10 resultados para Definição

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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La siguiente reflexión sobre el disfrute del derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y de todos sus derechos humanos en los contextos urbanos se realiza a partir de las dimensiones propuestas por el enfoque de seguridad humana, en las cuales se establecen los mínimos que requieren las mujeres para gozar de una vida urbana renovada y superar las limitaciones existentes en la ciudad como espacio no neutral, que produce y reproduce inequidades entre hombres y mujeres, donde se feminiza la pobreza y se exterioriza la violencia basada en género. En este sentido, este artículo de reflexión, en el cual se presentan los resultados de la investigación “El derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres: una mirada a su goce y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias”, retoma algunas ideas propuestas por el movimiento feminista y plasmadas en las Cartas del Derecho a la Ciudad, las cuales son leídas desde la definición hecha sobre derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y las dimensiones de la seguridad humana, resaltando en ambas su carácter integrador, indivisible y necesario, para dejar a un lado las estructuras androcéntricas y patriarcales sobre la seguridad, la democracia y la ciudadanía.


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Considering that the employment contract suspension responds to labor stability,one of the most important principles of labor law is important to study it because itsprincipal purpose is to maintain the link between de employer and the employeedespite the presence of adversity or other situations that would break up the relationshipin other fields. However, at the occurrence of any of the grounds of suspensionmay be presented some questions or voids that it will try to be answer in this paper.Consequently we shall refer first to the definition, purpose and characteristics of thesuspension. Subsequently, will be analyzed in detail every single ground of contractsuspension in Colombia. Then, will be studied the effects of the suspension andwe will refer to the resumption of work, and conclude with the comparative analysisof the figure in some Hispanic countries (Mexico, Paraguay and Spain).


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This article explores the medical care standard required by law for terminally illpatients and the possibility of limiting therapeutic efforts while respecting the duediligence expected from doctors. To this end, circumstances are identified in whichthe doctor is forced to choose between two possible actions: to guarantee the right tolife by continuing treatment, or to limit the right to healthcare by limiting therapeuticefforts. Two cases taken from English Common Law were reviewed that decided onthe factual problem at hand. In our country, the Constitutional Court established aline of jurisprudence on the role of the doctor in deciding whether or not to continuetreatment for a terminally ill person. Lastly, jurisprudence precedents are presentedalong with a comparative analysis of the solutions given in Great Britain andin Colombia.


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Impulsivity has been linked to three main factors: performing without direct involvement of the frontal lobe functions, an increase in the speed of response, and the acquisition of immediate gratification. This behavioral inhibition deficit involves a variety of behaviors including aspects of hyperexcitability, behavioral disinhibition and higher order decision making. Although by tradition, the definition of this executive function has been conceptualized from a psychopathological view, currently, the wide variety of neuropsychological, developmental and animal models assessment techniques encourage us to establish dialogues that integrate the knowledge of these theoretical perspectives for the interpretation and understanding of impulsivity.


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This article focuses on innate concepts: their definition, according to the linguistic work of Noam Chomsky, and the outline of a method for their study. As an introduction to the subject some academic conceptions of the concept acquisition are pointed out, and it is claimed that there is a lack of an empirical method for the study of innate concepts. Next, the article presents the definition that Chomsky has defended over time about such concepts. Finally, in a theoretical way, it presents the conditions for an empirical procedure for the study of innate concepts, called semantic analysis of corpus


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La Epigenética se refiere a los cambios heredables en el ADN e histonas que no implican alteraciones en la secuencia de nucleótidos y modifican la estructura y condensación de la cromatina, por lo que afectan la expresión génica y el fenotipo. Las modificaciones epigenéticas son metilación del ADN y modificaciones de histonas. Objetivo: hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre el concepto de epigenética y su impacto en la salud. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una revisión de la bibliografía sobre el concepto de epigenética, sus bases biológicas, el impacto sobre la salud y la enfermedad y su relación con la evolución. Resultados: los mecanismos epigenéticos han cobrado cada vez más importancia debido a la creciente asociación con enfermedades complejas y comunes, así como por su impacto en la salud de generaciones futuras y en la evolución humana. Conclusiones: la Epigenética tiene un claro impacto en la salud del individuo, en la de su descendencia y en la evolución de la especie humana.


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Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the population served in mental health institutionsfor mental illness relapse, and the process of identifying risk factors in relapsing patientsdiagnosed with severe mental illness. To this end a descriptive exploratory multicenter, multistageepidemiological study was carried out in mental health institutions of the Order of San Juan deDios Hospital (OHSJD) with hospitalized relapsing patients with a diagnosis of severe mentaldisorder. This study comes from a working network of Psychology professionals in the OHSJDnationwide. Materials and methods: The population sample was of 1005 patients diagnosed withsevere mental disorders, who had presented relapse during the last year. First, the characterizationof the general population was conducted; then, it was narrowed down to the centers, taking intoaccount similarities and differences found according to the clinical and demographic variables.Results: Major risk factors for relapse found in patients diagnosed with severe mental disorderswere: having between 38 and 58 years of age, being female, single, graduates, unemployed, witha prevalence of bipolar affective disorder diagnosis, number of hospitalizations between 2 and10, number of drugs at the time of leaving hospital 2 to 6, with severe difficulties relating withothers and difficulties in adherence to treatment. The need for a caregiver was also found, as wellas a limited number of received psychological interventions. How the system of beliefs affects thedisease and the poor adherence to treatment was identified. Conclusions: These results indicatethe requirement of a design of team intervention strategies, ranging from the assessment team(home), definition of therapeutic action plans (for) and the posthospitalizacion (egress) following.There is a poor support network and limited adherence to comprehensive treatment.


