11 resultados para Cappella sistina (Vatican City) Collegio dei cappellani cantori. Archivio.
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Introduccin: La hipertensin arterial es un problema de salud pblica tanto en pases industrializados como en va de desarrollo. Su prevalencia en la infancia viene en aumento por lo que es relevante determinarla en nios preescolares a nivel local. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensin arterial en nios de tres a cinco aos de una cohorte de 14 hogares infantiles del ICBF de la localidad de Usaqun en Bogot. Materiales y mtodos: Se realiz un estudio de corte transversal analtico, utilizando la base de datos de un ensayo aleatorizado y controlado del ao 200913, y se evaluaron las cifras de tensin arterial de acuerdo a sexo, edad, talla y su correlacin con el IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95% y precisin del 1%. Se calcularon las medias, desviaciones estndar, percentiles y prevalencia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 1035 casos, encontrndose una prevalencia de 4,5% de HTA sistlica, 10,4% de diastlica, ambas en estadio I; teniendo en cuenta tanto sistlica como diastlica, fue de 11,6% en estadio I. Se determinaron los valores de presin arterial sistlica y diastlica en cuartiles de acuerdo a edad, sexo y talla. El coeficiente de correlacin entre el IMC y los niveles de presin arterial sistlica y diastlica fueron de 0.0992 y 0.0362 respectivamente. Conclusin: La prevalencia de HTA general fue de 11,6%, predominando la diastlica en estadio I en nios preescolares. No se encontr correlacin entre el IMC y las cifras de tensin arterial sistlica y diastlica.
The Staphylococcus spp. they can cause a wide range of infections systemic and located in community and hospital patients. Its high pathogenicity and growing resistance to multiple antimicrobials including methicillin, causes high morbiditymortality rates, causing a high epidemiological impact. Objective: to determine the phenotypic profile of resistance to different antimicrobials in strains of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Materials and methods: collected 75 strains and determined them susceptibility to different antibiotics by the Kirby-Bauer method. The production of betalactamasecheck using the nitrocefin test. (Resistance to Methicillin in S. aureus was conductedusing Mueller Hinton with 4% NaCl and oxacillin 6 g/mL). Inducible clindamycin resistance tamizo by D-Test test. Results: they were isolated by 38% of staphylococcus coagulase negative (SNA) and 62% of S. aureus. 53% were penicillin resistant staphylococci: S. aureus with 58% and 42% SNA. 47% of the strains showed resistance to methicillin: S. aureus with 61% and SNA with 39%. A strain of S. aureus showed inducible resistance to clindamycin (1.33%). Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated mostly from blood samples (31%), blood (29%), tip of catheter (5%) and came mostly from neonatal ICU (25%), medical (21%) and surgery (16%).Conclusions: S. aureus and SNA were isolated with greater frequency in blood and wounds from surgery and neonatal ICU. The predominant resistance phenotypes were penicillin and oxacillin.
A descriptive, case series intervention study was performed to identify changes in physical qualities, aerobic power, flexibility, strength and body composition amongst 20 elderly subjects belonging to the Club Nueva Vida in Tunja City, during the second period of 2005. A PRE and POST assessment of their physical qualities was applied after a 16 week physical exercise program.Results showed an increase in the average of the static muscle streneth from 0.27 to 0.30 Newtons. Standard deviation diminished in 0.1. The dynamic strength measure by the push up test improved in 10% a 35% improved in 10% a 35% improved their. Cardiovascular capability until to high levels of 80% there were not significant changes in the body weight between measures taken before and after the program application. The results obtained with the sit and reach test did not show statistically significant differences. Hower in other flexibility tests the results changed from bad ranges to middle and good ones. The enrolled population was stable during the development of the exercise program. This study concludes that elderly adults acquire changes in their physical quality features after exercise intervention. Physical exercise programs in elderly adults must involve strength activities for upper limbs, trunk and aerobic power activities. The Beliefs Health Model is a adherence to reach compliance and maintenance in physical exercise.
Knowledge management has been one of the topics of greatest interest in the field of organizational studies in recent years. The objective of this research is to analyze the adoptionof knowledge management practices and their relation to human resource policies. The study was carried out in companies operating in the city of Monteria from a quantitative analysis.
