3 resultados para Evolutionary path-relinking

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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La multinacional Crepes & Waffles posee una historia extraordinaria de emprendimiento y arte en la gestión, con la cual construye un valor agregado diferenciador en la industria gastronómica de Colombia, pues mediante el uso de una estrategia enfocada hacia la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) genera Innovación en Valor y por consiguiente la satisfacción de cada uno de sus clientes tanto internos como externos (Stakeholders) estableciendo lazos de confianza y compromiso. El presente trabajo de grado busca incluir como ingrediente clave de la perdurabilidad a la RSE creadora de Innovación en Valor, ya que por medio del estudio del caso Crepes & Waffles, se concluye que una gerencia humana, holística y comprometida con la construcción de su entorno, puede lograr que una empresa sea legitimada por la sociedad en la que está inmersa. Una buena dosis de RSE estratégicamente aplicada se configura hoy por hoy como la receta innegable del éxito y aunque un sinnúmero de teorías organizacionales tratan de establecer las pautas para impulsar el crecimiento de las empresas, únicamente la entidad que logre ingresar al corazón de sus Stakeholders y crear fidelidad, se mantendrá en el tiempo y se sumergirá en un nicho de mercado carente de competidores, o en lo que los escritores W. Chan Kim y Renée Mauborgne (2005) describen en su libro “La estrategia del Océano Azul” como “Un espacio de mercado no disputado donde la competencia es irrelevante”.


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This paper presents the final results of the research project undertaken in 2010 and 2011 by the legal research group “Filius”, affiliated with Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt of Armenia, (Quindío). The project’s general objective is “to establish the concept of family used by the Colombian legal system based on the judgments of the Constitutional Court granting rights to same-sex couples”. To this end, a line of jurisprudence was developed from the Court’s rulings that discussed the rights of same-sex couples, concluding that despite the great progress made in Colombia on the recognition of rights to these couples following Decision C-075/2007, in all these judgments the Court had always refused to recognize their family status, and it was not until 2011, in Decision C-577, that the Court accepted that same-sex couples constitute a family, thereby dramatically changing the constitutional doctrine that had maintained the criteria of heterosexuality as defining family.


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This article presents an evolutionary perspective to the study of human development. Some general assumptions for the study of development are discussed and the principal building blocks of evolutionary psychology are presented. One of them is that there is a universal human nature (which is modulate also by particular conditions of each context) and the cognitive architecture of human beings is the resulted of interactions between genes and environment. Based on those, and other assumptions, directions for the study of child development in an evolutionary stance are discussed, along with the considerations of context and development. Thus, it is assumed there is a relationship between phylogenies and ontogenetic development (the ontogenesis needs to be understood also as a product of evolution), considering the inseparability of biological, socio-cultural, cognitive emotional aspects that constitute this development. It has been concluded that the evolutionary developmental psychology has scientific relevance because it broadens our vision on human development.