4 resultados para Atribuição de causalidade
em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
The present work exposes a review about the performance of the “traditional” thesis(Naturalistic) of the swindle crime in front of the needs of the present’s Political Policy.For this system, the various frauds’ elements require a causal relationship. Today itmight be wondered whether this solution is desirable, i.e. whether respond efficientlyto the problematic assumptions that the contemporary business practices raises.
This study examines the notion of permanent object during the first year of life, taking into account the controversy of two approaches about the nature of change: developmental change and cognitive change. Using a longitudinal/cross-sectional design, tasks adapted of the subscale of permanent object and operative causality of the Uzgiris-Hunt Scale (Uzgiris and Hunt, 1975) (Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975) were presented to 110 infants of 0, 3, 6 and 9 months-old, which reside in three cities of Colombia. The results showed three types of strategies: (a) Not resolution; (b) Exploratory and (c) Resolution, which follow different trajectories in children’s performance. This allows affirming that adaptive conquests of the cognitive development stay together with the variety of strategies. Using strategies reveals adjustments and transformations of action programs that consolidate the notion of permanent object not necessarily with age, but with self-regulatory processes. Empirical evidence contributes to the understanding of the relations between the emergence of novelty in the development and performance variability
Mediante la combinación de métodos de análisis comportamental y lingüísticos se estudió la relación entre el uso del lenguaje y los patrones atributivos en jóvenes y niños colombianos en distintas etapas de su desarrollo y en diferentes contextos regionales. Se midió la producción de juicios atributivos con el fin de analizar el rol relativo de factores del desarrollo y socioculturales en la complejidad de la producción lingüística y las tendencias de agresividad indirecta. En segundo lugar, se evaluó si los patrones observados en Colombia reproducen los reportados en otras partes del mundo. Los resultados muestran que, de manera consistente con la literatura, existen diferencias en la complejidad del lenguaje producido en distintas etapas del desarrollo y en las tendencias y valencias de juicios atributivos en distintos contextos regionales de Colombia. Se desprenden dos hipótesis emergentes: 1) Existen elementos del neurodesarrollo que influyen en el dominio competente del lenguaje evidenciados a través de patrones universales de desarrollo tardío. 2) El contexto sociocultural es un factor determinante en la elección de juicios atributivos y patrones de agresividad indirecta.
This paper examines the workaholism phenomenon in different work situations in Colombian company. Workaholism was defined as the individual’s steady and considerable allocation of time to work, which is not derived from external necessities (1). The research studies about workaholics and workaholism have been increasing a lot in the last years (2). Workaholism is an addiction that actually is affecting a lot of people around the world and has serious consequences in personal life, in the community and also in economy. Some of these researches are directed to explore ways to diagnose when a person is workaholic and when this situation may affect the performanceof the individual in work, daily life activities and especially in psychosocial area. Objective: this pilot study contributes to identify if Colombian workers present the main characteristicsof workaholism and if the job they perform is related to the presence of the characteristics of this addiction. Materials and method: for this pilot study used the Dutch Work Addiction Scale(DUWAS), this test suggests when a person has work addiction, trough the evaluation of two main components working excessively and working compulsively. Results: the study find differences for the two groups: the 67% of the AE group are over the average while only the 33% of the members of the O group are over it. Conclusions: these percentages show that the combinations of the components of workaholism are more evident in the population belonging to the administrative/executive jobs group, giving evidence that workaholism is presented in greater proportion in the population performance management positions.