The current housing problems in the city of Buenos Aires revolves around two phenomena, the precariousness and the evictions, in a context that is conceived like housing emergency. In response to this situation, some institutional organisms and certain social organizations with territorial roots in the south of the city, began to take forward actions of resilience opposing to the massive evictions, which take place as consequence of the real-estate pressure, and were concerning to the hotels, pensions, tenancies, and usurped houses of this zone of the city. It will be analyzed the actions of resilience displayed by them in their individual and collective dimensions and their relation to housing policies.
The modern citieshave been born of the processes of industrialization, urbanization, which have been characterized by violence, resulting in social inequality, spatial segregation, the struggle for survival, the authoritarianism of the government and the establishment of exclusive orders genre, which has prevented the enjoyment of the rights differential. In order to understand these complexities and transform power relations that develop and reproduce it, this article analyzes the main theoretical contributions and methodological approaches that feminist and gender studies have been conducted on the city, urban space and the right to city, which are valuable contributions to the definition of the right to the city of women as a collective right to universal construction
The document refers to the San Francisco river canalization and subsequent construction of the Avenida Jimnez de Quesada. Understanding that the project was ascribed to the modernizing policy of the time, the investigation identifies the different stages in the canalization process, and shows its relations with the spatial structure of the city and the local conditions that developed on the river surroundings. The financing of the project through the property increase duty permits an illustration of the progress of canalization and construction of the Jimnez Avenue process, providing a less technical and more social meaning to the sequence in which the project executed. Consequently, the document approaches the shaping dynamics of Bogots spatial structure at the beginning of the XX century.
In Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, most of urban displacements happen through semi formal public transportation: small and medium capacity vehicles operated by small private enterprises, through a concession scheme. This kind of public transportation has been playing a major role in the Mexican capital. On one hand, it has been one of the conditions for urbanization to be possible. On the other hand, despite its uncountable deficiencies, public transportation has allowed for a long time the whole population to be able to move within this huge metropolis. However, that important function with regards to integration has now reached its limits in the most recent suburbs of the city, where a new mode of urbanization is taking place, based on massive production of very big social housing gated settlements. Public transportation tends to constitute here a factor of exclusion and households meet with important difficulties for their daily mobility.
La corrupcin sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI. Su incidencia reduce la eficacia de la inversin, aumenta el valor de los bienes y servicios, reduce la competitividad de las empresas, vulnera la confianza de los ciudadanos en el ordenamiento jurdico y sobre todo condena a la miseria a quienes deben ser destinatarios de las polticas pblicas.Sin embrago, la lucha que han realizado muchos gobiernos y funcionarios judiciales contra este fenmeno ha modificado sus formas de aparicin, pues es cada vez menos frecuente la apropiacin directa de los caudales pblicos o la entrega de sobornos a los funcionarios, prefirindose mtodos mucho ms sutiles como los sobrecostos, la subcontratacin masiva o la constitucin de complicadas sociedades, en las cuales tienen participacin los funcionarios pblicos o sus familias.Este libro constituye un esfuerzo por el estudio jurdico y criminolgico de la corrupcin y los delitos contra la administracin pblica en Europa y Latinoamrica y rene la seleccin de los temas penales ms relevantes de la tesis doctoral del profesor Carlos Guillermo Castro Cuenca, denominada Aproximacin a la Corrupcin en la contratacin pblica y defendida en la universidad de Salamanca en febrero de 2008, con lo cual obtuvo la calificacin de sobresaliente por unanimidad.
This thesis theoretically studies the relationship between the informal sector (both in the labor and the housing market) and the city structure.
El aggiornamento de la Iglesia Catlica con los signos de los tiempos, llev a la institucin eclesistica a proponer, a la luz del Evangelio, soluciones cristianas para los problemas del gnero humano en el mundo moderno. El catolicismo se reconcilio as con el mundo moderno, trasladndose de su posicin intransigente, propia del proceso de Romanizacin de la Iglesia Catlica del siglo XIX, hacia una apertura de las ventanas de la Iglesia para que entrara el aire del mundo. Con el Concilio Ecumnico Vaticano II, la Iglesia posibilit pensar en la existencia de un puente entre el catolicismo y la izquierda en Colombia, abrindose al dilogo con visiones de mundo que tradicionalmente haba rechazado. Con ello se fue cerrando la brecha entre el catolicismo y la orientacin ideolgica poltica de izquierda en el pas, permitiendo pensar en la posibilidad de ser catlico y de izquierda en el contexto poltico Colombiano.