violentas por poder poltico y econmico entre diferentes sectores. Del mismo modo, el pas tambin ha manifestado una debilidad muy significativa en cuanto a su memoria histrica, hecho que se ha traducido en la segmentacin del pas entre quienes tienen conocimiento y conciencia acerca del conflicto interno armado y aquellos que parecen considerarlo como una serie de eventos violentos que se da en un contexto ajeno, en una suerte de pas paralelo. Por lo tanto, el inters de este trabajo es el de participar en la construccin de una memoria histrica que permita al lector evidenciar y dimensionar el alcance de las acciones gubernamentales en relacin a la verdad, justicia y reparacin de las vctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos