8 resultados para Adoção de inovaçães

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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The themes of this paper are equality, reasonableness and gender rights in the dynamics of two sequential and convergent processes: the constitutionalization of judicial law, and the internationalization of constitutional law. The thesis of this paper is that in the face of non-compliance of the obligation to regulate, guarantee and protect gender rights, the best option has been to strengthen judicial law, which has enabled the development of rules for protection, the adoption of contemporary methods of interpretation and adjudication of the law, as well as the resolution of shortfalls in protection based on said processes of the constitutionalization and internationalization of local law.


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The discussion about the freewill and determinism con- troversy in human behavior is an old one in philosophy and psychology. Despite the fact that discussions on the topic are abundant, some of its implications seem to go unnoticed by psychologists, and especially by students of psychology. We argue that to the same extent that a psychologist is far from the determinism he imposes -a priori and unnecessary-constraints on the development of psychology as a science and profession. As a result, we suggest that the adoption of determinism as a wor- king hypothesis, is an important attitude for the transformation of psychology into a more effective science and profession.


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Dentro de las actividades para el control de calidad en el laboratorio, los resultados finales de un analito en particular son considerados productos intermedios, dada la pertinencia otorgada al aseguramiento de la calidad como fin último de los programas de gestión de la calidad. Esta concepción precisa el establecimiento de instrumentos integrales para la detección de eventos como la contaminación cruzada y la adopción de medidas para evitar que se afecte la marcha analítica. Objetivo: el objetivo principal fue establecer un sistema para el monitoreo y control de la contaminación cruzada en el laboratorio de análisis microbiológico de alimentos. Materiales y métodos: la metodología empleada consistió en desarrollar diagramas de flujo para los procedimientos sobre el control de las poblaciones de mesófilos aerobios y mohos provenientes de la contaminación en los ambientes, superficies, material estéril y medios de cultivos. Dichos diagramas incluyeron un árbol de decisiones, diseñado para efectuar acciones de control con base en los intervalos de tolerancia, establecidos como herramienta objetiva hacia la toma de decisiones que normalicen los recuentos de las poblaciones microbianas en cuestión. Resultados: los límites de alerta más estrictos se obtuvieron para las poblaciones de mesófilos aerobios y mohos en los diferentes controles, excepto para el ambiente del área de preparación de medios y los correspondientes al material estéril. Conclusión: el proceso desarrollado permitió complementar el sistema de control de calidad interno en el laboratorio, al disponer de un medio objetivo para el cierre de no conformidades por contaminación cruzada.


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World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized physical activity (PA) as one of the mostrelevant strategies leading the decreasing prevalence of noncommunicable chronic diseases. Pedometer has emerged as one of the valid intervention programs, reliable and useful to assess,measure and promote the physical activity practice, through counts the number of steps perday. One of the aims is to establish the goals based on steps per day made by a person and thepositive feedback, which can generate behavior changes and adoption of healthy habits, from a regular physical activity practice perspective. This review attends to enhance the current state ofpedometer program, as an intervention one, in all kind of population; its health impact and theapplication methodologies, using the pedometer as a steps quantifier device, with feasible access,use and management. Additionally, the review will be useful as a framework to design futureresearch projects, aim to develop, adapt and apply evidence based pedometer protocols, insideclinical, academic and community context.


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Un gran número de reconocidas ciudades en el mundo han llegado a niveles excepcionalesde desarrollo económico y social apalancadas por innovaciones de punta. Para laregión de Poitou-Charentes, en Francia, la presencia del parque de atracciones Futuroscopeen la ciudad de Poitiers se ha convertido en una importante atracción turística que actualmente propone una incógnita: ¿es esta infraestructura suficiente para considerar elGrand Technopole de Poitiers como un exitoso cluster de alta tecnología?Para conseguir las condiciones que permitan consolidar este cluster de alta tecnología, laregión debe tener la posibilidad de articular, gestionar y gobernar agresivas estrategias deinnovación.Con base en los resultados de un estudio sobre varias ciudades innovadoras de todo elmundo, se identificaron mecanismos básicos que permiten romper con los paradigmas convencionales del crecimiento, por medio de innovaciones revolucionarias que permitentener rendimientos de clase mundial, una marca de prestigio global y el estatus de polo éxitosode innovación tecnológica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran las características delos tecnopolos existentes, que deben de potencializarse para conseguir un posicionamiento de clase mundial para la región.


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Knowledge management has been one of the topics of greatest interest in the field of organizational studies in recent years. The objective of this research is to analyze the adoptionof knowledge management practices and their relation to human resource policies. The study was carried out in companies operating in the city of Monteria from a quantitative analysis.


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This article presents the results of a research project undertaken to obtain a Masters inBusiness Administration from the Business School at the Universidad del Norte, whosepurpose was to identify and test a methodology to measure the impact exerted by thechange from 2nd to 3rd generation mobile tech, based on the perception of users belongingto Barranquilla SME, motivated by the influence of technological changes in behavior andthe knowledge creation among society members, and the importance it has taken to thesurvival of organizations the adoption of applications for process automation, web-basedapplications, voice, data and video that allow the development of competitive advantages,based on information and creativity for new and better products or services.


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Different studies has aimed the understanding of the causes that lead some cities, regions or territories to develop themselves, whereas others remain stagnant or get back. One starts from the presupposed that the development results from the standard of social territorial organization, this one capable to provoke collective territorial innovations, as a result of the institucional density, that is, from the local capacity to constitute relations in chain. The present análisis is centered in the municipality of Sarandi/RS/ Brasil, that from the nineties has enterprised a trajectory of uncomum development. From a serious situation of social economical crisis in the previous decades, its social economical and institutional actors, in a way of chain, were capable to reason a collection of initiatives that resulted in the structure of a microcluster in the department of clothes industry, counting today around 50 companies and the institutions of support minimally necessaries.