2 resultados para Continuous training
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate if the intervallic exercise near to the maximum of intensity in a similar fitness population and in women is more effective to improve aerobic capacity than the continuous one of smaller intensity. In order to do it, ten healthy women between 18 and 25 years habitual inhabitants of Bogotá city (located at 2600masl) were selected. They signed the informed consent and were divided randomly in two groups of five participants. They were undergoing to two traditional types of training of ten weeks, three times per week, one hour of duration every day. The continuous training group (Group 1) had a VO2peak intensity of 60%; for his part, the intervallic training group (Group 2) had five sessions of ten minutes of exercise at 70% of VO2peak and 90 seconds of recovery between each session. It was possible to demonstrate that, although the Cardiac Frequency (CF) average of group 2 participants during the exercise sessions were always over those of group 1, this difference was not statistically significant. In the same way, the basal CF and the recovery CF, as well as the VO2peak, did not have significant differences between both groups. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure average, as well as the Respiratory Frequency (FR) were always superior in group 2, and these differences were really significant. It was possible to conclude that there is not a significant difference in cardiovascular fitness between sedentary young women, after 10 weeks of two traditional types of aerobic training, one 60% continuous and other one 70% intervalic.
El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Bogotá el segundo semestre de 2012 para la empresa Haydear Ltda., en el cual se realizó un diagnóstico que contribuyó a generar una propuesta de mejoramiento de las estrategias comerciales de la empresa. Para ello se hizo una investigación de los aspectos macroeconómicos que tienen un impacto en la actividad de las agencias de aduana, junto con un análisis interno que permitió determinar el estado actual de la empresa. La investigación tuvo como resultado la formulación de un plan estratégico sustentado en la creación de alianzas estratégicas con empresas de la cadena logística, la implementación de un proceso de venta basado en relacionamiento, el mejoramiento del posicionamiento web, la capacitación continua del personal, posicionamiento de marca a través de imagen y promoción, administración de bases de datos y participación en ferias, congresos y simposios.