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The Relation University, Company and State UEE defined through the eight committees created in Colombia to position the investigation like central axis of the triad one, impliesthe revision of the paper that in ahead must assume the companies and the universities for the success of the nexus. The scene raises the debt that both estates show as opposed to the definition of the subjects that in particular force them to work jointly within the triad one. The systemic methodology, drawn up under the epilogue of the order of the organizations, stipulates that these can work in unison or in key when they are understood like structure, and recognize what they do to each other. However, slope has left all a leaf of conciliations, understandings and repairs that they will have to be reviewed to the light of spirit UEE.


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Durante años, el Distrito Federal no contempló en su modelo de ciudad el espacio público como una prioridad. La base para crear el espacio público es el suelo y en el Distrito Federal este es un grave problema, pues nos enfrentamos a un suelo privatizado al cual no se le da tratamiento de bien público y existen grandes inequidades en la distribución del espacio público en la ciudad. No obstante, ya se reconoció en el gobierno del D.F. la importancia del problema, aunque es indispensable concretar esa preocupación en proyectos específicos y aún más desarrollar algunos instrumentos para poder ejecutar las obras necesarias. ¿Qué es espacio público? ¿Qué grupos sociales afecta? ¿Para qué función urbana? Son preguntas claves que se constituyen en el núcleo de la formulación de la política. Es necesario redimensionar el problema a partir de la definición misma de un modelo de ciudad, dándole a la problemática una perspectiva territorial que le permita cumplir la función social, establecer una normatividad clara y vigente, una política de suelo transformadora y conservacionista, dotar con instrumentos financieros viables y asumir un liderazgo capaz de sobrepasar los intereses particulares.---Building a city within the big city: Mexico City’s challengerFor years Distrito Federal in Mexico not covered by the model of city public space as a priority. The basis for creating public space is the ground and in Distrito Federal this is a serious problem. We face a privatized land which no treatment is given public good. There are great inequities in the distribution of public space in the city. Already City Government recognized the importance of the problem although it is essential to landing that concern specific projects, but more so to develop some tools to execute the necessary works. What public space? Which social groups affected? What urban function? There are key questions that are in the trunk of policy formulation. Doing nothing does not seem the best option given the scale of the problem, and therefore it becomes necessary to resize the problem from the very definition of a city model giving the issue a territorial perspective to discharge social function, the establishment providing a clear and current land policy processing and preservation, financial instruments, and a leadership capable of overcoming special interests. Key words: Public space, privatized land, inequity, urban function, city model, rules.---Fazer cidade na grande cidade: o desafio do Distrito FederalDurante anos, o Distrito Federal não contemplou em seu modelo de cidade o espaço público como uma prioridade. A base para criar o espaço público é o solo e no Distrito Federal este é um grave problema, pois nós enfrentamos a um solo privatizado ao qual não se lhe dá tratamento de bem público e existem grandes inequalidades na distribuição do espaço público na cidade. No entanto, já se reconheceu no governo do D.F. a importança do problema, ainda que é indispensável concretizar essa preocupação em projetos específicos e ainda mais desenvolver alguns instrumentos para poder executar as obras necessárias. O que é espaço público? Quais grupos sociais afeta? Para que função urbana? São perguntas chave que se constituem no núcleo da formulação da política. É necessário redimensionar o problema a partir da definição mesma de um modelo de cidade, dando-lhe à problemática uma perspectiva territorial que lhe permita cumprir a função social, estabelecer uma normatividade clara e vigente, uma política de solo transformadora e conservacionista, dotar com instrumentos financeiros viáveis e assumir uma liderança capaz de superar os interesses particulares.Palavras chave: Espaço público, solo privatizado, inequalidade, função urbana, modelo de cidade, normatividade.


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A partir del estudio del sistema presidencial clásico y algunas de sus deformaciones en Latinoamérica, el presente artículo propone una definición del concepto de “ultrapresidencialismo” y avanza en el entendimiento de los diversos factores que lo pueden ocasionar.---Defining and explaining ‘ultrapresidencialism’: towards the construction of a public-policy problemAfter reviewing the Classic Presidential System and some of its distortions in Latin America, this article proposes a new definition of the concept “ultrapresidentialism” and advances in the understanding of the different factors that may cause it.Key words: ultrapresidentialism, presidential system, balance of power, checks and balances, public policy problem definition.---Definição e fatores do ‘ultrapresidencialismo’: para a construção de um problema de política públicaA partir do estudo do sistema presidencial clássico e algumas de suas deformações em Latino América, o presente artigo propõe uma definição do conceito de “ultra-presidencialismo” e avança no entendimento dos diversos fatores que podem ocasioná-lo.Palavras chave: ultra-presidencialismo, sistema presidencial, equilíbrio de poderes, freios e contrapses, definição de problemas de política pública.