3 resultados para Amplitude measurement

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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Objective: To determine the effect of ankle joint mobilization on the H reflex amplitude of thesoleus muscle in people with spasticity. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study withcrossover design and simple masking was conducted in 24 randomized subjects to initiate thecontrol or experimental group. Traction and rhythmic oscillation were applied for five minutesto the ankle joint. H wave amplitude changes of Hoffmann reflex (electrical equivalent of themonosynaptic spinal reflex) was assessed, stimulating the tibial nerve at the level of the poplitealfossa and recording in the soleus muscle. In each subject 12 measurements were taken: basalrate, during and after mobilization. Changes in H reflex amplitude were calculated in relationto basal measurement. For each measurement a hypothesis test was performed (Student t test).Results: In groups of patients with brain injury and incomplete spinal cord injury, a significantdifference was found between measurements of both studies, concerning variation in H reflexamplitude during the application of joint mobilization techniques, with a decrease in the experimentalgroup and an increase in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences werefound after mobilization therapy. Patients with complete spinal cord injury showed no significantdifferences in any measurements. Conclusion: We demonstrate the effectiveness of jointmobilization in the decrease of H reflex amplitude in patients with brain injury or incompletespinal cord injury during the mobilization maneuver, but no residual effect after completion ofthe trial. This research showed no evidence regarding excitability reduction in complete spinalcord injury. We suggest that therapeutic interventions to decrease muscle tone based on the jointmobilization should be reconsidered.


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Los potenciales evocados cognitivos son mediciones electrofisiológicas relacionadas con procesosque tienen que ver con ciertas funciones cognitivas. El potencial cognitivo P300 está específicamenterelacionado con procesos de atención. Objetivo: identificar valores para la latencia y amplitud deonda P300 en una muestra de individuos colombianos y describir su comportamiento con respectoa edad, género y escolaridad de los sujetos. Método: se estudiaron 122 sujetos sanos entre los 6 y80 años, se practicó medición del potencial según la metodología odd-ball, en las derivaciones Czy Pz. Resultados: se identificaron valores medianos, mínimos y máximos para diferentes gruposetarios y se estableció que la latencia de la onda P300 aumenta con la edad de los individuos yque, por el contrario, la amplitud de la misma tiende a disminuir. De igual forma, al correlacionarlatencia y amplitud, se evidenció una relación inversa. Conclusiones: no se encontraron diferenciaspara latencia y amplitud de onda relacionadas con el género ni la escolaridad de los sujetos, asícomo tampoco se halló diferencia al realizar la medición en la derivación Pz comparada con laonda obtenida en la derivación Cz.


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This is mainly a discussant paper on measurement criteria upon sector’s investment and capitalservices and the way these composition and measurement issues come to have an impact ongrowth figures for some major sectors of the Colombian economy. The main focus is on distinctionmatters regarding the measurement of capital stock and capital services in the productionprocess. The availability of appropriate data, widely discussed throughout the document, impliesthat major affirmations are more hypothetic than indicative or descriptive in style. Moststatements are established as a motivation device for studies on sector’s activities with a focus onconsistency with aggregate figures.